Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 995: Mo Daoxian's plan

Devil's cave!

Saint Canxing and Ning Yao have completed the exchange.

Shi Xiong and others also found an opportunity. Lost the painted skin, restored the appearance of the human race, and returned to the human camp.

A group of people feel a sense of trance in life. Surrounded by many strong human races, everything feels unreal.

They have been fighting with the Demon Race for many years, not to mention the Demon Race territory, even if it is close to the Demon Cave near the Demon Race territory, they have never set foot.

But this time they entered directly into the holy capital of the Demon Race, where they ate and drank and stirred the situation. Those who have lived are even more aristocratic than the demon aristocrats. The strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, straight into the major practitioners.

Great practitioners, this is also a big brother in the human race. Returning to the human race is enough to hold up a family's glory for several generations.

Thinking of the Taoist master of the human race, Shi Xiongji was born with infinite admiration and worship. It is worthy of being the co-owner of my human race, this personality charm and ability are beyond their reach.

Shi Xiong and the others were still reminiscing about the experience of the Demon Clan, but they saw a young man who came in with a person who was somewhat immortal. The young man they knew, called Xuanwei, was the one who came forward to discuss exchange matters with the Demon Clan.

It's just the first time that Taoist with the fairy wind and Dao bones saw it. When they were wondering, they heard Xuanwei explain: "This is the Taoist Sect Master, the Taoist Master Mo Daoxian who is one of the people."


Ning Yao is okay, she knows the whole story. However, Shi Xiong and others looked dumbfounded, their eyes on Mo Daoxian were full of suspicion. A warrior behind Shi Xiong couldn't help but said, "Isn't the human master and Taoist Master Xu Wuzhou?"

In a word, the smile of Mo Daoxian who was originally smiling instantly stiffened. He tried to comfort him not to be angry or angry. These people were ignorant and were deceived by Xu Wuzhou.

"This is a long story. You know that he is the Dao Sect Sect Master. He happens to have something to discuss with you."

Sherwin was not good at explaining the inside story, so he wanted to play haha ​​and skip this section.

But Shi Xiong's eyes were blood red at this moment, and he glared at Mo Daoxian and his group angrily: "You are arrogant, the Taoist master of the human race is trapped in the demons, but you usurp the power. It is a shame for my human race to have your wolves and ambitions, I Although Shi Xiong is powerful, he is not at the same level as you."

When Shi Xiong scolded, Wu Yao brought in the core martial artists such as the Great Power of Qiantian Ancient Religion, the Temple of the Mountain, the Temple of Holy Word, and the ancient religions of various parties. When they heard this, every one of them looked weird.

He couldn't help but look at Mo Daoxian, gloating in his heart.

Mo Daoxian's face was green at this moment, what's so special? Can you scold me for this? You are right to scold Xu Wuzhou for this sentence. All the things you scolded were all his doing.

When I got into the demons to seize the treasure lantern, his wolfish ambitions usurped the power. Now... Are you scolding me?

Mo Daoxian wants to kill Shi Xiong, you have a black heart!

Seeing Mo Daoxian on the verge of exploding, Ning Yao was also snickering in her heart. But I was afraid that Shi Xiong was really beaten by Mo Daoxian, so he said quickly: "Brother Shi, I will tell you these things in private. Don't worry, the situation is not what you think."

Shi Xiong looked at Mo Daoxian and others suspiciously, then turned to look at Ning Yao, and saw that Ning Yao nodded to him seriously. His face is softer now.

These people can't believe it, but Ning Yao can believe it. When I was in the Demon Capital...hehe... the saint and the Taoist have one leg. The saint often does not close the door at night, and they have seen the Taoist stealing into the room.

Seeing Ning Yao comforting them, Xuanwei hurriedly said: "Sage Ning Yao, this time the lord is coming, there is something to discuss."

Ning Yao nodded and said, "What about the demons?"

Sherwin nodded and said: "The saint is really ice and smart. You have gone deep into the Demon Race, and have been with the Demon Race for so long, and there are painted skins to make them believe that they are the Demon Race, then I must understand a lot of information about the Demon Race."

