Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 999: Ha ha



"act recklessly!"


The human Taoist brought hundreds of warriors across the demon city to suppress the demons. This news reached the Demon Capital, and countless high-level demon masters were furious.

This is a great shame! When will the human race ravage their demon city?

The demons are the darlings of the heavens. They haven't been rampant in the human race, but at the moment they are being abused and bullied by the human race.

The Demon King was furious upon hearing the news, and several princes were summoned into the palace. It even gave them an order, and none of the human warriors could get away.

He even angered Prince Geng, Prince Gui, Prince Ren, and Prince Wu, and they all went to guard the imperial tomb if they didn't take them.

The expressions of the four princes changed drastically as soon as these words came out. They were in the secret fight, and their hearts were picked up. If you go to guard the imperial mausoleum, how can you fight for the throne?

Prince Ren coldly snorted: "Brother Geng, you did a good job, but now we want us to clean up the mess for you."

"Yes! Brother Geng, you have to take down these brave human races to atone for your sins."

"Huh! Brother Geng, it's easy for you to take all of them, don't blame our brother if you can't take it."


When Prince Geng heard what they said, he was surprisingly not angry. Instead, he said to Prince Ren: "From their route, they should be heading to Banye City, and they should enter Wandao Cave and leave the city from there. Saint. In the capital, there is a domain gate that leads directly to the entrance and exit of the Wandao Cave. With the help of the domain gate, it is enough to hold them. It is impossible for them to escape from the Demon Race Continent."

"It's another matter whether you can escape or not. Now the saint race has no face. The human warrior rushed into the saint city. This is simply a slap in the face."

Prince Geng glanced at Prince Ren and said: "Send three martial artists of the sacred race, and wait for them at the entrance and exit of the Wandao Cave through the domain gate. Hundreds of warriors of the human race are indeed not to be underestimated. They. Three of the best and the saint martial artist, none of them can escape.

Prince Ren, Prince Gui, the three of us each sent one of our subordinates to intercept and kill them. "

Prince Gui coldly snorted: "Why do you want us to contribute to the trouble you caused!"

Prince Ren also sneered: "This is your chance to redeem your sins. We won't wipe this dirty **** for you."

Prince Geng sneered: "You will agree. At this time, I don't care about these times. There is something, I'm afraid you don't know."

"what's up?"

Prince Geng snorted coldly: "Prince Xin, why didn't you get called into the palace?"

"He? His Majesty has never taken him seriously, never let him participate in major events. Is it weird not to call him?"

"Isn't it surprising? If we can't take the human race's warriors. We all go to guard the imperial tomb, then who else will stay in the holy capital?"

This sentence made several princes peek at each other, and then frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Think of what you mean, then listen to me. Take out our trump cards, send Jue Dian to take a shot and win the Terran Martial Artist together. And we must ensure that there is nothing wrong. Otherwise, this time guarding the imperial tomb may be true. Your Majesty is not angry. ."

This sentence changed the expressions of Prince Gui and the others, and looked at Prince Geng with cold eyes, saying, "You speak clearly."

"The saints should be distinguished between high and low. This is what this king has always insisted. This insistence makes pedigrees willing to gather around me."

The princes frowned, Prince Geng was showing off. This is indeed the reason why Prince Geng is strong. The theory of saint family lineage has penetrated into his bones, and that is why Prince Geng is the most powerful among the princes.

But what does this have to do with what I said before?

Prince Geng said again, "Back then, the ancestors of the saints promoted blood unification. Because of the ancestors, the pedigree of the saints was discounted a bit, and it was as firm as before. But...the real saints and old nobles People who respect the ancestral precepts of the saints, they still firmly support the theory of descent."

Prince Gui naturally knew this, and it was precisely because Prince Geng was supported by these paranoid old nobles. Therefore, they are too powerful, and the princes of them sometimes have to work together to deal with it.

Prince Ren sneered. As a royal blood, he felt that his blood was the most noble in his heart. But...for the sake of his own power, he acted as a courteous corporal, respecting the equal treatment of the ancestor emperor's law to attract the warrior of the common people and untouchable blood.

At this moment, he naturally wants to maintain his personality: "Wei Ran is using your pedigree theory to make the saints suffer such humiliation."

Prince Geng unexpectedly didn't go back, but said: "Your Majesty, there are some old noble confidants who have passed on for countless years. They hope to return to the ancient sacred blood, so they support me. Therefore, this king I got a news."

Prince Geng looked at the brothers and said, "I guess you won't get entangled with this king anymore after you know these news. Instead, you will listen to this king's suggestion and dispatch the absolute power to quickly win the human race warrior. "

Prince Ren's face was a bit unsightly. Thinking of something, he looked at Prince Geng and said, "I heard that Princess Xin was attacked one night. Did you do it?"

Prince Geng said: "I didn't do it! But since someone did this, it means that a lot of people know the news."

Speaking of this, Prince Geng looked at the brothers, and it was them who were able to fight for the throne. He had previously suspected that it was one of them who did it, but it seemed that they didn't look like it? Are they pretending or are they real?

The four princes are not stupid. Prince Geng said it so obvious, they naturally guessed it. Prince Ren said: "Your Majesty actually cares about him? Why is he?"

Prince Xin, the four of them have always been ignored. Prince Xin has always been marginalized, and the things that His Majesty arranged for him were trivial and unimportant. Prince Xin is also a person of Buddha nature, and many times his brothers do what they want him to do.

Whether it is power, character, or other, he has no bright spots. Such a person, your Majesty actually cares about him?

"Don't worry about his reason, but what your Majesty thinks? The real deal is done, do you think we still have a show? In this world, who can be more powerful than your Majesty? Hehe, are you still quarreling with me at this time? "

This sentence made everyone's face more ugly.

Prince Ren spit out softly: "Brother Geng, go to your house and tell."


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