The woman is Yi Xiu’er.

Beside her, a teenager walked along.

Juvenile 17-18 years old, black hair draping over the shoulders, slender figure, a white robe tailored appropriately.

His facial features are well-defined, handsome, his eyes are shining like stars, the corners of his mouth are smiling while walking, and he walks calmly, as if he is coming to the world, and he is valiant and formidable looking.

Anyone who sees it has to praise a majestic appearance. He is very personable. It is Yang Xuan who accompanied Yi Xiu’er to attend the class.

“Is he just defeating the domineering Yang Xuan!?”

“It’s not about defeating, after all, dominance suppresses power, but the same realm is fighting for the front and domineering. It’s true that it’s hard to contend with him.”

“This is also amazing, talent can be said to be against the sky!”

“Geniuses are also divided into three or six or nine grades, and some people are destined Famous young and attracting worldwide attention, such as Yang Xuan. Although it is not the cultivation base of Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven, but has the legendary Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, the fleshy body is comparable to True Dragon cubs, and much stronger than ordinary treasures. Not to mention the fleshy body defensive power, the fleshly body strength alone is more than 40,000 catties!”

“Damn, this kid looks so weak, why does he have such a lot of strength!?”

“The news has already spread, how could it be false? It is said that before he went to war with the bully, he killed more than a dozen of his servants, and all of them were all unified. The cultivation base is definitely a genius when placed in our fourth hospital. The leader of Dong Fang even reached the Peak of Guiyi Realm and awakened the Twin Martial Spirit, but none of them were his opponents. He was knocked down like melons and vegetables. No one can cherry-pick the front.”

“Brother Zhang said, don’t be fooled by his appearance. This child looks bohemian, harmless to humans and animals, but in the bones proud Publicity, vicious and merciless, is inferior to the domineering.”

In the square, there was a loud voice.

It is the first time for overwhelming majority people to meet Yang Xuan. The enchanting young man who has defeated the overwhelming and apprentice the half-step emperor Feng Qingyang is full of curiosity, and they are all talking in whispers.

“Yang Xuan!”

Liu Jiangyuan narrowed his eyes and looked up and down Yang Xuan.

To say who is the most famous at this stage, it must be Yang Xuan.

Originally, Liu Jiangyuan thought he was overbearing, otherwise he would never lose to Yang Xuan.

But when I saw him today, he realized that Yang Xuan was not a vain name.

Just this unpretentious composure and calmness set him apart from ordinary teenagers.

How can an ordinary teenager be so calm under the gaze of thousands of eyes?

Liu Jiang stared at Yang Xuan far away, the more he looked, the more he felt this child out of the ordinary, and couldn’t help running the divine force, quietly using Qi Viewing Technique to spy.

Their Liu Family is a rich family in the mainland of Sacred Domain, and as the Liu Family Young Master, he naturally cultivated the powerful Qi Viewing Technique.

As the strange light flashed in his eyes, he could faintly see Yang Xuan within the body’s endless, boiling and roaring strong blood energy, and his face couldn’t help being moved.

Because, with his current cultivation base, there is no such terrifying energy and blood as Yang Xuan.

The strong blood and vitality means that the fleshy body is strong.

In other words, his fleshy body is not as good as Yang Xuan.

“This child is such a terrifying fleshy body!”

Liu Jiangyuan browsed tightly frowns, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

You must know that he was a number one genius student in the inner courtyard, and now he has the cultivation base of 4 Heavenly Layer in the divine force environment. However, his fleshy body is not as good as a newcomer of Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven. The students in the inner courtyard were shocked by this.

“Famous is not as good as meeting, this child has extraordinary temperament, Dragons Among Humans, it is no wonder that Feng Qingyang can be seen.”

“Ai, constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry Ah, it is said that Feng Qingyang is the Profound Truth of Comprehended Wind. This child worships him as a teacher. Sooner or later, he can comprehend the Profound Truth of Wind. When the time comes, the wind helps the fire, and the battle strength definitely increases exponentially.”

“Leave aside the Profound Truth of the wind, his fleshy body is too strong, it is said that it is not a natural treasure, which is really shocking!”

“Don’t forget that there is another one behind him The mysterious Emperor Realm Master must have cultivated some kind of strong body refinement secret technique, maybe some kind of body tempering divine medicine.”

Not only Liu Jiangyuan was surprised, but also a dozen young people behind him The men were not calm, whispering one by one, discussing spiritedly.

They used to be genius students in the inner courtyard, and now they are the messengers of the palace of death. Their vision is so harsh, they can see Yang Xuan’s out of the ordinary at a glance.

Finally, Yang Xuan defeated the domineering, and then he went to learn from Feng Qingyang, and there was even an emperor powerhouse Master behind him. How could it be a silver wax spearhead that was unsuccessful.

In their opinion, as long as Yang Xuan does not fall, he is destined to rise, and his future achievements will never be under Feng Qingyang.

“I see, you are now a big red, and there are people watching you wherever you go.”

Yi Xiu’er smiled like a flower, charmingly white Yang Xuan gave a glance, Unable to hide the affection.

Side boy is so good, what makes her feel sweet the most is that this boy is still her man.

“Let’s just look at it. Anyway, I won’t lose two pieces of meat.”

Yang Xuan didn’t care, but lazily smiled.

Since the awakening of past life memories, from Stars Island to Zhong Prefecture, from Zhong Prefecture to Sacred Domain mainland, he has been eye-catching wherever he went. He has become accustomed to this kind of thing, and he has not taken seriously.

“Damn it, I’m late, can you still laugh now?”

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