Yang Xuan skin is rough, flesh is thick, and didn’t dodge, let Yi Xiu’er beat herself, little girl’s strength is not strong, so it’s better to beat him Said it was a massage.

“Hit it, work harder, I am hurting!” Yang Xuan’s mouth made a wicked smile.

Yi Xiu’er put her fists away and cursed: “You Little Brat has so thick skin, it hurts.”

Yang Xuan laughed, staring affectionately at Yi Xiu’er and said “Silly girl, I promise you that I will take care of you forever and make you a happy woman.”

As if taking an oath, Yang Xuan lightly touched Yi Xiu’er’s clean forehead. With a serious face, he said: “Xiu’er, lifts the head to look at me.”

Hearing this, Yi Xiu’er was stunned and slowly raised her head to look at him.

On the handsome and elegant face, the two curved eyebrows are as brushed as paint, the dark and deep eyes, and occasionally two silver lights pass by, making people involuntarily addicted to it.

At this moment, Yi Xiu’er was stunned. Although the young man in front of her was not the most handsome man she had ever seen, his deep and translucent eyes attracted her deeply and made her hard to resist.

“Do you think I’m handsome?”

“Who thinks you are handsome, you guy is so stinky.”

“Okay, dare to scold me , See how I punish you.”

Yang Xuan gave a weird smile, while Yi Xiu’er was unprepared, he lowered his head and kissed her gently on her lips.

Yi Xiu’er trembled all over, and said in embarrassment: “bastard, let them go quickly, or they will be late.”

“You will be late if you are late, your cousin If you dare to scold you, I will help you teach her.”

“Is this what you said?”

“Of course it is true, but you are my good little wife. I will stand for you too.”

Yang Xuan’s ability to coax women can’t be said to be unparalleled in the world, but there are definitely not many people who can compare with him. In one sentence, let Yi Xiu’er be the first awakening of The little girl who loves is sweet in her heart.

However, she said while playfully pouting: “Who is your little wife, don’t talk nonsense, and my cousin is a divine force powerhouse, can you beat her? “

“If you can’t beat it, you will be yin. Anyway, you can’t let my Xiuer baby be scolded.”

“You, you are not allowed to call me like this in front of outsiders.”


“How do you call you?”

“Just call me Xiu’er.”

“hehe, okay, come on, Xiu’er baby , Let Husband kiss him again.”

“Ah, don’t…”

After having fun, Yang Xuan dressed up and rinsed briefly, and then accompanied the little fox The female rushed to play Martial Palace.


Vermilion Bird Academy occupies a very large area.

Compared with the outer courtyard, the inner courtyard is slightly smaller, but the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is richer and the environment is better.

Buildings rise from the ground, row upon row, connecting into one piece. Many of the palaces have Sumi arrays. They don’t look big, but you will find huge space inside.

It is like acting as Martial Palace. At a glance, it is a small palace as large as several hundred zhang, but the space in the hall is tens of thousands of square meters, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of students.

“Damn, are you still awake, can you go faster?”

“I said Senior, you called me up early in the morning to play Martial Palace Attend a class?”

“Do you know whose class is today?”


“Yi Qingwu.”

“What! Is our Academy number one beauty Elder class!?”

“No, let’s hurry up, or we will be late.”

At this moment, the sun is rising , The sky is already bright, and there is a lot of people on a square with carved columns and jade, and the noise is endless. Countless inner courtyard students are like going to a fair, rushing to the front door of the Martial Palace, which is very lively.

The gate of the temple is arched and it is as big as ten meters, but the gate is too big to be crowded.

Fortunately, everyone is a student, and they are still respectful, and there is no physical conflict, but quarrels are indispensable.

In a few minutes, at least thousands of people filed in and entered the Martial Palace.

However, the square is still overcrowded, and many students are vying to squeeze forward. Among them, young male students account for 90%.

In order to meet Yi Qingwu, these energetic guys were all beaten up.

Yi Qingwu, once a genius student in the inner courtyard, graduated a year ago, and then joined the prison hall, and now it is the youngest and beautiful prison hall in the Academy’s history, Elder, in the entire Sacred Domain continent. Quite famous, with many suitors.

Unfortunately, Yi Qingwu is committed to martial arts, not at all plans to get married, and dismisses any man.

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