“Don’t ask him, he is a mysterious kid, he must be from Outland.” Yi Xiuer tenderly snorted and said.

“So smart, I do come from a foreign domain.”

Yang Xuan smiled at Yi Xiu’er, and didn’t say anything more about this question, and started eating and drinking with Dongfang Yun.

In the past one hour, everyone was full of food and drink, and Solitary Isolated Sect stood up and said: “Yang Xuan, let’s fight.”

“Go to the Mirage Terrace, it’s safer there, After all, it is a sword, a bad one will hurt your life.”

He Shaotian said.

The sword master kills, and the two swordsmen fight their swords, and accidentally cause casualties.

“Let’s go, I’ll open the Mirage Terrace.”

Although Yi Xiu’er knows Yang Xuan is great, she is also worried about his injury.

Chapter 478 Ai Shun Change

Illusory Land, as its name implies, is an imaginary formation, located in the center of a lake to the south of the manor.

When Yi Xiu’er used hundreds of Spirit Stones to stimulate imaginary formation, Yang Xuan and Solitary Isolated Sect body trembled on the lake center, Divine Soul came out of their bodies and came to a strange place.

This is an illusion space, above the sky was full of stars, the brilliance is shining, and underneath is a rigid battle stage suspended in the sky.


Solitary Isolated Sect is obviously familiar with the Mirage Terrace. With a flick of his wrist, a simple long sword appears.

Looking at the shape of the sword hilt, it was almost exactly the same as the long sword he was holding in his arms.

Although Yang Xuan entered the phantom stage for the first time, he was a man for two lifetimes and was no stranger to this imaginary formation. When he moved his mind, he had a very ordinary high grade Spirit Sword in his hand.

“This time we compare swords, we only compare sword technique.” Solitary Isolated Sect said, the whole fighting intent rises.

“Yes.” Yang Xuan nodded, making a please gesture.

Solitary Isolated Sect knows that the Yang Xuan sword technique is not vulgar, and did not say much. It suppressed the cultivation base to a level comparable to that of Yang Xuan, and swept in the air.

His speed is as fast as lightning, but his sword in your hand is faster.

People haven’t arrived yet, a sword light is like a shooting star scratching a shatter void, zooming in front of Yang Xuan’s eyes at extreme speed, pointing straight towards his door, extremely sharp and cold.

“Good sword technique!”

Yang Xuan cheered loudly, stabs that’s all in a normal way, but Solitary Isolated Sect seems to have practiced to have the words at hand, brought to the point of perfection.

Yang Xuan was not afraid, but very excited. The sword in his hand flicked upwards, tracing the fuzzy track, and bounced off the long sword of Solitary Isolated Sect with a sound.

However, this is the beginning.

Neither Yang Xuan nor Solitary Isolated Sect have ever thought that they could win each other with a single sword.

dang dang dang! ! !

one after another Gorgeous sparks flew, and the two of them moved around, waving their swords constantly, and fighting fiercely.

“Very well, your sword technique really did not disappoint me.”

Solitary Isolated Sect pupil light is like electricity, the more fights the more brave is, the long sword in hand is empty. hack.

This is a false move. The sword is on the way, and he stabs his wrists quickly, hitting Yang Xuan’s throat.

“Come well!”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows, take a pick and step forward.

The long sword in his hand swung swiftly in an instant, turning into a cold glow, blocking Solitary Isolated Sect’s killer sword, but also launched a sharp counterattack, the sword spurts sword energy, like a rainstorm pear blossom , A dozen consecutive lightning strikes towards Solitary Isolated Sect.

Solitary Isolated Sect fearless and dauntless, the sword power has changed, and the sharp sword in his hand is like a rush of electricity, turning into countless unrolled bolts of white silk, screaming with frightening waves, and Yang Xuan confrontation.

For a time, the two of them were enveloped in the sword shadow light curtain, which seemed to have become two Storm of Swords, ding ding dong dong collided, one after another strong wind swept away, between Heaven and Earth violent Wind erupted, sparks dazzling.

At the same time, outside the magic mirror stage, an image of more than ten meters in size appeared above the array.

I Xiu’er and Dongfang Yun can clearly see the battle between Yang Xuan and Solitary Isolated Sect through the video.

“I know that Yang Xuan’s sword technique is not weak!” He Shaotian exclaimed.

“Yes, I can actually tie Solitary Isolated Sect, which is a sword mad fight. This really makes people didn’t expect.” Thousand drunk smashed his mouth.

“A tie? This may not be necessary.”

He Shaotian thought of his fight against Yang Xuan’s fleshy body, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

“Why, neither of them can help each other, isn’t it a tie!?”

Li Ningwei astonished.

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