“Top VIP Order!”

Dongfang Yun several people were shocked.

This Yunxuan Pavilion is really generous, and as soon as he shot it, he gave Yang Xuan a big gift.

In front of the square, the crowd was also in an uproar, each with surprise and envy on their faces.

This is a top-level VIP order. It is rumored that Yunxuan Pavilion has given out a dozen of them so far.

These people who have top-level VIP orders, now either are big men with all influence, or cultivation base is high enough, none of them are general.

But right now, a weakly crowned teenager from Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven has unprecedented and got a top VIP order.

This is a status symbol!

Except for Yang Xuan, the entire Sacred Domain Great World may be difficult to find.

“Don’t be surprised, this child is Yang Xuan, Yunxuan Pavilion will naturally spare no effort to make friends.” Someone said.

Indeed, although Yang Xuan is young, he defeated the Blue Sky Tyrant Body, and not long ago, he severely damaged the Divine Soul of Youjia Young Master.

Even behind him, there are Feng Qingyang and a mysterious and abnormal Emperor Realm Master.

Let’s ask these people who are extremely talented, their battle strength is against the sky, and there are two strong young men behind Heaven’s Chosen, and there is that force who dares to offend, not only does not dare to offend, but also has to try to please.

“Many thanks to Qian Lao.”

Yang Xuan learned that this order was a top-level VIP order, but there was not much change on his face. He bowed his hand to Qian Hui and collected the token. Up.

“hehe, the auction is about to begin, Young Master Yang, please.”

Qian Hui saw Yang Xuan readily accept the token, with a big smile on his face. With Yang Xuan and Dongfang Yun they ascended the jade steps, and under the enviable gaze of countless people, they entered the Yunxuan Auction House.


The Yunxuan Auction House is very large, the ground floor is a primitively decorated lobby, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, spacious and bright.

In the lobby against the wall, there are rows of jade cabinets, which are filled with cheats, jade slip, medicine pill, weapons, etc. All kinds of items are beautifully packaged and look colorful and extremely dazzling .

“head steward!”

A few people just came in, a 17-18 years old, Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven, a pretty and enchanting maid in neon clothes, came full, To Qian Hui’s respectful give a salute.

“Little Bi, you take a few Young Masters to the top auction floor to find a top box.”

Qian Hui instructed.

Feng Qingyang and the mysterious emperor behind Yang Xuan don’t say, he himself is a young man with extraordinary talents, as long as he does not die, he is destined to rise in the future, and he is definitely not a problem.

In the face of this kind of juvenile evildoer, Qian Hui is extremely optimistic.

Even if there is no order from the Pavilion Lord of Yunxuan Pavilion, he will spare no effort to deal with it.

“What! Top box!?”

Xiaobi’s apricot eyes widened, and she covered her red mouth in surprise. The top box is only accessible to guests with top VIP orders. .

She looked at Yang Xuan and several people, and said to her heart that these young Young Masters still have top VIPs?

But when she saw Yang Xuan, her eyes flashed a bit of confusion, and she always felt that the young man in front of her looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

“What is frightened and flustered, this is the famous Yang Xuan Young Master Yang, you can wait to serve you well, if you dare to be negligent, the old man can’t spare you.”

Qian Huiqing was shouted.

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Xiaobi repeatedly said yes, and she looked at Yang Xuan frequently, with colorful eyes.

Although she is the maid of Yunxuan Auction House who specializes in receiving guests, she is not unfamiliar with the name Yang Xuan, and she finally understands why she is familiar with Yang Xuan.

It’s just that, it was the first time she saw Yang Xuan, and she felt that the young man in front of her was far more handsome than in the legend, and he was rich and dignified.

Qian Hui ignored the nymphomaniac Xiaobi and smiled apologetically at Yang Xuan, “Young Master Yang, the auction is about to begin, and the old man has to go to host the conference later, so he left first. “

“Old Qian, go ahead and work.” Yang Xuan said.

Qian Hui was slightly nodded, before leaving, he did not forget to confess that Xiaobi was taking good care of Yang Xuan.

Xiaobi watched Qian Hui go away, and then looked at Yang Xuan with beautiful eyes without blinking, and said, “Young Master Yang, a few Young Masters, please inside.”

After that, lead the way ahead and lead Yang Xuan and the others to the depths of the lobby.

There is a VIP room here, only hundreds of square meters in size, although the area is small and there are no furnishings, but there is a small Transmission Array inside.

This is the Transmission Array leading to the upper floor. Only Yunxuan Pavilion VIPs can enjoy it.

“I felt a little dizzy when I was teleporting. Several Young Masters paid attention.”

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