150,000 kilograms of force exploded.

This is the Ten Strength of 5 Dragons, which is much stronger than the unruly strength of 10 Dragons. One punch is enough to smash a mountain.


He Wu was horrified, Yang Xuan this fist too terrifying, like a meteorite dropping from the sky, to destroy everything, let him the soul flew away and scattered, there is a shuddering feeling of dying.

He understands that he cannot stop this fist.

Once the face is touched, it is absolutely crushed.

It’s just that the speed of this fist is too fast, so fast that he cannot avoid it.

“You must block this fist in battle!”

He Wu roared in his heart. In 0.1% of an instant, the divine force all over his body surged like a volcanic eruption. After coming out, a huge divine force shield was condensed above the head to resist Yang Xuan’s Qilin Arm.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the destructive power of Qilin Arm!

Besides, he was already injured. The previous battle with Yi Qingwu consumed a lot of divine force. Now even if the divine force shield is taken out, the defensive power is only half of the peak period.

In this way, it is even more difficult to compete with Yang Xuan.


Yang Xuan looks like a madman, with black hair flying all over his head, murderous intention burst in his eyes, and a large scarlet gold flame suddenly appeared on the Qilin Arm and burned. The emptiness is distorted, and it makes a crackle sound, which is terrifying.

This is Origin Force, mixed with flame Martial Spirit!

Apparently, in order to guard against the unexpected, he raised the formidable power of Qilin Arm.

This fist not only contains 150,000 kilograms of fleshly body strength, but also the strength formed by the fusion of Origin Force and Martial Spirit.

The double power is superimposed, and the power is rising steadily. Let your divine force be strong, let your methods be endless, and I will punch it through myself.

Chapter 523 Your man can’t die


A strength breaking myriad laws!

Yang Xuan black hair dances wildly, and the whole body is baleful qi fierce as fire, and its state is like a mad demon, wanting to slaughter the common people.

He rushed down, a fierce and domineering Qilin Arm blasted the void, and the red Fire of Metal spewed on a fist the size of a grinding disc, smashing it down with fierce and violent force. In an instant, it hit He Wu’s divine force shield.

This divine force shield is round, and the whole body is flaming red. It is as large as several meters and has a thickness of half a meter. The defensive power can be imagined.

Although He Wu is in his current state, it is difficult to exert his full strength, but he consumes a large amount of divine force to form a shield that is sufficient to block a martial artist full strength attack in an ordinary divine force environment.

Unfortunately, in front of Qilin Arm, its defensive power is useless.

No surprises!

Just for a moment, this divine force shield was hit all split up and in pieces, fragmented, turned into a little fire star, completely disappeared from the invisible, no longer exists.

“Big brother, save me…”

He Wu was frightened, his face full of horror and anxiety, he retreated and asked for help from He Xiong.

Up to now, only his big brother can save him, because he can’t compete with Yang Xuan.

“Today I will not be able to save you when I am the king of heaven.”

Yang Xuan’s momentum is overwhelming, and a sound of rolling thunder comes out of his mouth, Qilin Arm casts his momentum unabated, like a punch A giant hammer, with a deafening sound of wind and thunder, hit He Wu’s chest hard.


He Wu didn’t even scream, his body burst in vain, blood and flesh flying together, dyeing a large area of ​​void red.

One punch!

A powerhouse of divine force 4 Heavenly Layer was killed on the spot, die without a whole corpse.

What’s particularly amazing is that the instigator is still a 17-18 years old boy, only the cultivation base of Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven.

Fortunately, this scene has not been seen by outsiders, otherwise it will definitely cause an uproar.

I wonder if there is another Celestial Realm boy in the world who can kill the divine force powerhouse with a single punch. Even the Blue Sky Tyrant Body and Nine Nether may not be able to do it.

This is an absolute force crush, without the slightest fancy, simply and neatly.

“It’s amazing!”

Yi Xiu’er was surprised and happy, her big eyes gleaming.

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she couldn’t believe that Yang Xuan’s strength had risen to the height of a divine force powerhouse in just half a month.

However, the stronger Yang Xuan’s strength, the better, and her heart is filled with joy.

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