Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 997: Coming back soon

There was a message from Wandao Cave, which caused an uproar among the senior officials of the Shengdu.

Near the Wandao Grotto of Banye City, the human race aggressively invaded, and the opponent knew the saints well, the saints were beaten back and forth, and many powerful saints were captured.

And among the human race, a strong army is reappearing. The Nine Lights Army was shocked by the world, and actually drilled a peerless formation. The Holy Clan Mission was wiped out and all captured by them.

The sacred star that had been successfully exchanged fell into their hands again.

The news reached Prince Geng's ears, his face was pale, and he slumped on a chair with a flutter.

Misfortune never comes singly!

If he can save the Saint Cannibal Star, with His Majesty's love for the Saint Cannibal Star, he can still quibble one or two about the danger and throw out most of the responsibility. Although he will be punished, he will not hurt his muscles and bones.

But now... not only the Saint Cannon Star was never rescued, but also the repeated defeats of the Saint Race.

Such a guilt, how could his good brothers not seize the opportunity? He is in a critical situation.

Prince Geng clenched his fist and his eyes were blood red. All of this was caused by danger, and he wished to slash the opponent a thousand times.

"Prince Geng, Your Majesty has a purpose to let you go to the palace as soon as possible."

People from the palace arrived quickly, and Prince Geng's face became more and more ugly. He took out a lot of money and gave it to the old **** who was in the palace to deliver the letter.

The old **** whispered in his ear: "Several princes are counting your guilt, and the Taoist of the human race sent a document to your majesty, saying that you can replace the prisoner of the human race with the prisoner of the saint race. Your majesty is furious! "

When Prince Geng heard this news, his face changed even more. The Terran Warrior has been rescued, how can this be exchanged?

The old **** pointed to Prince Geng and said: "For the current plan, we can only make up for the merits."

When Prince Geng heard this, he nodded gloomily. It's no use evading responsibility this time. Only by taking responsibility for the death and resurrecting, will there be a chance to fight for the throne again.

Since there is no way to avoid it, go and fight with his brothers.


The Demon Race is surging for Wandao Cave.

Terran was also shocked by the devil's cave.

Countless human races were in a rush, and they were extremely excited, so there was a lot of discussion. Mo Daoxian, who has never had a card face, is famous for this time. Also famous is the Nine Lights Army.

"I heard no. The Dao Zong Nine Lights Army is like a heavenly general. The 10 thousand Nine Lights Army directly suppressed the mission that took down thousands of people from the Demon Race. I heard that there are not only strong Demon Race troops in this mission. There are also many others. The true king is powerful."

"In that battle, someone in my sect has seen it, and heard that the Jiuyao Army's extreme military force showed up, the world was eclipsed, and the four ways were all cut off. The ten directions only had their spirits, killing intent, and invincible."

"What do you know? I saw it with my own eyes during that battle. The Nine Lights Army encircled and directly evolved into a heaven and earth. The geniuses of the gods and soldiers swept through everything like a broken bamboo."

"Too strong! I have never seen such a mighty army, it is unstoppable."

"Yes! Thirty thousand states under the world, does that prince have such an army?"

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that Dao Sect still has such a large army. Although Dao Sect is the master of Dao Sect, it is invincible, ironic!"

"Yeah! Lin'an can't come out of that big army, who will fight for it!"

"This army heard that Mo Daoxian was cultivated secretly. I underestimated Mo Daoxian before."

"No loss is the master of Taoism, it's really extraordinary. He has great ambitions, and he started directly in Wandao Cave, and won a great victory. I heard that there are thousands of major practitioners who have been captured."

"If he doesn't make a move, he will shock the world as soon as he makes a move. Such a masterpiece is admirable."

"I heard that he went into the Demon Clan Saint Capital alone and snatched a peerless lamp. How graceful these characters will be."

"I heard that he is going to exchange these prisoners for the warriors of my human race in the demon race, and he has human race in his heart."

"I used to think that Xu Wuzhou had the means, but now I feel that Jiang is still hot."

"Yes! I heard that the Demon Race wanted to kill the human warriors, it was all the trouble caused by Xu Wuzhou. Mo Daoxian is wiping his butt."


Mo Daoxian escorted the prisoners back to the human race. He heard these comments with a smile on his face.

I was too low-key before, and this battle made me famous in one battle and his reputation was invincible.

With such prestige, there is no need to worry about a big deal.

Sherwin followed behind Mo Daoxian, but his face was full of bitterness. Mo Daoxian and Xu Wuzhou fought, and it was him that was difficult.

He was caught in the middle, no one dared to offend him.

For example, this time, Mo Daoxian asked him to launch the navy to brag about him and the Nine Lights Army. He wants to refuse in his heart, but does he dare?

However, when Xu Wuzhou came back and learned that Mo Daoxian used his navy to make a name for himself, could he make it through?

"What are you afraid of, follow me, I will not treat you badly."

Mo Daoxian glanced at Sherwin-William, and had to admire Sherwin-William as a talent. Actually thought of building a position of public opinion like the navy.

Hey, with this navy, many things can be easily achieved. For example, this time, let the world know his stalwartness all at once.

Sherwin-William has great talents, this must bring him down!

"Yes!" Sherwin dared not say no, but he was forced to panic.

Seeing that Sherwin was like this, Mo Daoxian frowned and said, "What is wrong with Xu Wuzhou, you don't need to worry so much. When he comes back, I promise that he will not have the ability and energy to deal with you."

Sherwin looked at the self-confident Mo Daoxian, and he was slanderous in his heart. I thought that if Xu Wuzhou was so easy to deal with, what would he worry about, he would definitely follow you all the way to the end.

But ah, Taoist, it’s not that I look down on you, this thing is not so easy anymore. You and Xu Wuzhou's victory or defeat is not necessarily a victory.

Your victory or defeat will not be known until Xu Wuzhou comes back.

At this time, I didn't dare to stand in line if I was killed. Although I did something for you at this time, it was forced after all. But if you stand in line, do you think Xu Wuzhou can't kill me?

I never dared to underestimate that fellow's despicableness.

Seeing that Sherwin was like this, Mo Daoxian said with disdain: "The overall situation is settled! Do you think he has any means to stand up?"

Sherwin knew that Mo Daoxian had deliberately tried this way, and wanted to learn from him Xu Wuzhou's arrangements and future moves.

Sherwin's mouth pursed, thinking it was all a bunch of yin stuff. You don't want to be fooled by you. If you can't play, you will talk less.

However, Sherwin was also muttering in his heart. This situation is very unfavorable for Xu Wuzhou. How can Xu Wuzhou come back?

Sherwin felt that Xu Wuzhou was coming back soon.


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