At the same time as saying this, Long Hao has exhibited the last “Guardian Light” today, and will kill one of the two incarnations that survived directly.

After all, such a method is useless even if it stays.

In the next battle, they will face Half God.

With the current strength of Long Hao’s cultivation base, the “protection of the light” exhibited can not cause the slightest harm to those Half Gods.

As for the last incarnation left outside, Long Hao has no interest in killing him.

At the time just now, the joint attacks of the seven incarnations outside him did not break the defense of the air giant.

Now, only the last one is left, and he is still seriously injured, not to mention posing enough threat to the air giant.

Such a guy, Long Hao doesn’t want to spend a little bit of effort to deal with him.

He has to save all his strength to deal with those Half Gods!

“Your puppet has been broken by us. Now, should you come out to fight in person? Or is, you are afraid and dare not come to fight?”

Long Hao’s eyes were cold, and he said coldly.

His voice is not very loud.

However, he believes that those Half Gods can definitely be heard clearly.

At this moment, the seven Half Gods are all silent. His complexion changed, and for a long time, no one spoke.

Long Hao is right, they are really afraid.

They are afraid of death.

After all, under the suppression of Heavenly Dao in this World, once their own body desperately shots, they will be bombarded by Heavenly Dao.

At that time, it will almost certainly die.

However, if they don’t try their best, how can they solve Long Hao-in their eyes, it has been regarded as a garbage waste!

Taking a step back, if they withdraw today and no longer deal with Long Hao, although they can save their lives for a while, their clansman will definitely suffer from the “poisonous hands” of Long Hao and others!

More importantly, the strength of Long Hao has been improving too fast.

They have reason to believe that if they just let it go, it wouldn’t take long for Long Hao to have the power to easily kill them.

You know, according to their information, Long Hao a month ago, but only has the strength of ordinary Old Ancestor!

How long has passed, it has been possible to easily kill the incarnation that is comparable to the cultivator of the Emperor Xuanjing.

“No! Today, we have to kill him! Otherwise, we will all die in the future!”

Hu Sheng’s face was gloomy, and he suddenly said.

Guikang coldly snorted, said: “This is indeed the case! This bastard is not only cruel, but his ability to enter the country is too much heaven defying. How long has it passed since then, his strength has soared to such a state! If If we do n’t kill him today, it wo n’t be long before we are killed.

Niu Li tights knit, saying: “With the strength he just showed, if one of us hits him right now, he can easily kill him! But once we do it ourselves, we will almost certainly die. Such a thing Come, seven of us, who is going to shoot? I think, none of us want to die? “

After hearing Niu Li’s words, the Half Gods fell into a long silence again.

He was right, the seven Half Gods present were all greedy for life and fear of death.

No one is willing to give up their lives and complete others.

They don’t need to discuss who should let them do it themselves.

Each of them knew very clearly that this issue, even if they had been discussing it for a long time, had no effect at all.

Because, surely, none of them want to die in vain.

“But if no one among us is willing to sacrifice ourselves, in the end, all of us will die! It is better to die than one person, all better than all seven people!” Said Ghostly. And try to persuade others and let others do it.

Soul sky coldly snorted, slightly with contempt: “Ghostly, you do n’t have to waste your thoughts! You do n’t want to die for nothing, and you want to persuade others to die, it’s just delusional! In my opinion, we’re gone Whoever wants to deal with that Human Race bastard, go against it. If everyone is not willing to deal with him, just wait for him to become strong enough to kill us one after another! “

There was a hint of despair in the hearts of the people.

They don’t want to die!

However, if no one among them wants to take the initiative to die, they are likely to die in the end.

The thought of this result gave them a feeling of shit!

“Damn! Don’t say anything, I’ll do my best!” Just then, Hu Shengmu suddenly squeezed this sentence from his teeth!

In saying this, Hu Sheng’s complexion ashen had gloomy eyes.



“Fuck, what are you talking about? Are you really going to do it yourself to kill that waste?”

After hearing Hu Sheng’s words, the other six Half Gods were stunned, and then they were loudly said in amazement.

At the same time, there was a hint of happy expression on their expressions.

“Haha! If Hu Sir is willing to take his own shot, I will be completely relieved! I believe that the junk bastard will be instantly spiked by you without any trace of resistance!” Gui Kang said excitedly. tqr1

He believes that as long as Hu Sheng takes the shot, he will be able to kill Long Hao.

As long as Long Hao is killed, they have no worries.

“Hehe, Hu Sir, do you really have to choose to sacrifice yourself in order to fulfill us? You are so great! We the Bull Ape Race, have endured your love from now on!”

Niu Li also said very happy. I think I will never die.

However, Guiming is frowned, eccentrically said: “Presumably, you will not shoot for no reason, right? Say, what price do you want us to pay?”

Soul Heaven ordered nodded, and said, “Brother Guiming is right! I also do not believe that you will sacrifice yourself for us for free! You definitely want to make us pay a certain price before you are willing to shoot at that bastard. ? “

Hu Sheng laughed heartily, saying: “Yes! You want me to take your place for you, you really have to pay a certain price! I am not a Saint, I will never do those loss-making transactions. Otherwise, I would rather Perish like you, and never want to bear the slightest disaster for you! “

“So, what kind of price do you want us to pay?” Guine sneered, asked quietly!

“Divine Artifact !”

Hu Sheng looked at everyone and said almost word by word: “I want each of you to give me a Divine Artifact immediately! If you agree, I will immediately take the shot and kill the bastard! If not, we will do that Retreat! After that little bastard is strong to a certain extent, then we will kill us all one by one!

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