
Four voices in succession sounded, shaking this world.

“This is the voice of the vice-president of the Fourth Academy!”

There was an uproar in Holy City, and everyone was relieved. After all, the battle happened in Holy City, and naturally it was impossible to escape the Fourth The eyes of the vice-presidents of the hospital.

“Yang Xuan, would you like to join my Azure Dragon Academy?”

Just as the city was full of tumult, a strong voice came, and the crowd knew what they said without thinking He is a certain deputy dean of Azure Dragon Academy.

“Don’t hide from the deputy dean, the kid’s cultivation technique is Fire Attribute cultivation technique, and the awakened person is also the flame Martial Spirit, so he is preparing to enter the Vermilion Bird Academy.”

Yang Xuan said truthfully, Tactfully declined the other party’s invitation.

“haha, Yang Xuan, it is absolutely wise for you to join my Vermilion Bird Academy, and only my Vermilion Bird Academy can make you grow better, and I have the most beautiful female students in Vermilion Bird Academy , Whoever squeaks you fancy, the old man is the master for you, to ensure that you hold the beautiful girl.”

Laughter is like a rolling thunderbolt, resounding through the world, making many Vermilion Bird Academy fans The students didn’t know whether to cry or laugh for a while. They already knew that the person who was speaking was the vice-president of their Academy, Hong Jincheng, who was always an old and disrespectful.

“many thanks, deputy dean.”

Yang Xuan resisted a smile, but involuntarily glanced at Yi Xiu’er.

The little fox girl saw his eyes drifting from her, her exquisite lovable body couldn’t help but tremble, a charming and pretty face flushed with fire.

Looking at the little girl shyly answering, Yang Xuan smiled knowingly, loudly said: “Associate deans, the kid got a Sovereign level war puppet, I would like to lend it to the Fourth Academy for research.”

After the battle with Tyrant Wudao, the too ancient formation text in the war puppet is on the verge of collapse, and it is estimated that it will be wiped out soon.

Instead of staying on the body and waiting for it to be scrapped, it is better to lend to the Fourth House to ask for some favors. This must be the case. In Sacred Domain Great World, there are really not many people who dare to feel bad about themselves.

Although he looks like a teenager, Yang Xuan is a man of two generations, mature in mind, and understands what is best for him now.

Chapter 474 is very interesting here

“Yang Xuan, are you really willing to take out the Sovereign level battle puppet!?”

Hong Jincheng’s voice I was a little surprised, after all, this is a treasure handed down from the ancient times.

“Since the kid said, he won’t break his promise, but the Sovereign level battle puppet has been broken. If the Fourth Courtyard is successfully repaired in the future, I hope it will be returned to me.”

“No problem.”

“You don’t have to worry about this at all. Our fourth hospital only wants to study the too ancient formation in the war puppets, and will never take this as our own.”

“Yes, you think too much, but if you want to repair the Sovereign level battle puppet, I am afraid it will be difficult to do in a short time.”


The dean spoke one after another.

“No matter whether it can be repaired or not, the kid will lend this thing to the Fourth Courtyard for three years.”

Yang Xuan said, with a movement of thought, a little golden figure appeared in his hand.

Small golden slap is big, lifelike, and the whole body is brilliant.

This is the original form of the Sovereign level war puppet, which contains mysterious and unfathomable too ancient formation, which is of great research value.

“Sovereign level war puppet!”

Many people have fiery eyes and dry mouth, but no one dares to mess around.

Don’t say that Yang Xuan now fish leaping over the dragon gate, apprentice half-step Emperor Feng Qingyang.

As for the Fourth House, it was not their offense.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan expression remains the same. First, the recognizing Master relationship is cancelled, and then the little golden man is thrown high in the south.

“haha, good, good, you brat is very good.”

A big invisible hand reached out and grabbed the little golden man.

“Hong Jincheng, this Sovereign level battle puppet is shared by our four houses, don’t keep it private.”

Western Void, the vice president of White Tiger Academy reminded.

“Don’t worry, I will send this thing to the temple later, and we will study it together by the Refiner Master and Array Master of the Fourth Hospital.”

Hong Jincheng said.

In the mainland of Sacred Domain, although the four houses compete with each other, at the beginning of the establishment of the four houses, the Big Four Old Dean made an agreement to require the four houses to never confront each other. When the first house is in danger of annihilation, the other three houses must do their best to help.

It is precisely because of this agreement that the Fourth House has been able to stand firm for a long time in millions of years.

And the temple is jointly established by the four houses. Each Palace Lord is selected from the four houses for a term of one hundred years. There are not only many Refiner Masters and Array Masters, but also various capable people. Expert gathered.

“Young Master, let’s go.”

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