“What are you squeezing? I am in a hurry to reincarnate!”

“Damn it, how do you talk, when I want to squeeze you, it’s all pushed by people behind. “

The closer you get to the gate of the palace, the quarrel becomes more intense, and conflicts even broke out in some places.

Chapter 484 Bohemian


Suddenly, shouting loudly, a young man walked calmly out of the Martial Palace. .

Then a dozen young men walked out quickly and quickly scattered behind the young men, standing in a row, blocking the temple door behind them.

Led by the young man, let’s not talk about it. The other dozen young men are all 25~26 years old, wearing uniform red robes, with a low cultivation base and a high cultivation base. He has reached the 8 Heavenly Layer, imposing manner tyrannical.

“Emissary from the Palace of Supervision!”

Many students stopped walking when they saw these red robe men, and the noise quickly disappeared.

At the same moment, the headed young man scanned the audience and said indifferently: “The hour has passed, please be early next time, you guys don’t make a lot of noise here, all go back.”


This person is about 27~28 years old, tall, with black hair like a waterfall, face like a jade sculpture, deep eyes, a tall nose, a beard on his lips, and a handsome face with a bit of cold Majesty, with a cultivation base of 4 Heavenly Layer of divine force.

Although she is also a red robe, she wears two exquisite badges the size of fists on her chest, each of which is engraved with a flying mini Vermilion Bird.

“Elder of the Second Star Superintendent Hall!” A few students were shocked.

In their Vermilion Bird Academy, the three halls of Elder are divided into four stars from low to high. The higher the star, the greater the power and the more generous the treatment.

Especially, Elder of the Three Great Halls and Two Stars has the right to cut first and then play to the students who committed the following crimes.

“Who is this person, he seems to be young, but his cultivation base has reached the divine force level 4 Heavenly Layer!”

Some students don’t seem to know who the young man is. Whispered inside.

“Shhh, keep it quiet. His name is Liu Jiangyuan. He was a student of the number one genius of the inner courtyard. He joined the prison hall a year ago and became a supervisor. He just didn’t expect it. In one year, he became a two-star Elder in the palace of prison.”

Someone said in a low voice.

Liu Jiangyuan was so arrogant when he was a student. Now he is a two-star Elder. Although his personality has converged, it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one’s character. Who wants If you provoke him, it will definitely not end well.

“Elder Liu, can’t you be accommodating? We all want to listen to Yi Elder’s class.”

“Yes, we came long ago because there are too many people. You can get in.”

In a brief silence, a few bold students loudly said.

They came early in the morning just to see Yi Qingwu. People have not seen it now, so naturally they are not willing to go home.

“Tell me again, the hour has passed, if anyone dares to say a little more, he will be fined to clean the inner courtyard for half a month.”

Liu Jiangyuan’s voice fell cold.

Their duty of the Hall of Supervision is to monitor the Academy. Any student whose words, deeds, dress, etc. violate the rules of the hospital, they have the right to punish them.

In addition, all the large-scale events that the Academy organizes are under their control.

“Ai, let’s go, next month 15th, we remember to come early.”

“Damn it, I Elder is giving a lecture. It’s his shit, he can’t help but also It’s too wide.”

“You don’t know that. He is the flower protector of Yi Elder. He has been pursuing Yi Elder for several years. Unfortunately, Yi Elder is famous for his iceberg beauty. I always don’t fake the color to him.”

“so that’s how it is, this person is also a scumbag, and they ignore you, and they insist on holding a hot face and sticking to their cold ass.”


While whispering, many students did not stay long, and turned around and left one after another, preparing to come again next month.

Performing Martial Palace everyday all Elder will give lectures, but Yi Qingwu will give lectures on the 15th of each month.

In the huge inner courtyard, only the class of Yi Qingwu will show the scene of vast crowd. Some people even come before dawn, just to enter the Martial Palace smoothly.

As countless students left one after another, no one in the crowd let out an exclamation.

“Look, isn’t that Yang Xuan? He actually came to attend the class!”

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. As the most dazzling new star on the mainland of Sacred Domain today, the name Yang Xuan can be described as like thunder piercing the ear and is well-known to every household.

As soon as someone yelled Yang Xuan’s name, everyone moved towards the entrance of the square, and two figures came into view.

Two people, one man and one woman.

Women are 15-16 years old, with exquisite facial features, red lips, white teeth, smooth, soft and glossy skin, and a pair of gazing eyes blooming brightly, bright and moving.

She is about 1.6 meters tall and five, with pale red wavy hair fluttering in the wind, and two fox ears faintly discernible.

Under the morning breeze, a neon feather skirt flies up, revealing two white jade legs, extremely dazzling, people can’t wait to hold it in their hands and play.

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