Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 842: A word

The old man Huang Ya looked at Xu Wuzhou with a headache and said, "Dao Zong has always been pure, and his disciples are innocent. It's fine if you set up the tenth peak. After all, the disciples recruited are relatively innocent. But now you have to ring the Dao Bell to attract the world. The strong, these strong are mixed, and their arrival will destroy the purity of Taoism."

"Dao Sect is the leader of Taoism. Taoism has declined in the past. It is only natural that the martial artists of the world are disappointed with Taoism. At this moment, the rise of Taoism and the Hanzhou incident has given them a strong heart. Many martial artists in the world have returned to their hearts. How can we not give it? They have a chance."

When the old man with yellow teeth heard Xu Wuzhou's words, he interrupted directly: "Speaking of people! Don't fool us by fooling others."

"..." Xu Wuzhou sighed, he could only say, "Dao Zong is still too weak, lacking in manpower, and lack of strong people. People in the world who are interested in Tao Zong, we have to take advantage of this group of people. This strengthens my Taoism."

"But these people are not cultivated by the roots of Taoism, although they respect Taoism, after all..."

Xu Wuzhou didn’t wait for him to finish saying: “That’s why the Sect Master keeps scolding you for being stubborn. You still have a concept of blood. As long as you really care about my Dao Sect, why bother about the other person’s origin. Let alone enter my Dao Sect, Dao. Sect disciples can slowly assimilate them so that they can adapt to and familiarize themselves with Taoist style and rules."

The other peak masters glanced at each other, and the fairy peak master first asked: "What do you want to do? You actually want to ring the bell to attract the strong and hold a grand meeting."

"My Dao Sect is going to be the master of the Dao Sect. I don't care if they are pure or impure, the roots are red or not. I only need the Dao Sect to look crowded and powerful."

This sentence caused many people to frown, Qi Fengfeng said: "With the endorsement of Dao Zong's righteousness, plus this record, we can indeed recruit many warriors. It is undeniable that there are pious and respected Dao Zong, but I am afraid that it will be more. Many are those who are not very religious, and even a lot of grassroots will come to Taoism. The heart is separated by the belly, and we can't completely screen it.

In this case, even though we have recruited the strong. But in fact, it's still raging, and it has no foundation. It seems that flowers are blooming, but what is missing is a good thing. "

Xu Wuzhou replied: "The peak owner is right. There are pious people who come to take refuge in, or they may be clingy. They are a mixed bag. But what about that?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Xu Wuzhou without understanding, the fish and the dragon mixed into the pure Dao Sect, it is very likely to bite the Dao Sect.

"I'm afraid of any speculators. As long as we are strong enough and strong enough that they think it's right to follow us. Then the clowns and speculators are our most pious teammates. What are you afraid of? The oil is burned out. It’s the end. But if you have enough oil to keep adding in, then the fire will only grow stronger. The power is this pot of oil."

Everyone was silent, Xu Wuzhou's words made sense, but they were extreme. But can Taoism really be strong enough to suppress everything and bury all the undercurrents under the water?

They have no confidence, and this is one of their willingness to recruit other strong players.

"We have no time." Xu Wuzhou said to the Daozong people, "There are 30,000 states under the world, and there are foreign races that have entered the hinterland of the human race? Yes! But at that time, the foreign races came in by force. At that time, the foreign races used blood to pave the way in. The way. But they came in and were driven out by my human race with life and blood."

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou paused and said, "But here a hundred thousand foreign races came in, but they came so easily. This is a traitor to the human race.

In the past, although infighting, it was limited to infighting. Even if the magic way and the right way fight to incandescence endlessly. But as long as the human race is invaded by a foreign race, all the forces of the human race will temporarily put aside their internal fighting and unify themselves outwards.

But the human race now has no bottom line to collude with foreign races. What does this mean? It means that this world is much more rotten than imagined.

Even Chaoge has countless princes who want to replace it, what about my Dao Sect? How long can the righteous name be protected?

Sooner or later, the world will be chaotic, and even when chaos, the human race will have many forces to lead the way for the alien race. What will happen to my Taoist school at that time?

