Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 996: Ten squares

Regarding human affairs, Shi Xiong didn't hide it, and told the warriors of the human race everything he knew.

Knowing all the information, Mo Daoxian quickly summoned all the warriors. After discussing with everyone, Mo Daoxian gave an order: "The Nine Lights Army is the main attack, take down the warriors of the Demon Clan envoy, and then capture the Sacred Star."

This sentence made everyone stare at Mo Daoxian, they knew that the Nine Lights Army was strong. But how powerful are the many warriors of the Demon Ensemble, and many of them exist at the level of the powerful true king, let the Nine Lights Army be the main attack? Does the Nine Lights Army have such strength?

Mo Daoxian didn't say much, but calmly said: "Ten Fang Killing Array!"

In a word, everyone looked at Mo Daoxian in amazement. Someone said in surprise: "You are talking about the ten side killing array?"

No wonder everyone was horrified. This is the legendary peerless army formation, this kind of army formation is only in the legend.

Rumor has it that this formation was born from the ground, imprinted on the heaven and earth treasure, and the ancestor emperor got the heaven and earth treasure to comprehend it, and it is one of the four most powerful formations between heaven and earth.

Out of this burst, nine days and ten places can be locked. The rumors are displayed to the extreme, even in the face of the ancestors can contend.

This formation is only in legend. In the past, the tens of thousands of races fought for this, and the blood flowed into rivers. Many sage-level existences participated, so many saints fell. The last news was that this formation was lost and therefore lost.

But no one thought that Mo Daoxian actually took out this formation, and the Nine Lights Army practiced this formation.

Many people didn't pay much attention to Mo Daoxian before, especially the comparison with Xu Wuzhou. I felt that the suzerain Mo Daoxian had failed too much.

But now, even looking at Mo Daoxian with Wu Yao, he took a cold breath.

Unknowingly, it has built an army that has practiced ten square killing formations. This is a good method.

And Wu Yao knew more, even though the Nine Lights Army didn't take off their masks, Wu Yao knew their identities faintly. Thinking of these years, although Dao Zong was in danger, it still survived. I have to say that this is Mo Daoxian's ability. But with this kind of achievement, Mo Daoxian could still protect so many people to form the Nine Yao Army. This kind of ability made Wu Yao feel that his juniors couldn't see through.

Everyone was shocked, and some warriors of various sects were now more and more in awe of Dao Zong. The Dao Sect of the ten killing formations can be possessed and achieved in cultivation, so what secret does Dao Sect have?

Sure enough, the master of the world can't underestimate it.

Mo Daoxian saw everyone's awe-inspiring eyes, he was secretly proud.

snort! I used to hide my power and bide my time, but I didn't expect to be robbed of the limelight by the guy Xu Wuzhou. I don't show anything, I really think I'm inferior to that kid.

Doesn't that kid have a golden body? Then the Nine Lights Army I trained is not bad! This piece is leveled, as long as I save the Terran warrior and create another momentum, then how can Xu Wuzhou compete with me?

When I sit down firmly, this kid will wait to put on my little shoes.

The wolf's ambition actually dared to usurp the throne!

The Taoist can only be me!

Regardless of what everyone thinks, Mo Daoxian looked at the leader of the Nine Lights Army and said: "You have listened to the plan just now, and you all know the information about them. The victory in this battle is not only about the survival of the human race warrior. It is also about the survival of the human race warrior. Yu Jiuyao's position in Dao Zong."

When Sherwin heard these words, he couldn't help but glance at the commander of the Jiuyao Army, although he couldn't see through his mask. But my heart was slightly surprised.

It turned out that Mo Daoxian liked that he was the Taoist true biography. Who is this person? Even if Mo Daoxian wins the battle with Xu Wuzhou for the master of Taoism, Xu Wuzhou's prestige can still be stabilized.

But not everyone is qualified to take the stage and fight Xu Wuzhou in the arena.

"Yes!" The leader of the Nine Lights Army nodded, and quickly gathered all the members of the Nine Lights Army and marched toward the Demon Race as quickly as planned.

Qiantian Gujiao couldn't help but open his mouth and said: "This is not a trivial matter. The Ten Fang Killing Formation really makes a difference in their training? For such a camp, even if the army is strong, there is only a dead end."

Mo Daoxian didn't give too much explanation, just said: "Let's wait and see."

He originally wanted to wait any longer, but Xu Wuzhou, the bastard, made Dao Zong come to this point, and there was no need to wait any longer. In that case, let's show some edge.

The Nine Lights Army did not enter the room when practicing the ten-fang killing formation, but this is the ten-fang killing formation. Even if he didn't enter the hall, he was still a peerless army in the world. Except for the army built by the outstanding man in Lin'an, there is no one among the princes in the world who contends with it.

What the Nine Lights Army lacks is that it has a small number of people, with only a few thousand people. If the Nine Lights Army had hundreds of thousands or even millions like the army of princes, who would dare to say anything to the next sect that day? Daozong can return to its glory days.

However, this battle is enough for ten thousand people.

This battle will make the Nine Lights Army famous all over the world!

Wu Yao stood up and said, "Everyone, the Nine Lights Army has taken the mission. Then we need to clean the rest of the Devil's Cave."

When Wu Yao said this, his fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, and he was breaking through to the edge of mighty power. This time he wants to use the Demon Cavern War to achieve great power in one fell swoop.

Yesterday, Ning Yao gave him a lot of spiritual resources. They are all pill that breaks through the power, and they are invaluable.

And this, Ning Yao said that Xu Wuzhou asked her to bring it to him.

He wants to walk out of his own way without taking the holy path, so he has always suppressed his realm. Suppressed until now, he can already try to break through. It's just that it takes countless resources to break through to ordinary power. What's more, he has to get rid of the influence of the holy way, and it will consume more resources.

It just didn't think that Xu Wuzhou helped him solve this headache. Looking at the massive amount of rare pill that Ning Yao sent, Wu Yao couldn't help but be speechless. These are the top pill of Demon Clan. How good is Xu Wuzhou mixing with the Demon Race? Even the Venerable Demon Race has a lot, and he actually gave so much to him.

Wu Yao, who was still a little worried about Xu Wuzhou, was no longer worried at this moment.

With his ability, it will be sooner or later to return to the human race.

But thinking about it, I feel ridiculous. He knew that Xu Wuzhou could kill Jue Ding, but he was still worried. For example, Sherwin Wei and Mo Daoxian said from the beginning that there was no need to worry, he would definitely be able to come back safely.

Now it seems that they really know Xu Wuzhou better.


And Xu Wuzhou, who has been missed by many people, is using the magical power of painting skin day and night, drew a piece of skin with cicada skin.

During the period, the situation in the holy capital also changed. In addition to chasing and killing Xu Wuzhou, the other thing that shocked the Holy Capital was that several princes stared at Prince Geng.

Everyone knew about the danger, so everyone was waiting. Wait for the news from Saint Can Star to come back.

Since this matter is dangerously involved, no matter whether the Holy Remnant Star can come back, this can be the fuse. When the time comes, he will be accountable to Prince Geng for several crimes, and if he is taken down in one fell swoop, there will be one less competitor.

Therefore, the situation in the holy capital at this moment is very delicate.


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