Every item that appears will attract a lot of people to bid.

About one hour later, Qian Hui took out a jade slip. The jade slip was red all over, with a simple shape, and it was out of the ordinary.

“This jade slip is from the ancient Chiyan True Venerable…”

Qian Hui introduced the origin of the jade slip and said loudly: “Everyone, this ancient inheritance secret technique The base price is 200,000 Spirit Stone, and the price increase shall not be less than 50,000 Spirit Stone. Now bidding is started.”

“I offer 300,000 Spirit Stone.”




In Sacred Domain Great World, ancient inheritance secrets have always been rare.

Each door comes from an ancient powerhouse, not to mention that this is the inheritance secret technique left by the ancient and famous Chiyan True Venerable, destructive power can be imagined, and it immediately attracted countless people.

Yang Xuan spent two days in the library. He knew something about the ancient Chiyan True Venerable. He knew that this was a Supreme Realm powerhouse. It was said that he had skipping grades to kill and had a great power in the world, battle strength Extremely strong.

“500,000 once, 500,000 twice, are there any bids?” Qian Hui asked loudly.

“I will give 1,000,000!”

Dongfang Yun picked up the bidding stone and said.

“Damn, 1,000,000, are you crazy?”

Qianzui exclaimed.

“Yes, although this ancient inheritance secret technique is good, it can take as little as six months to several years if you want to practice it.”

He Shaotian said.

“This thing, I will definitely get it.”

Dongfang Yun gritted his teeth.

This is the secret technique of Fire Attribute inheritance left by the ancient Chiyan True Lord, which is stronger than the various Fire Attribute secret techniques in the Vermilion Bird Academy Collection Hall. Since he encounters it, he can’t miss it.

“Is there any offer? If not, this ancient inheritance secret will belong to the Dongfang Young Master in Box 13.”

Qian Hui remembers Dongfang Yun. The voice, loudly said.

After a while of silence, You Fen’s voice came from box No. 7, “I’m out of 2,000,000 Spirit Stone!”

“You Fen, you bully intolerably!”

“Damn, you relied on the Spirit Stone a lot and played with us deliberately, didn’t you?”

Dongfang Yun, Li Ningwei, Qiandrunk, grabbed Dongfang Yun’s bidding stone one after another, and directed towards seven You Fen in Box No. screamed.

It’s really hateful. You Fen obviously doesn’t have any demand for this ancient inheritance secret technique, but he wants to bid deliberately. Isn’t this deliberately bullying?

Yang Xuan was also angry and caught the outcry stone, coldly said: “Is there more Spirit Stone than anyone else, I will pay 3,000,000.”

“4 million!”



“haha, I surrender, this ancient inheritance secret technique belongs to you.”

Yang Xuan laughed heartily, each minding their own business Authentic:

“It’s just a Fire Attribute secret technique. I am so much stronger than this. My brother’s bid of 1,000,000 Spirit Stone is too much, but you It costs 6,000,000 Spirit Stone to buy it.”


You Fen was furious. He wanted to wait for Yang Xuan to call 7,000,000 and then give up. Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan would choose the timing. It’s great, fiercely cheated him.

“This child is nothing like a boy!”

“Young boy? Who would treat him as a yellow mouth child, that would be bloody!”

“Yeah, even the domineering has been miserable by him, and he must not be unyielding to leave. Although this You Fen has a deep heart, but compared with him, it is still something not up to par.”

Auction In the venue, many people were talking in low voices.

They understand that Yang Xuan and You Fen are deliberately raising the price. Unfortunately, after a pin against an awl war of words, You Fen seems to have suffered a loss, and Yang Xuan puts it together.

“haha, Brother Yang did a great job!”

“I can guarantee that the kid is absolutely pissed out of his lungs now!”

“Heaven is so evil! It is forgivable, and you cannot live by yourself!”

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