Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 852: Daozhushe died

Xu Wuzhou opened the door and said: "What do you think of the devil's cave being broken and the alien invading my human race?"

The opening is a sharp question, and many people are silent. Such a big event, naturally no one dares to speak easily.

However, some of them looked at each other and stood up and asked Xu Wuzhou: "The Dao Sect event should be hosted by the Dao Master. You are only the true biography of Dao Sect, how can you be the master to preside over this meeting?"

This sentence made Xu Wuzhou laugh. I thought this was to pick and change the subject.

However, this is indeed a problem. After all, although the Taoist true biography is the Taoist prince, it is only the prince after all, and is not qualified to sit on the main seat and preside over the meeting.

Sure enough, many people looked at Xu Wuzhou, and even those who still respected Dao Sect opened their mouths and said: "Yes! Such a grand event, it should be the Dao Lord attending, I don't know where the Dao Lord is."

"Also ask the Taoist Lord to come and preside over the meeting."

"Well! The Taoist hasn't come forward yet, why is this."


Wu Yao didn't expect such a mutiny in the first place, and he looked at Xu Wuzhou worriedly.

Only Sherwin-William and Shi Mei watched this scene, and they didn't take it seriously. Is this a problem for Xu Wuzhou?

Sure enough, they heard Xu Wuzhou speak: "The Taoist master can't come."

In a word, everyone was in an uproar.

"What's the meaning?"

"Tao Master can't come? Who will preside over this conference!"

"If you are not a Taoist master, how can you have the right to hold a Taoist event."

"The Taoist master is no longer, who allowed to ring the Taoist bell to tell the world news."


The people present all scolded, especially those who had walked very close to the fairy pavilion before.

Some of them stood up angrily and pointed at Xu Wuzhou and his group and said, "You dare to fake the preacher's order, so courageous!"

At this time, Xu Wuzhou looked sad and said: "Everyone is calm and calm. There is a reason why the Taoist master is not there. Listen to me, everyone."

Everyone calmed down and saw Xu Wuzhou taking out a scroll.

"This is left by the Sect Master, everyone will take a look."

The person from the Ten Great Sacred Lands is the closest to Xu Wuzhou. The representative who came this time was the medical idiot. He took the lead and took a look at it. The content above is very simple. Just one sentence: I have something to travel, if there is an accident, let Dao Zong true pass on as the lord.

Sherwin was standing behind Xu Wuzhou. He saw the scroll and the content on it. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He still doesn't know this scroll? Shi Mei used it to wipe the table two days ago and was thrown in a corner as rubbish. With such a thing, Xu Wuzhou actually came to fake the Taoist edict?

Mad, even if you want to make a fake, can you have a snack, okay?

Wu Yao's eyes widened, and he didn't believe what he saw before him. What is Xu Wuzhou doing? What is an accident, pass it to him.

At this time, Wu Yao heard Xu Wuzhou's extremely sad voice: "My Dao Sect lighted the Sect Master's ever-bright lantern, but not long ago, the ever-bright lamp suddenly went out. Sect master must be more fortunate."

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou paused, "It is also for this reason that we ring the bell to report this Dao Sect event. The purpose is to inform the world of this news, and at the same time it is considered as a farewell to the Sect Master."

After Xu Wuzhou's words were finished, Wu Yao was almost stunned, and his eyes fell out?

This...this...what are you talking about? When did Mo Daoxian light the ever-bright lantern? What is so bad?

He took out the edict and said that Mo Daoxian had hung up.

Are you trying to usurp the throne?

Wu Yao took a breath.

He already sympathized with Mo Daoxian enough, and originally thought that Xu Wuzhou's words in Daozong were tragic enough for him.

Unexpectedly, this is nothing miserable at all.

Doesn't it count as if he was emptied? Is there a direct social death now?

He was alive and well, so he directly positioned Xu Wuzhou. Just to make room for him?

Wu Yao didn't think he could turn enough in his mind.

He suddenly thought of Mo Daoxian's suppression of Xu Wuzhou. At that time, Mo Daoxian said: This kid is not a good person, but he came for the Taoist true biography, and even my position as the master of the Taoist school.

At that time, they also yelled at Mo Daoxian for not knowing people.

Look now, Mo Daoxian is the truth.

How long has this been since Xu Wuzhou has now focused on the position of Taoist master. And it was put into action directly.

The golden body listened to Mo Daoxian with the same incomparable sympathy: If you go out, you will lose even the Taoist master?

No matter what they think, Xu Wuzhou still said with a sad face: "The Dao Master is so fierce and auspicious, I am extremely sad. It must be the same for everyone.

Alas, please stand up, let us mourn for the Taoist master for a while. "

After speaking, Xu Wuzhou stood up, standing there with a sad expression of silence for Mo Daoxian.

When the others saw this, they looked at each other.

Although it is difficult for them to accept this news, this statement came from the truth of Taoism at the Dao Sect event, can this be false?

Xu Wuzhou was also seen standing in silent mourning. Someone reflexively stood up and mourned with Xu Wuzhou.

Someone stands up, others naturally follow. Even the forces that are at odds with Dao Sect stand up at this time.

After all, Mo Daoxian is the leader in name. In this environment, how can they not follow the public in silence.

Therefore, everyone present stood there with sad expressions of mourning.

Sherwin is by the side, his eyes are straight?

What a special thing!

Can you play like this? The Taoist will die immediately?

Xu Wuzhou, you are too much! Do you still have a bottom line?

Mo Daoxian came back and saw that he was already dead. What will happen to him?

Sherwin thought about the picture, it was not too beautiful.

Weak Shui and Shi Mei stood beside them, their beautiful eyes widened.

Throughout the Dao Sect, they all silently mourned for Dao Master...This...They don't know what to think.


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