Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 998: No longer cover up

"Tao Master, we can't keep the news about our escape from the Holy Capital at this moment. There is a possibility that there is an ambush in the city ahead. Should we go around?" Pan Jinbao asked Xu Wuzhou.

After getting enough cicada skins from Princess Xin, Xu Wuzhou made painted skins. Before Pan Jinbao and the others were discovered, he returned to the cave and used the technique of painting on each of them.

With the identity of the demons hidden, they began to go to the Ten Thousand Dao Caverns. They were careful along the way, confused as the demons, and were far away from the holy.

However, the journey was not peaceful. The Demon King ordered several princes to capture the human warriors, and these princes sent their confidants to pursue them.

On the way, there is no shortage of warriors who came across these chasing them. Some people can prevaricate, but some people doubt them and want to check their bodies.

Naturally, Xu Wuzhou would not give them this opportunity. These people were killed if they dared to make a move.

But there are too many kills, and the people of the Demon Race can guess their current situation. It won’t take long for them to be able to guess their intentions.

"Don't make a detour. The detour takes time. The current situation is that we are able to return to the human race as soon as we rush to the devil's cave. Now they have not fully reacted. When they react, there will never be so easy along the road."

Pan Jinbao and the others nodded and just looked at them and said, "If you don't make a detour, you will have to pass through a big city of demons in front of you."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at the city in front of him, nodded and said: "We came along as a demon race very fast, even with the help of a domain gate, not far from the demon cave. You can pass through this city very quickly. Approaching Minye City, Minye City is next to the exit of the magic cave."

Hearing Xu Wuzhou's words, the human warriors present all showed joy.


The camp of hundreds of people was too obvious, so Xu Wuzhou, Pan Jinbo and others divided into several waves, spreading out and walking towards the city from several directions at the same time.

In this case, it doesn't look so crowded.

Xu Wuzhou brought a wave of human warriors to the city gate. When he was about to enter the city, he heard a voice: "Wait!"

Xu Wuzhou looked sideways, and his heart condensed slightly. This person is not someone else, it is Venerable Feng, and there are several true kings behind him.

"According to Prince Geng's order, check the past personnel. You send a person out to let the deity check your identity."

Venerable Feng stared at the group of people, he was a mighty power. The eyesight is naturally extraordinary, and seeing these people faintly feel a little different. But I can’t tell how different it is, but this is enough. If you have any doubts, you must investigate.

Venerable Feng hated Xu Wuzhou very much. He didn't know that he had robbed him of the gold of the Great Dao. Now he is even more sinner, so he urgently wants to make merit.

Seeing that Venerable Feng didn't stare at others, Xu Wuzhou stared at them and his group. He sighed. After all, it was cicada skin, which was more effective than real human skin. As long as Da Neng pays attention to observation, he can still detect some abnormalities.

"Have you not heard the Lord? Come forward and let us investigate."

Xu Wuzhou knew that there was no way to avoid it. He glanced around and didn't hide it. He stepped forward and smiled: "Venerable Feng, don't come here without any problems!"

While speaking, Xu Wuzhou returned to his original form, and the human aura spread out.

Such a change caused the complexion of the warriors such as Feng Venerable to change again and again. They were originally skeptical, but they didn't think that they were really human warriors.

This place is not far from the magic cave, they actually arrived here unknowingly.

"Where is the Great Dao Divine Gold?" After Venerable Feng was surprised, his face flushed with excitement. He stared at Xu Wuzhou, as long as he obtained the Great Dao Divine Gold and refined it to build a life-saving warrior, then he would have great harmony. The capital that can talk to, what is the culpability at this moment?

"Dadao God Gold is naturally in my hands, but you are out of play." Xu Wuzhou looked at Venerable Feng with a smile.

The aura on Venerable Feng erupted, and at the same time shouted to all the demon martial artists beside him: "Follow me to take him down."

Venerable Feng knew that Xu Wuzhou had defeated Venerable Beihan. He also suffered a loss in Xu Wuzhou's hands. But he believes that if it hadn't been caught off guard last time, he would definitely not be like that.

This time he has many demon martial artists and several true kings to assist him, plus his strength, there is no suspense in winning Xu Wuzhou.

Besides, there are still human races that can be hostages.

"You are always so whimsical." Xu Wuzhou looked at Venerable Feng and said with a bit of disdain, "It just so happens that my human race also needs to catch some and provide Dao marks, you are good."

While talking, Xu Wuzhou said to the many martial artists behind him: "Take action to suppress them, and remember to catch them."

After Xu Wuzhou revealed his identity, the originally scattered human warriors had already rushed to gather together.

Looking at the city in front of them, they were also excited.

I have been hiding in hiding, but I didn't expect the Taoist to directly order to do it in the big city of the demon race. Dao Master is so bold, this is to overwhelm this city.

Hundreds of people exploded in momentum at the same time, and went directly to suppress Venerable Feng. Several of them took the lead and trapped Venerable Feng directly.

Then hundreds of popular planes covered it together, even if the city wall in front of it was blessed by the strong, branded with Dao patterns, but at this moment, it could not withstand such pressure, and it collapsed into ruins with a bang.

Venerable Feng and the others only felt that the mountain was suppressed and it was difficult to breathe. He felt the killing intent of hundreds of powerful men, and his face changed drastically.

"how so?"

He couldn't believe that any human race captured and raised was suppressed by the demons with secret methods. This kind of secret method is absolutely impossible for some special people of the non-Mozu to unlock.

But the result now tells them that the seals of these people have been unlocked. And their strength did not weaken because of this, but returned to its peak.

How can this be?

Venerable Feng's face turned pale, and he finally understood why the Demon Race hadn't found them for so long, and why these people could walk here. This kind of strength is absolutely impossible, who can resist it?

Venerable Feng looked at the various secret techniques from the suppression, and he resisted it with all his strength. But he is just a great power, how can he withstand the joint suppression of many great powers and true kings.

Soon, they and many warriors of the Mozu were suppressed. Among them, he and the digital real kings are like dogs, pinched by the back of the human race's warrior and held in their hands.

"Go! Don't hide, cross this city, dare to stop us, kill!"

Xu Wuzhou's killing intent was awe-inspiring and extremely domineering.

As soon as this remark came out, the human race warrior also boiled blood. Have they ever been so arrogant in the Demon Race Continent?


They yelled, no longer reserved, the spirits and spirits that had been suppressed for a long time all erupted, like the same demon king, rampaging the city, and countless people of the demon race were shocked.


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