“En? Do you want to ask for Divine Artifact on us?”

After hearing Hu Sheng’s words, Gui Gui’s eyes were slightly cold, and he said with caution: “Don’t you want to cheat Divine Artifact on us, so as to enhance your strength and protect yourself? After all, have After enough Divine Artifact, the power you can burst out will be even stronger! At that time, even if the Human Race bastard wants to kill you, he will refresh from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. ? “

Soul Sky is also coldly snorted, saying: “Brother Guiming is right! After you walk away from us and Divine Artifact, your strength will increase, but our strength will decrease. So In the end, that Human Race bastard will definitely kill us first! Where are you sacrifice for us, obviously you want us to sacrifice for you! “

As for the other four Half Gods, they look at each other in dismay. They seem to be thoughtful, not at all.

Hu Sheng coldly snorted, said with contempt: “How? You can’t believe me? You really think that in this case, I will use this kind of thing to deceive Divine Artifact from you?”

Guiming said: “It’s not that we can’t believe you! But, so far, you haven’t said anything that can convince us!”

Mixed Heavenly Dao: “Yes, as long as you can say what convinces us, we will naturally trust you!”

Hu Sheng’s eyes were slightly narrowed, and a little anger appeared in his eyes. It seems to be very uncomfortable with the words of the ghostly and muddy sky.

Can he feel well?

They all decided to “sacrifice” themselves and use their lives to maintain their lives, just to pay them a little price. Not only did they not appreciate themselves, they even doubted themselves, thinking they were taking advantage of the opportunity to deceive them?

Who will feel good about such things?

“Hmph! If you really think so, then forget it! Let’s just retreat! Whoever dies and who lives in the future depends on their respective Good Fortune!”

Hu Sheng’s eyes were cold and he said angrily.

After saying this, turn around and leave here.

At this moment, Gui Kang suddenly spoke aloud and stopped Hu Sheng.

“Sir Sir, don’t go! I believe you! Isn’t it just a Divine Artifact, I will give it to you now! Compared to your own life, a Divine Artifact is really nothing! As long as you are willing If you go and kill the Human Race bastard, let alone one Divine Artifact, even if I give you all two Divine Artifacts on my body, I will be willing! “

Gui Kang was loudly said, while taking out a piece of Divine Artifact directly, wiped out his own spirit imprint, and threw it directly into the hands of Hu Sheng.

After doing all this, he took another look at Guiming and Soul Sky, and seemed to explain: “Presumably, ghost Sir and soul Sir are misunderstanding Hu Sir! Maybe you do n’t know, Hu Sir has a heaven Defying means! You can use Divine Artifact to directly build a great array that blinds Heavenly Dao! If he can use this great array reasonably in battle, even if he kills that Human Race bastard, he will not necessarily be killed by Heavenly Dao I think this is the real reason why Hu Sir is willing to do it himself! “

Niu Li looked at Hu Sheng and asked hesitantly: “Really?”

Hu Sheng coldly snorted, said angrily: “That’s true! We fox Race, we have two heaven defying great arrays that can instantly blind Heavenly Dao! One of them requires five complete Divine Artifacts as array eye. It can be turned on! Unfortunately, this great array is a fixed great array and cannot be moved at any time during the battle. It is very inconvenient! As for the other one, nine complete Divine Artifacts are needed as the array eye! The great array is a great array that can be moved at any time! I believe that as long as I can grasp this great array, I can definitely kill that bastard! Unfortunately, in my hands, there are only three Divine Artifacts now. Want To build the second great array, six Divine Artifacts are needed! Therefore, your cooperation is required! “

Speaking of this, Hu Sheng’s gaze swept across the faces of Guiming and Huntian, saying quietly: “Of course, after I killed that Human Race bastard, these Divine Artifacts, I do n’t I won’t return you! Since I’m willing to stand up and take the liberty to use these Divine Artifacts as compensation for my loss, shouldn’t it be excessive? “

The tone of his words seems to be extremely confident that as long as he can use this method, Long Hao will certainly die.

With his Half God’s cultivation base, even now, Long Hao is not considered the same thing.

“Hahaha, in this case, I also trust you!” Niu laughed, and then took out a huge black giant knife, which was ten meters long. After erasing the Spirit Imprint above, he threw it to Hu Sheng. Hands.

This black giant knife is also a good Divine Artifact with formidable power.

The blackbird and the storm channel looked at each other, took out a piece of Divine Artifact, wiped out the above Spirit Imprint, and gave it to Hu Sheng!

After getting Divine Artifact from four of them, Hu Sheng’s expression finally improved.

Then he looked at Guiming and Huntian with a cold face, and said quietly: “What do you two mean? If you still don’t trust me, I don’t mind! Big deal, I will return them now. The human Divine Artifact, just retreat, and slowly die with everyone? “

Ghostly and muddy sky look at each other in dismay, his face is gloomy and ugly. tqr1

After being silent for a long time, Guiming suddenly gritted his teeth and threw a golden lance, coldly said: “hmph! Today, I believe you once again! However, I advise you not to play tricks with us! If you really If you are playing with us, I don’t mind working hard with you! If I had to die sooner or later, I would rather be perish with you! “

Soul Sky also took out a Divine Artifact, coldly said: “Yes! If you lie to us, I will definitely join forces with Brother Guiming and kill you first!”

“Hmph! Two idiots!”

After receiving the Divine Artifact thrown by the two, Hu Sheng was extremely hoped with contempt in his heart.

Later, I saw him slap directly on his heart, let himself spit out a blood essence!

“Blood essence form transformation, blood beast clone!”

Hu Sheng roared loudly!

The idea moved slightly, and the blood essence he just sprayed out suddenly broke into nine groups!

Subsequently, the nine blood essences all turned into the same shape as him, and became the so-called “blood beast clone”!

A cultivator has the ability to “blood essence form transformation” once he reaches the real realm.

With just a drop of blood essence, it can be condensed into an independent “blood beast clone”, just like an independent real creature, and can do anything instead of the ontology, very heaven defying!

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