Solitary Isolated Sect was very cold, and he kept walking out of the box without even saying goodbye to Yang Xuan.

“This guy…”

Dongfang Yun are owned by several people, but they understand that the character of Solitary Isolated Sect has changed a lot from two years ago because of a man named Yu Xuan. woman.

It’s just that Yu Xuan is who are you. Does it look like Qian Xueqian?

“Cough cough, girl Qian, my friend has lost his lover and has a deep obsession. If you are fine, how about comforting him?”

Yang Xuan coughed dryly. .

“He has anything to do with me without his lover, so I won’t comfort him.”

Qian Xueqian blushed.

“Go, I know you are cold outside and hot inside. You are a kind girl.”

When Yang Xuan saw Qian Xueqian blushing, he knew there was a show, and smiled authentically.

“glib tongue, whatever you say, I won’t go.”

Qian Xueqian glared at Yang Xuan and walked out of the box quickly.

Yang Xuan let out her perception and found that she was following in the direction Solitary Isolated Sect was leaving, her smile on her face became brighter.

“This girl is chasing it!”

Zhang Yuntao’s perception is not as good as Yang Xuan, so he ran to the door and looked at it, and suddenly screamed.

“Does she like Solitary Isolated Sect?” Li Ningwei was dumbfounded.

“I don’t like it, it should be pure curiosity that’s all, but well, if a woman is curious about a man, then it is the beginning of fall.”

Yang Xuan carefreely smiled.

Dongfang Yun and the others are speechless, but thinking about it carefully, what Yang Xuan said is not wrong. A woman and a man often start with curiosity.

Zhang Yuntao was deeply impressed, and came to Yang Xuan with a smirk: “Brother Yang is young, but he has studied women thoroughly. When will I have time to teach my younger brother?”

He is obviously older than Yang Xuan, but he claims to be a little brother. He is not disrespectful to Yang Xuan.

“Teach you that you can, you can take care of your mouth first.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said, his eyes fell on the sword in his hand.

With the lessons learned from Feng Spirit Crystal, he did not dare to use Divine Soul, cautiously sinking a thought into it.

This is a desolate space.


A gust of wind swept the yellow sand in the sky, sweeping like a stormy sea, almost extinguishing Yang Xuan’s thoughts.

Chapter 506 Ancient Secret Treasure


Yang Xuan’s eyes are like electricity, looking through the yellow sand in the sky, I can only see the void in the distance At the top, a middle-aged man stands there.

This person is about thirty years old. He has a stalwart appearance and handsome appearance. There is a scene of stars collapsing between his eyes, which is extremely terrifying.

Although I don’t know how high the cultivation base is, these eyes alone give people a feeling of incomparableness.


Suddenly, the middle-aged man moved. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, a sword energy of about one inch long burst out of the sky, rising all the way to the storm, and instantly turning into a thousand zhang sword energy. Roll the land, unstoppable, kill everything.

Yang Xuan hadn’t reacted, his mind was cut into fly ash by sword energy.

“It’s terrifying sword energy, but what kind of sword array is this? The formidable power is much stronger than Punishing God Sword Array!”

Outside, Yang Xuan felt aroused Overwhelming waves.

He can feel that the sword energy is triggered by some kind of sword array, formidable power startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping.

“You brat is lucky. If this boy is not bad, it is probably Punishing God Sword Array.”

The purgatory boy suddenly sounded transmission.

“How do you know!?”


“Okay, but as you said, it’s really like Punishing God Sword Array.”

Yang Xuan did not say much to the purgatory boy, put away the sword in his hand, and looked out of the box, only to see that the auction was still going on in full swing.

As expected of Yunxuan Auction House, there are quite a few treasures.

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