Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 844: defect

The road bell rang again!

The sound of the bell told the world and caused an uproar in the world.

Dao Zong took 100,000 foreign races prisoners, beheading the mighty power. The ringing of this bell was more shocking than the last time.

Especially the message conveyed by the bell. Countless warriors were in an uproar.

Those who are intent on Dao Sect are extremely excited, because Dao Sect has given them the opportunity to enter Dao Sect.

Those who are in the bottleneck are also extremely excited, because Daozong said that opening up the treasures of Daozong can break the bottleneck through meritorious service in exchange for resources.

Those who want to speculate are also secretly trying to figure out whether they can kill the invincible Dao Sect and whether they can take refuge.

Those who are hostile to Dao Sect, they are very nervous, don't know what Dao Sect wants to do.

Those who have nothing to do with themselves, although they do not participate, they are all concerned, as if they are gossip waiting for development.


All parties in the world have different minds. But there is a common feature: all of them know that Dao Sect is about to make a big move, and the Dao Sect grand meeting is held, and they are afraid that they will take back the power of Dao Sect.

Dao Sect, who has lost power for many years, wants to regain power again?

Are the various churches in the world of humanitarianism willing? How will they react?

No one can predict, but they know that this time the bell is ringing. The meaning of the bell sounded last time is completely different.

Last time, many people thought it was the anger that Daozong had accumulated for a long time, and it was a deterrent.

And this time, Daozong showed his fangs. It's just that this fang was cut by someone, or was it a success?


From the sound of the Taoist bell, countless practitioners in the world came to join the Taoist school.

For these defectors, Dao Sect allowed them to join Dao Sect after a simple selection.

Daozong is growing crazily at a visible speed, and there are more and more powerful under his command.

From the powerhouse of the Divine Sea Realm at the beginning, to the Transcendent Divine Realm, the other shore realm. From the back, even the true king Da Neng came.


Daozong still underestimated the identity of the co-master of the world.

In the past, it was only Taoism that did not accept outside powerhouses, and Taoism was not extremely capable.

But when all of this is there, even though many warriors who have come to take refuge have other thoughts. But it is more of a warrior who truly recognizes Dao Zong in my heart and is pious to Dao Zong.

Some warriors even had tears in their eyes because of joining Dao Zong, and they were so excited that the avenue was volatile and almost died.

When Daozong saw this scene, they were also crying.

They used to think that the world was sorry to Dao Zong, and Dao Zong shed blood and tears for the human race of the world. Everything the sages of Dao Zong did was not worth it.

Looking forward to those warriors who vowed to become a member of Dao Sect and willing to go through fire and water for Dao Sect.

They felt that their previous grievances and unwillingness were less important. What the sages did in those days is worth it.

In this world, even if many people are sorry for Taoism, there are still many people who are worthy of Taoism.

Originally, many people in Taoism also resisted non-root Zhengmiaohong people from becoming Taoist sects. It can be seen that these pious people feel that Xu Wuzhou is right.


More and more powerful people came to join Dao Sect, Xu Wuzhou didn't care about these things.

He is in the abandoned tower, and the weak water is by his side to accompany him.

Daozong was busy fainting, and Wu Wudi's disciples all went to retreat to practice.

Dao Zong resources are all taken out, and the resources that Dao Zong left behind as fire seeds are naturally extraordinary. With such conditions, they also vowed ruthlessly, vowing that they would never leave the pass if they didn't practice to the level of transforming the gods.

Chen Changhe and other cores even said that they would never leave the border without practicing.

There is only weak water. She is in a special situation, and her practice is of little significance to her.

Therefore, in the huge Dao Sect, only Xu Wuzhou and Qianshui are idlers.

The weak water is as before, the appearance is delicate and soft, just like water made, I see pity for the soft and weak, and the well-behaved appearance makes people thrilled when I look at it.

She was making tea next to her, Xu Wuzhou was drinking tea, a quiet and beautiful scene.


Xu Wuzhou is nourishing his own body, even though he has borrowed the strength of the old man in the black bowl. But this force is too heavy a burden for him.

That is to say, he has practiced eight or nine profound arts, and his strength has reached the realm of the other side. Otherwise, I can't bear such strength absolutely.

How powerful is the ultimate power, it seems easy to kill the opponent with Three Swords, but what kind of power is needed to achieve this.

That is, the old man in the black bowl, plus Xu Wuzhou's yin and yang medical tactics, constantly mediating himself. Otherwise, after that battle, his body would break.

But even so, it paid a lot of money.

Xu Wuzhou resisted, even to deter the golden body, forcibly suppressed for a long time, and dealt with Daoist affairs as an innocent person.

It wasn't until the bell rang that Xu Wuzhou found a reason to seize the abandoned tower to practice.

Although backlash is in the eyes, but there is Yin and Yang medicine plus the black bowl of liquid, it is not a big problem.

The most important thing is that the old Black Bowl has learned the same thing as him, and it is much easier for him to recover.

The only headache is that the old man in the black bowl is too powerful. At the beginning, he borrowed his body and turned his Shenhai directly into Wujie Shenhai.

Borrowing this time, he felt that his divine sea and divine form had also changed drastically.

Shenhai Wujiang couldn't expand, but with his borrowing, many shortcomings were directly exposed, and it felt like a tofu project.

It is a good thing to recognize your own shortcomings.

However, when a baby recognizes his own shortcomings, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Because this is beyond the baby's ability, trying to make up for the defect is a big problem.

Moreover, these defects should not have been exposed in this state.

It was like Shenhai Wujiang, which was not the Shenhai that Xu Wuzhou could possess.


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