Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 851: a cup of tea


After Xu Wuzhou took his seat, an elder of Daozong shouted. As the elder's words fell, a group of graceful women from Yingyingyanyan filed in, holding tea cups, and placing a cup of tea in front of each warrior.

Many warriors frowned and glanced at the tea cup in front of them. I wonder which one is this? What is the routine of inviting a group of women to come to tea with great fanfare?

Just when everyone was puzzled, they heard Xu Wuzhou speak: "Thank you all for coming to the Dao Sect event. Dao Zong thanked you for this tea."

This sentence makes some people feel contemptuous.

The Luopo sect is the Luopo sect, and it is so small-minded in doing things. Thank you for a cup of tea? Not as good as not! This way everyone will not laugh at you for being stingy.

When Xu Wuzhou sat in the main seat, he could naturally see the expressions of many people. He smiled when he saw it, and said, "Everyone will use the tea first, and we will talk about business after we use it up."

Many people looked at the very ordinary tea in front of them. Some people disdain to drink it. Of course, there are also forces who are still pious to Dao Sect. Although they feel that this is a loss of atmosphere, they still take a sip of the tea.

With a mouthful, these people's expressions changed drastically, regardless of the tea and hot mouths, they gurgled and took another gulp.

As the tea entered their throats again, the faces of these people showed shock, staring blankly at the many Daozong people, their faces full of disbelief.

Xu Wuzhou looked at the expressions of these people and said with a smile: "This cup of tea tastes okay."

Those who had drunk tea swallowed their saliva. One of them said, "I am thirsty, and I want to drink another cup."

Xu Wuzhou smiled, waved his hand, and said to the Yingyingyanyan who had invited: "Senior Fengyangzong will give me another cup of tea."

Others who have used tea, seeing that they can really get another cup of tea, their eyes are red, and they can't help but say, "We are still thirsty."

Xu Wuzhou said: "Everyone is not in a hurry. Three cups are prepared for everyone at this event. You can drink slowly."

This sentence made them rejoice.

The warrior who has never drunk tea finds it inexplicable, thinking that this kind of tea is worth it? And Dao Zong actually has a stingy limit, each person can only drink three cups?

Smell these teas, they are all made from inferior tea leaves!

They were puzzled, and took a sip. Just this mouthful caused their pupils to shrink suddenly, and the turbulent waves turned up in their hearts.

They thought Daozong was acting stingy. But with this sip of tea, I realized how grand Dao Zong is.

This cup of tea can directly increase their spiritual energy and blood energy, which does not mean much to them. What is surprising is that Shenhun was nourished by this cup of tea, and even the main roads were active.

Many warriors, they are already at a bottleneck. Their own strength and soul are hard to advance, and this cup of tea directly makes them stronger.

Although this line is very rare, for them, this is tantamount to the feeling that a line of cracks have been knocked out of a solid glacier.

This cup of tea seems to have directly improved their first-line cultivation skills.

What kind of treasure is this? If they are allowed to drink hundreds of cups, can they directly shake their own bottleneck and directly break through the realm?

This tea is definitely a treasure! A cup is absolutely comparable to a superb pill.

As for Daozong, each person gave out three cups at once.

There are so many warriors present, the representatives of the various Taoist sects in the 30,000 prefectures, this is equivalent to sending out a hundred thousand gods.

How many forces in the world can use such a handwriting?

Everyone looked at Dao Zong complicatedly, thinking that Dao Zong was in a state of failure and should be very poor. But now they know that Daozong is not what they can figure out.

If the tea sent out alone was used by the Taoist clans, it would be enough to cultivate a group of talents.


Daozongmen looked at the expressions of the people, and their hearts were extremely comfortable. I thought that this leaving no trace of power would be enough to make you feel awe of Dao Zong.

However, they also hurt. This tea was made from the pill, and Xu Wuzhou threw tens of thousands of pill in it. Those are all **** pills, they have used them, and they are of great use to cultivation. Xu Wuzhou gave so much at once.

But thankfully, Xu Wuzhou said: This was left by the first saint to him, the young teacher in the world, and there are still a million pills of this kind of medicine.

He said that these million pills were used by Daozong disciples. One is to train Dao Sect disciples, and the other is to reward new Dao Sect martial artists.

This kind of **** pill was given out rewards, and they all thought that more martial artists would come to take refuge in Dao Sect.

However, many teachers of Dao Zong said that this was left to him by the first sage, so he left it for his own use, hoping that he could use these pills to grow up as soon as possible.

Xu Wuzhou casually found an excuse, saying that his strength increased so fast, this pill also played a great role, but too much, and the **** pill had no effect on him.

This made Daozong people no longer say anything.

Of course, Xu Wuzhou promised millions of pills in one go, but it was a headache. The pill is easy, he can refine it. Of course he didn't want to refine it either.

Just buy some common medicinal herbs and soak them in a black bowl of liquid.

Mainly, the liquid needed for soaking a million pills is so much that the metal has to be worked out. After all, he is still poor.


Everyone was drinking tea, and some people drank three cups in a hurry.

Some people are already on the verge of breaking through, and they just have a quick kick. Even without this tea, they will be able to break through in time.

But the help of these three cups of tea made a breakthrough directly.

In this scene, many warriors watched with fiery eyes, holding a tea cup, and felt that this ordinary-looking cup of tea was a treasure.

"Everyone, everyone is almost there, and the tea is drunk, then the grand meeting will begin." Where Xu Wuzhou was sitting, his expression was calm, and nothing was affected by this cup of tea. The attitude of this is just a cup of ordinary tea, which makes many people who secretly follow Xu Wuzhou more and more solemnly.

Xu Wuzhou's opening calmed down the warriors who had lost their temper due to tea. Although tea is comparable to a **** pill, it is a treasure.

But today, this grand event is the main feature.

Everyone wants to know, what Daozong wants to do in this grand meeting? Back to leader status!

But this is not just a grand event!

How he wants to achieve his goals with this grand event is the highlight.


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