Taking advantage of the great chaos in the world and the coming, our Dao Sect becomes stronger, so as to protect my Dao Sect.

Besides, does the peak master think that I am just for Dao Sect? I am for the world!

As one of the co-lords of the human race, Dao Zong can sit back and watch the decay of the world? My Dao Sect wants to get rid of chaos anyway! This is the responsibility of the world that my Dao Sect should have. "

When talking about this, Xu Wuzhou looked solemn and worried about the country and the people.

This expression made many Taoist elders look at Xu Wuzhou's expression a little more admiration, and the fairy peak master exclaimed at this moment: "Oh! You child, you have undertaken too much for everything about Taoism."

The old man Huang Ya looked at Xu Wuzhou, and he finally understood Mo Daoxian's mood at the time. Every time this guy opens his mouth, it is for Dao Zong, and it is righteousness to keep his mouth shut. It's not that I have been in contact with him for a long time, and I really can't distinguish it.

Thinking of this, the old man with yellow teeth looked at Wu Yao. I think you follow Xu Wuzhou every day, you should see his face clearly. Should stand up and say a word.

Wu Yao was stared at by the old man with yellow teeth, and he did stand up. Just what he said in his mouth made the old man with yellow teeth dumbfounded.

"I think Wuzhou is right, everything should be done according to his wishes."

This sentence made the peak masters look at Wu Yao in amazement. They knew that Wu Yao was very supportive of Xu Wuzhou. But this is too blind, right? It's no brainer support! What is meant to be everything should be done according to Xu Wuzhou's meaning! Shouldn't it be mature to discuss such a big matter?

The old man with yellow teeth looked at Wu Yao in a daze. Did this guy take the wrong medicine? The dignified peak master of Wufeng, with such a sentence, this Daozong has become Xu Wuzhou's utterance?

Wu Yao turned a deaf ear to everyone's eyes. I think you know what a fart, and you have seen Xu Wuzhou kill the ultimate power, you will be as brainless as I am.

Following Xu Wuzhou all the way, he recognized Xu Wuzhou's methods, and now he has the best strength in the world, then who else would listen to him?

Seeing everyone following him, he directly opened his mouth and said: "Wu Zhou, do what you want to do. I Wu Feng fully supports it."

Speaking of this, Wu Yao looked at the fairy peak master and the others: "Senior sister and brother, I have agreed on your behalf."

"..." The fairy peak master waited for the dog, thinking Wu Yao, you took the wrong medicine today. When did you represent us?

But looking at Wu Yao's indisputable expression, a group of lives endured.

They trust Wu Yao and Xu Wuzhou. Both of them were so firm, they thought about the current situation and nodded after thinking about it.

Seeing the peak master nodded, the other elders also nodded. As for the many disciples, Xu Wuzhou is always looking forward to it.

The Daozong sounded, and it was so decided.

And at this time, Xu Wuzhou said to the old man with yellow teeth: "Tao Sect, what are you guarding?"

The old man with yellow teeth thought for a while and said: "Some special resources for cultivation, such as the pill that can help people to realize the Tao in an instant, the cultivation of Taoism in the Tao, the inheritance left by the ancestors of Taoism, etc. As well as the secrets of Taoism that can help people practice and enlighten Tao. The ground, the dojo left by the first generation of Taoists, and a forbidden ground that can only be opened with our lives."

Xu Wuzhou was stunned, thinking that Dao Sect still had so much wealth. What's more, as a Taoist true biography, I haven't actually enjoyed it.

The old man Huang Ya said at this time: "At the beginning of the Dao Sect's catastrophe, Dao Sect was almost destroyed. Later, in order to continue the Dao Sect inheritance, the Taoist cultivation resources, the Taoism species, and the inheritance left by the ancestors were all consumed a lot, and these ancestors remained. Things, use less."

Xu Wuzhou nodded and said, "What is the secret place and the dojo?"

As for the forbidden ground for their lives, Xu Wuzhou did not ask. He didn't want to know where Daozong old man's life had to be paid.