Ning Yao said: "I am a human race in the demons, so they are very defensive to me. In order to win their trust, Xu Wuzhou is afraid to tell me too much and expose. So I don't know many things, but Big Brother Shi Xiong is different. They are also demons. Xu Wuzhou also arranged for them to do many things. You can ask them what information you want."

Shi Xiong looked at Xuanwei and his party coldly. Although he no longer glared at these people, he didn't have a good face. He just took Ning Yao's words and said: "From entering the Demon Clan, we secretly recorded everything about the Demon Clan. And, Because of the personality charm of the Dao Lord in the Demon Race, the Demon Race has nothing to hide from us. This time we went to the Demon Race and we got a lot of news about the Demon Race. After I go back, I will sort it out and give it to my Human Race."

Sherwin said with a smile: "Thank you so much, but some news is imminent, you need to give us now."

"what news?"

"About the layout and distribution of the Demon Warriors in the Demon Cave, as well as how many strong people are there in this exchange group, and what are the details of what each strong person is good at."

Shi Xiong thought for a while and said: "When we came back, the Taoist commanded us to let us know more about the demons, especially the information of this cave. The purpose is to let my human race have fewer dead people in this cave and fight between the two sides. Can dominate. So, I have been paying attention along the way. Most of the information you want can be given. Even with the missions exchanged this time, we also know everything."

This sentence made everyone happy, but Sherwin's heart jumped. Others focus on the fact that Shi Xiong knows the information, but what Xuanwei cares about is the first sentence Shi Xiong said, and the Taoist commanded him.

Xu Wuzhou is all about being a human race sincerely. If he knew that Mo Daoxian's plan was still like this? Can Mo Daoxian's wishful thinking succeed?

However, Sherwin couldn't control so much at this time, and said to Shi Xiong: "I hope to tell us everything we know."

Shi Xiong wondered why they were so anxious.

At this time, Mo Daoxian stood up and said with compassion for the people: "The demons killed many human races in the demon cave. Among the demons, there are also human races trapped by them and raised like cows and sheep. The demons deceive people too much, and my human race will naturally fight back. Fan Wo Dao Sect wanted to take down the mission in one fell swoop, and inflict heavy damage on the members of the Demon Race in the Demon Cavern.

Doing this one is for the honor of my human race.

The second is for the trapped martial artists of our human race, since they can exchange Ning Yao for the Saint Remnant Star. Then once again capture the Saint Remnant Star, and capture back many warriors of the Demon Race, then it is possible to exchange for my Human Race warriors.

Terran warriors fight for our Terran race, and we must not ignore them. "

Mo Daoxian said awe-inspiring righteousness. But I was thinking in my heart: Xu Wuzhou wanted to sit in the position of Taoist Lord is a dream. When I returned to Daozong, Daozong only knew that Xu Wuzhou didn't know him, but after all these days of management. Finally let these people know that Daozong Zhengpai Sect Master is him. However, in the hearts of many people, he is also a name, and Xu Wuzhou is truly recognized in his heart.

With his methods, he still conquered many people for his use. But... Xu Wuzhou's actions are too prestigious. When Xu Wuzhou came back, the kid was still able to fight him.

How can this work?

How could he be riding on his head. Suppression, he must be severely suppressed.

Dao Zong Dao Master, it can only be him!

Isn't this kid invincible with prestige? This is also his weakness. As long as this catches up, that kid can still shake the sky? When the time comes, raise your hand to suppress him and let him retreat to practice well.

In order to make up for this weakness, he thought of a way. That is to rescue the many warriors captured by the demons in the human race. These warriors are the powerhouses of the many sects of the human race. If they can be rescued, not only will the prestige of the human race skyrocket, but also the recognition of the sects behind them, his reputation can rise to the peak.

What's more, in exchange for his confidante, Xu Wuzhou's boy put the martial artist into a dangerous situation. After all, he is a member of Dao Sect, so he can't help but wipe his dirty ass.

Mo Daoxian was proud of thinking of this.

The Devil's Cave has won a complete victory and can save the Terran warriors. Tsk tsk... How does Xu Wuzhou's prestige compare to him? This is the spirit of the co-owner of the human race!


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