Yang Xuan shook the head. His accomplishments on sword dao are extremely high, and he also comprehended Slaughter Sword Intent. Even if he doesn’t use Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, he can still detect Solitary Isolated Sect’s Destruction Sword meaning.

Solitary Isolated Sect hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said: “I take this bet, let’s start now!”

“No hungry, I am a little hungry now, I can eat something Can you compare it again?”


“Little Fox Girl, let me prepare for it. It doesn’t need to be too rich, just fill your stomach.”

Yang Xuan grinned at Yi Xiuer beside him when he saw Solitary Isolated Sect got the bait.

“Know that you guy has to eat after every cultivation, so I have ordered people to prepare food and drink, let’s go.”

Yi Xiu’er stunned Yang Xuan charmingly At a glance, he took everyone to the dining hall.

The manor is very large, the back garden burned by Yang Xuan is just a tip of the iceberg, and the dining hall is located in the northwest corner of the manor. There are several chefs from the Yi Family who have superb cooking skills. The food is delicious.


The banquet is very rich and fragrant.

Everyone pushed their cups and changed their cups, and enjoyed the wine.

During the period, Yang Xuan and Li Ningwei, Solitary Isolated Sect, and Qianzui frequently clinked glasses.

The three of them have had a fateful relationship with Dongfang Yun and He Shaotian, and their temperaments are quite appetizing for Yang Xuan. Besides, everyone is young, and they will become familiar after a few glasses of wine.

Yi Xiu’er appeared to be very quiet, but whenever someone had a bottom of the glass, she would pick up the flask and fill it up.

Little Fox Girl enjoys this atmosphere very much, and her eyes float to Yang Xuan from time to time.

Yang Xuan’s eyes are sharp, and when she sees her secretly looking at herself again, she can’t help laughing: “Little Fox Girl, I know my charm is great, but you don’t need to keep peeping at me?”

“Who is spying on you, you are really narcissistic.”

Yi Xiuer’s face is thin, not to mention the presence of Dongfang Yun, a pretty face made of powder and jade suddenly charming Di, ashamed to want to escape.

Dongfang Yun looked at several people, and they all understood that Yi Xiuer was first awakening of love, and they all smiled without breaking.

“I am always very narcissistic.”

Yang Xuan touched the tip of his nose, not ashamed but proud, and asked casually: “Everyone, I was a cultivation member not long ago At that time, I seemed to see a huge black shadow on the Supreme Sun Star. I don’t know if you have ever seen it?”

“Why haven’t you seen it? It’s a Three-legged Golden Crow, and it’s cultivated. How many years, Ancient Great Monster whose strength is comparable to the powerhouse of the Emperor Realm.” Qianzui said.

“It turned out to be a Three-legged Golden Crow!” Yang Xuan was secretly moved.

“It is said that in the ancient times, our Sacred Domain Great World had a Sun God Palace. This palace is located on the Supreme Sun Star, and the Guardian God beast in Sun God Palace is a Three-legged Golden Crow. “Dongfang Yun opened the mouth and said.

“There is still this thing, so that said, the Three-legged Golden Crow has lived for dozens of millions of years!?”

Yi Xiu’er was surprised.

“The Three-legged Golden Crow is an ancient Divine Bird with a long life span. It’s not a problem to live for dozens of millions of years. But in my opinion, the Three-legged Golden Crow on the Supreme Sun Star Crow should be its offspring.”

“Dare to ask Brother Dongfang, what is this Sun God palace?”

Yang Xuan pupil light is profound, compare this so-called Sun God palace curious.

“No one knows what Sun God Palace is. Its origins are too old. It can be traced back to the ancient times. Some people say that it is a secret treasure, and some people call it the head of a major school in the ancient times. The supreme palace.”

Dongfang Yun said: “These are just speculations, it is impossible to tell whether they are true or false, but it is true that there are countless treasures in the Sun God palace. It is said that there is also a rare Dao of Fire. Kind.”

“Dao of Fire kind, what is this?” Yi Xiu’er stared with apricot eyes.

He Shaotian, Li Ningwei, Qianzui, Solitary Isolated Sect and the others, also looked towards Dongfang Yun together.

They have seen out of the ordinary, but it is also the first time they have heard of Sun God Palace and Dao of Fire.

“I don’t know what kind of Dao of Fire is. According to legend, if someone gets this, he can dominate the fires of the world, and he can also swallow all kinds of flames to strengthen himself. It is extremely powerful, even The emperor will also be moved.”

Yang Xuan picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the drink, and asked: “Surely the emperor had the idea of ​​hitting the Sun God Palace?”

“Why not, but it’s all dead. No one is the opponent of Three-legged Golden Crow, especially on the Supreme Sun Star. Three-legged Golden Crow can absorb Supreme-Yang True Fire, and its strength will explode exponentially. , The emperor has to destroy both body and soul.”

Speaking of which, Dongfang Yun paused and continued: “The reason why we Sacred Domain Great World often break out solar storms is because of the Three -legged Golden Crow stirs the wind and the rain, otherwise solar storms will be so frequent, especially in the past 100,000 years, there have been several terrible solar storms.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan’s mind My thoughts flashed, I always felt that the Three-legged Golden Crow on Supreme Sun Star was a bit weird.

But thinking about it, he couldn’t think of a person why he came. He simply stopped thinking about it, drinking and chatting with everyone, and talking about other topics.

Several men gathered together, and when they talked, they naturally inevitably talked about women. Yang Xuan also learned from Qianzui that there are some beautiful women in the fourth courtyard.

Until Yi Xiu’er couldn’t listen anymore and yelled at a group of perverts, they stopped talking about other women.


Time passed slowly, Li Ningwei and Qianzui were curious, and couldn’t help asking about Yang Xuan’s origins, but Yang Xuan did not answer truthfully. Just saying that I came from a remote place.

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