While speaking, Xiaobi used Spirit Stone to inspire Transmission Array.

There is a groove on the array of this Transmission Array. Just put ten Spirit Stones into it to open the Transmission Array.


There was a slight shaking, and everyone on the battlefield disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, there was a loud noise.

Yang Xuan opened his eyes, and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

This is a magnificent palace with a huge space, enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

Obviously, this is the top auction site of Yunxuan Auction House.

The entire auction house is carved with beams and paintings, splendorous and majestic, with a large number of colorful crystal lamps hanging on the top wall, and the ground is polished with marble, with various magnificent patterns engraved on it, all highlighting the construction of this The ingenuity of the owner of the venue.

In general, the structure of the auction site is a circular square, and the auction display stand is located in the center of the square. It is a jade platform with five-six zhang in length and width.

At ten zhang high above the display stand, there is a colorless and transparent crystal ball with several feet in diameter suspended.

This crystal ball has a built-in mirror array. All the movements of the auction host on the show stage, as well as any tiny details of the auction item, can be projected onto the crystal ball intact to form an image.

The guests present can have a clearer and more intuitive understanding of the auction item just by looking through the images in the crystal ball.

On the periphery of the display stand, there are a large number of animal skin soft chairs on the layered circular jade steps. In front of each animal skin soft chair, there is a jade table on which is placed some Spirit Fruits and refreshments. , For people to enjoy.

Compared with previous auctions, this time Yunxuan auction is full of guests and seats. Almost all the animal skin soft chairs are filled with people.

These people are men, women and children. The overwhelming majority are dressed in glamorous clothes, either rich or noble. The background is quite extraordinary. There are still a few people who don’t want others to see their faces and wear hats. In short, Three Sects are pretty Everyone has it.

At the top of the ring-shaped jade steps, there are hundreds of boxes decorated in primitive simplicity or luxury.

Different from the people on the jade level, those who can enter the box must at least have the Yunxuan Pavilion high-level VIP order, and there are more than a dozen larger boxes that only those with the top-level VIP order can enter. .

“Isn’t that Yang Xuan, he actually came to participate in the auction!”

“There will definitely be a lot of good things on the auction this time. What’s so strange for him to participate Is it?”

“He confronted You Fen’s pupil technique. It is said that Divine Soul was also seriously injured. It stands to reason that he should go back to recover.”

“You Fen It’s more injured than him, so it’s not here.”

“Oh, where?”

“Above, in the seventh box, you don’t need to look at it. There are restrictions on the box. , The people inside can see the outside, but the people outside cannot see the people inside.”

Looking at Yang Xuan at the entrance of the auction house, many people on the jade steps It is inevitable that there will be talks.

A lot of noises came, Yang Xuan expression was indifferent, remaining unmoved, under the guidance of Xiaobi, several people with Dongfang Yun came to box 13 outside.

Chapter 502 auction begins

Box 13 is located in the north, and is one of a dozen top boxes. The geographical position is excellent. Looking down, it can be the whole auction. Field taking in the entire scene.

“Little Bi, you don’t have to wait on you anymore. You can go back.”

“Young Master, Mr. Qian told me, let me take care of you.”

Xiaobi was at a loss, almost crying in a hurry, and looked at Yang Xuan pitifully.

Her father and mother died early, and there was a younger brother who was born with a disability to take care of. He had to sell himself to Yunxuan Auction House to serve as a maid serving tea and water and receiving guests.

Originally, she still imagined that she would wait for Yang Xuan and let Yang Xuan redeem her.

In this way, even if Yang Xuan is a personal servant, the younger brother at home will have the support from now on, so that she will not suffer and suffer with her.

Unfortunately, the wish is very good, but the reality is cruel. Yang Xuan did not even give her a chance.

“Go, I don’t need someone to wait, and if Qian Lao blames you, you will come to me and I will call for you.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, he There are already many women who don’t want to provoke any more romantic debts.

Furthermore, although Xiaobi has a pretty face and a good figure, it hasn’t been enough to make his heart beat.

“wu wu, Young Master, please, let me stay by your side and wait.”

Xiaobi fell to her knees with tears like rain.

“Ai, what are you doing, hurry up.”

Yang Xuan lightly sighed, reaching out to help Xiao Bi up.

Xiao Bi refused to get up, but Yang Xuan was too strong. She grabbed Yang Xuan’s arm with both hands and said: “Young Master, I know you are a good person, so please do me a favour, don’t rush Shall I go?”

Yang Xuan is a man of two generations, I can see that Xiaobi is a little girl with a miserable life experience, and has several points of softness in her heart.

When Dongfang Yun saw this, they blamed poor Xiaobi in their hearts. Qianzui said without thinking: “Brother Yang, did you just redeem Xiaobi?”

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