Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 843: expect

The golden body has become the ultimate power, and may even take another step on the ultimate power.

Of course, along with this news, another news came out, saying that the principal and deputy pavilion master of the fairy pavilion had fallen. The two virtual roads that broke down in that battle were the principal and deputy pavilion masters of Xian Pavilion.

The news was inexplicable, and not many people believed it at first, because the person who passed the news had no evidence. But when someone shouts, ‘if it’s not them, why don’t they prove their innocence’.

Such an inciting sentence is dubious.

Of course, some people who are strong consciously match the golden body and come to ask the golden body in person.

But the golden body denied, "The two never showed their identities from start to finish, and in the end they burned themselves to death. I don't know who they are, but how would the two pavilion masters of Xiange come to kill a Taoist true biography?"

The words of the golden body make many people think that the outside is just a rumor, but the more the rumor is spread, the more intense it will be. There are various reasons behind it. Most of the reasons for this are false. But some people are suspicious and think it might be true.

Everyone didn't believe it from the beginning, and gradually became convinced. Moreover, some people began to ask the people of the fairy pavilion.


Xu Wuzhou did not pay much attention to matters of public opinion outside.

He feels assured of Sherwin-Williams, he has talent in this regard. He has a very high savvy, and he can draw inferences about a lot of things just by mentioning a few things.

Especially since he built the navy, his Tao has become deeper and deeper. He didn't have much time to practice, but his strength had already reached the Chaoyuan realm.

His strength has improved so fast that many core disciples of Dao Zong who are devoted to practicing cultivation can't compare with him.

By chance, Xu Wuzhou saw Sherwin's notes. There was nothing recorded in that notebook, only one thing, ‘how to use the navy to make him famous in the world’.

In the notes, he repeated deductions and repeated plans, and he strives for perfection and perfection in every step.

He wanted to realize that as long as he began to implement this plan, he would have to ‘who does not know the emperor’ in the world, to be the most prestigious man in the world, and set a small goal: to surpass Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou fully affirmed and praised Sherwin's plan, and then lit a torch to burn his notes on the table.

It wasn't because Sherwin had to surpass him, but he felt that there were typos in the notes and they were not rigorous.

Besides, Xu Wuzhou felt that Sherwin-William's continuous deepening of the road was due to his obsession. Burning the notes himself, Sherwin-Williams set off again, which might also be good for his road.

This is also for Sherwin's good. Burning his notes by himself is a noble act of doing good deeds without leaving a name.

"Yeah! The famous tactics in Sherwin's notes are not bad. Well, let Luo Qi implement them in the Sherwin's navy, but the protagonist can be replaced by my name."

When Xu Wuzhou muttered these things, he saw Jin Tian and Wu Yao coming.

Wu Yao brought a message: "Hundreds of thousands of alien races have been sent to Yuzhou, scattered and sent to major mines to mine for Daozong. Other things in Hanzhou are also finished."

Xu Wuzhou nodded and said: "Then prepare to ring the Dao bell. In addition, let the Dao Sect disciples who are rooted in the Red Temple do their best to practice. Don't save the resources left by my Dao Sect. Don't save, I will use it to supply these disciples unlimitedly. .

Dao Zong is about to develop like a blowout, the stronger their strength, the better. Especially those from Wu Wudi, tell them to let them practice in retreat, and don't show up until they reach the realm of the gods. "

Wu Yaodao: "The resources left by Dao Sect for fire are not the same as ordinary resources. There are even nourished by the inheritance of Dao Zong's ancestors. With their talents and the practice of disregarding consumption, they are enough to step into the gods, even if they are accomplished. There are also opportunities on the other side."

Xu Wuzhou nodded.

Wu Yao thought for a while and said: "Among the fire resources left by Dao Sect, there are even the essence left by the saints. If you do not leave the fire, these things can also be used. Even if the first holy essence nourishes the law in one step Maybe. Do you need..."

Wu Yao stopped talking when he was halfway through. Xu Wuzhou has already swordd the invincible power, does he need this thing?

"Among the resources left, there are metal objects that I don't need for the time being, just leave it to me, and leave the rest to Dao Zong's same sect."

Wu Yao heard what Xu Wuzhou said, nodded and thought about it, and said, "What's the matter with your strength?"

This sentence made the golden body look towards Xu Wuzhou.

They really couldn't believe that Xu Wuzhou was so powerful. Observing these days, they felt that Xu Wuzhou was nothing but the other shore.

"That's not my real strength. You also know that I am a young teacher in the world, so the first saint naturally has to leave me a way to protect the way. I used to say that I have a protector to deceive the fairy pavilion. But the first holy place left the means Is my protector."

After listening to the golden body, she sighed: "The ancient sages are really incredible. After so many years, they can still choose the descendants to leave such a method. I don't know how terrifying their appearance back then."

Wu Yao also nodded. With this method, ordinary saints might not be able to survive.

However, the two sighed and breathed a sigh of relief. If Xu Wuzhou were really that strong, then they would look too wasteful.

"I can't use this kind of method frequently. It will cost a lot if you don't use it once, so you don't expect me to suppress everything in the future. The power of Dao Sect depends on everyone's efforts. Especially Senior Tuoba, You are the ultimate power at the moment."

The golden body nodded.

Although that was not Xu Wuzhou's real state, as long as Xu Wuzhou could borrow it, that was his true strength.

Even if it can't be used frequently, the strength that can easily kill the ultimate power is enough.

Xu Wuzhou looked at Wu Yao and said, "How can you still achieve great power, Peak Master?"

It stands to reason that the holy way has been given to you, and you should have arrived long ago.

Wu Yao sighed lightly and said, "Don't worry!"

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Wu Yao, nodded and said nothing.

"It's almost done, ring Daozong. It's time for the next step." Xu Wuzhou murmured.

Wu Yao was also full of expectations, and he looked forward to what the Dao Sect would become afterwards.


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