"The great Dao heaven and earth built by the sages of the Taoist ancestors stand in it to practice cultivation with less effort, and it is easy to understand the Dao, and can even intercept the Dao of the sages. But because of the long history of the secret place, and the tianjiao of the past dynasties intercepted the Dao of the sage. , So it’s not stable. The more people who enter, the faster it will break. I don’t know how many years it will last."

Xu Wuzhou nodded. That's why you don't want to open it.

"As for the Taoist Dojo, this is the place that carries the world's Taoist law."

"Huh?" Xu Wuzhou didn't understand.

Wu Yao explained at this time: "The reason why Dao Sect is the leader of Dao Sect is because of the existence of the Taoist Dojo. In the past, all sects and sects left the inheritance fire, and they gave away the secret technique in the door. Lai are sealed in the dojo, so in theory, the dojo encompasses the teachings of all the Taoist schools in the world."

The news left Xu Wuzhou in a daze, thinking that Dao Sect still has such a place? Isn't this the Langhuan Jade Cave that collects martial arts all over the world?

"It means: I can learn any school of martial arts in Dao Sect?"

"Although the dojo includes all martial arts. But the warriors who sealed them in the dojo back then were the sages of each family. They have their own methods and only choose people they feel are suitable. It is not that after entering, they can see all the secret arts. Entering it, you can only see what the sages are willing to show you. Moreover, the more advanced the secret technique, the less likely it is to get a look.

Otherwise, given the situation of the Dao Sect before, would all religions be relieved? They don't want to teach the secret technique by themselves. Because they know that it is unlikely to be spread. And even if someone can see it, it is recognized by the sages in the teaching, logically they can only recognize it. "

Although the old man with yellow teeth said so, it was when Dao Zong was in a state of despair. There are still many ancient religions explicitly or implicitly requesting that the main dojo is not allowed to be opened.

Xu Wuzhou nodded, thinking that although he couldn't take whatever he wanted, it meant that they had this thing. This thing can be used as a gimmick.

Everyone has a gambling nature, betting that you are the lucky person. Why can't I dig a gem in a treasure mountain? Luck will not be so bad!

There are also secret places that can help practice, which is especially temptation for martial artists who are in the bottleneck. Externally speaking, joining Daozong will have the opportunity to enter this one. Can they sit still?

Dao Zong has such a family background, are you afraid that everyone will take refuge?

Xu Wuzhou said directly: "Except for the forbidden area that needs to be opened with your lives, don’t hide it in other places. It is open to the disciples of my Dao Sect root Zheng Miao Hong without restriction, and to other powerful people and disciples who join my Dao Sect. , In exchange for meritorious service."

This sentence made the old man with yellow teeth raised his brows and wanted to say something.

Xu Wuzhou didn't give him this opportunity, and said directly: "I know what you want to say. Doesn't it mean that this is the foundation of Dao Sect, it is the kind of fire reserved for Dao Sect. I hope.

But what I want to tell seniors is: We are all dead, what is the use of leaving the fire? In the end, it lingered like now, and then was destroyed. Then rely on the reciprocating cycle of fire. In the end, just like boiling the frog in warm water, the fire is completely extinguished.

Has the predecessor ever thought about it, if so. What is left is not the fire, but the bane of harm.

That being the case, why not use the fire to burn it fiercely now and make a big fire. Maybe it can be reborn from the ashes.

And this... I am confident. "

The peak owners of the peaks were uncomfortable with the yellow-toothed old man, these people are always stubborn, and see Xu Wuzhou saying so. They spoke directly: "Yes! If you didn't guard those things, our Dao Sect's strength would have skyrocketed. This time our Dao Sect has a chance to rise, no matter what, we want to fight it. With those things, my Dao Zongmen can advance by leaps and bounds, and given time, I may not be able to achieve their ultimate power."

"Yes! This time, whether you agree or not, we must do this."

The old man Huang Ya listened to the words of the peak masters and saw them standing firmly behind Xu Wuzhou, he didn't know what his emotions were.

When Mo Daoxian comes back, will he find that he has been completely emptied? Daozong has become Xu Wuzhou's utterance. The real Taoist in the world has become Xu Wuzhou.


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