He Wu was ignored by Yang Xuan. He felt that his lungs were about to explode. He resisted the severe pain and came to He Xiong’s side and stood beside him.

Yang Xuan moved his hands and feet, his muscles and bones screamed, revealing a powerful force, making He brother’s eyes froze, because they still don’t know how much Yang Xuan’s ultimate power reached, and they secretly guarded. stand up.

When Yang Xuan saw the two of them still, a look of disdain flashed across his face, indifferently said: “Do you have any last words to explain to you brother?”

” yellow mouth child, will you die if you don’t speak big words?”

He Wu’s blue veins jumped on his forehead.

He swears that he will tear Yang Xuan’s mouth today, and then break his bones all over his body, and let him suffer torture to death, otherwise it will be difficult for him to feel sick.

“Defeated also dared to scream. If you hadn’t saved your big brother in time, you would have died a long time ago. How could you bark here?”


“Why, did I say something wrong, don’t be convinced, there is a kind of come over and let us play head-to-head, rest assured, I will not use the cloak of shadow, dignified will fight you rightly.”


“A real man, stand by one’s word.”

“Okay, very good, I won’t believe that I can’t kill you if I fight you. You.”

He Wu was mad, and he strode forward while sound transmission to He Xiong: “Big brother, I will entangle this little beast with all my strength, you go and capture those two women, just With those two women in hand, he refrained from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.”

“Just do it, but you should pay attention, it is said that this child is as cunning as a fox, Don’t be tricked by him.”

“Don’t worry, big brother, I’ll be on your guard. As long as he is not invisible, no matter how strong he is, he won’t be able to win me in a short time.”


While He’s brother was talking in secret, Yang Xuan said impatiently: “Hurry up and fight, and kill you with one punch.”

“Don’t be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue, I will fall It depends on how you kill me with a punch?”

He Wu screamed in anger. He has been traveling north and south for so many years, and he is not an arrogant person.

But compared with Yang Xuan, those people in the past are simply not worth mentioning.

At this moment, his hatred for Yang Xuan rose to the extreme, and his speed increased sharply as he moved. The giant axe in his hand slashed and killed Yang Xuan with an axe at the head of Yang Xuan.

“Poorly stupid, Young Master said that he would kill you with a punch, but you still don’t believe in evil and you want to send it to your door to die.”

Yang Xuan’s figure drifts back, Avoiding He Wu’s fierce axe, his left arm suddenly raised.

“Qilin Arm!”


A burst of dark red color brilliance came out, coquettish and scarlet, and hidden peerless murderous intention.

In the distance, the shocking scene of the Yi Family sisters appeared.

Swear to God, this is the most weird and terrifying thing they have ever seen in their lives, and they will never forget it.

In their eyes, one of Yang Xuan’s left arm instantly turned into a huge weird arm, covered with dark red dragon scales, exuding incomparable power.

“Cousin, that’s it!?” Yi Xiu’er covered her mouth, her face couldn’t believe it.

“Is it some kind of beast Martial Spirit!?”

Yi Qingwu said to himself, there are many Martial Spirits in the world, and some Martial Spirits can make a certain part of the martial artist’s body Demonic beasted.

Looking at Yang Xuan’s terrifying left arm, Yi Qingwu suspected that it was the Martial Spirit, but the Martial Spirit impossible exuded such a powerful force.

This is a devastating force, an extraordinary rage.

“What is this!?”

He Wu’s pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. Even the giant axe in his hand almost fell off. Was shocked by Yang Xuan’s left arm.

“younger brother, quickly retreat!”

He Xiong was planning to take the opportunity to capture the Yi Family sisters, but as Yang Xuan’s left arm appeared Heaven and Earth turning upside down The change caused an unpleasant feeling uncontrollable in his heart.

This left arm is very strong, and it is definitely not a Martial Spirit.

He Wu heard He Xiong’s words, and he dared to fight Yang Xuan there, so he was ready to withdraw.


At this moment, Yang Xuan moved, his feet stomped on the ground, and the terrifying force exploded, stamping the ground.

At the same time that a large amount of lava spewed out, he was already in the air, his whole body exploded at an astonishing speed, and he came to He Wu all of a sudden.

“Remember, this is Qilin Arm, the Life Source Divine Ability of Ancient Divine Beast Fire Qilin. You can die under this arm, and you will die without regret.”

With a loud shout, Yang Xuan shook Qilin Arm, fisted for the thunder, and smashed down at He Wu with Mount Tai overwhelming.


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