Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 858: The Nine Lights Army

Wu Yao still shouted in front of the gate: "Open the mountain gate and surrender, don't make mistakes."

It's just that Wu Yao screamed for a long time, and no one from the Five Elements Ancient Sect walked out of the mountain gate.

Xu Wuzhou opened his mouth at this time: "Since they have no intention of admitting their mistakes, let's go in. The true king of Dao Zong can listen to the order and break through their mountain gate."

And when Xu Wuzhou gave the order, countless disciples emerged from the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, with hundreds of disciples. These disciples gathered in front of the mountain gate and formed an army of tens of thousands of people.

They gathered together, and the blood flowed out from the body, and the blood of tens of thousands of people reflected on the sky, and the sky turned into a **** color.

The rules of heaven and earth are changing at this moment, other laws are suppressed, all the ways are under the blood, this is the field of the army, under the field, everything rises and disappears.

Such an army formation, even if it is powerful, is full of dignity at the moment, if they are trapped in this army formation, they are afraid that their strength will be cut by half.

"It's worthy of the ancient teachings of the Five Elements. This army formation is much stronger than the army of many princes. This is an iron army." Someone sighed.

Although the princes are good at the military formation method, most of the Daoist forces are only superficial. But this does not represent a top power such as the Five Elements Ancient Sect.

With this kind of existence, it is not surprising to master the highest-end military training skills.

The army in front of him also confirmed this. Such an iron army, under the cover of the field, there are several warriors who can shake its edge.

This is a kind of prestige to Daozong.

Many people paid attention to this battle, and they all secretly looked at Daozong. Sure enough, seeing that many martial artists of Dao Sect were greatly affected, the true kings who were planning to break the mountain gate stopped.

"Although Dao Zong has recruited many powerful people, it is still a foreigner after all, lacking the heart of **** battle." Some people sighed that the disadvantages of the lack of identity and centripetal force were revealed when the foreign warriors from all directions gathered together.

From the gate of the Five Elements Ancient Religion, a middle-aged man walked out. This man stood in the air and looked at the golden chariot: "Although I am not a holy place, I cannot be threatened by others. Dao Zong also asked Daozong to retreat. Well, we will never agree to your proposal."

Xu Wuzhou was still sitting in the chariot. He did not come out, but a voice came from it: "You don't need to say anything about what you have done, but even so, Dao Zong is still willing to give you a chance. But you are sure to resist. Is it the end?"

The middle-aged man said: "I heard that the young master in the world said something to the Taoist School in the world: Ultimately, it depends on whether the fist has the power. It is not that we are going to fight to the end, but that you Taoist school does not rule the Taoist school in the world. The ancient teachings of the Five Elements do not want to be ruled by the incompetent. This sentence...Do you understand the young teacher in the world?"

"Understand! But you are wrong!"

"Where is wrong?"

"The first mistake is that the fist is never the first thing in this world. There are still people in this world who should have something more worthy of awe, such as justice and virtue. To see if the fist has power, that is the last thing to do.

The second mistake is that you shouldn't think that Taoism is an incompetent person. "

The middle-aged man said: "I heard that Dao Zong recruited a lot of strong people, but in the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, although there are many, but they are all mobs. So you want to say that I am wrong, I am afraid that you can only slap yourself in the face at the end."

In a word, the Daozongmen present were all glaring at him, and no one wanted to be described as a mob.

Xu Wuzhou was very happy listening. I just hope that the ancient teachings of the Five Elements are more exciting and stimulating.

After the final victory, everything will be transformed into a centripetal force against Daozong.

"I'm not here this time to tell you that these are useless." Xu Wuzhou said to the middle-aged man, "Since you are so stubborn, let's fight a battle."

The middle-aged man snorted: "You don't want to humiliate yourself. I stood up and urged you to go back, but after all, you are the leader of the Taoist sect in name and the world's co-master. But you forced us to retreat and can only overthrow it. The status of your Taoist leader."

As the middle-aged man's words fell, the army formed by tens of thousands of disciples of the Five Elements Ancient Sect was violent and full of blood, and the whole sky reflected like a blood-red sunset that was burned in the evening.

Many warriors are far away, feeling that their aura is madly dissolving, and their Taoism is suppressed.

They are horrified!

They are far away, but they are only affected by the weak aftermath. If this is within the envelope of their military formation, how terrifying will this situation be? Was he beaten as a mortal in an instant?

Everyone looked at the Dao Sect side, just this army formation. It's enough to make people headache, I'm afraid that the great power may not be able to break through this army.

And at this moment, I saw several chariots driving in front of the golden chariot and said: "Dao Zong Jiuyao Army is pleased to fight."

The Nine Lights Army is well-known, and is considered the strongest party to stop it in the Nine Palaces Sanctuary. Everyone felt that they should have a place in the world's iron army.

However, what was in front of him was the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, and their military position was already visible. This is the real iron army.

If the number is equal, everyone feels that the Nine Lights Army might not be worse than the Five Elements Ancient Sect. But... Although the Nine Lights Army is rampant in the Nine Palaces Sanctuary, but the number is not large, it is said that there are only about a thousand people.


Xu Wuzhou's voice came from the golden chariot.

After receiving Xu Wuzhou's order, the Jiuyao Army stepped out of the chariots, and hundreds of people walked out of each chariot.

Several tanks walked out of 800 people.

This is already the eighth horse of the Nine Lights Army.

At this time, they formed a military formation, each wearing a helmet and armor, and stepping toward the gate of the ancient religion of the Five Elements in an orderly manner.

Even though there is an iron army in front of thousands of people, they are still moving forward steadily.

Eight hundred people stepped together, and every step was neat and correct. Every step on, let the earth resonate with them.

Although there were only eight hundred people, the ground was rumbling and shaking as if there were thousands of troops and horses stepping together.

And as they stepped, the momentum of the eight hundred people gathered together, and the more they gathered, the more terrifying, the whole momentum was like a circling blue dragon, and the heavens and the earth were suppressed under this momentum.

The crimson blood was also dyed with a layer of cyan, as if the burning sky was torn apart.

"So strong!" Everyone sighed, even though they knew that the Nine Lights Army was extraordinary, they had never expected it to be so powerful. There are only eight hundred people, and it can be so, if there are tens of thousands of nine Yao army, wouldn't it be that the army of the Five Elements Ancient Sect will be suppressed.

The people of the Five Elements Ancient Sect were also secretly shocked, thinking that fortunately, they were an army of ten thousand people, enough to suppress them with their numbers. Eight hundred people, even if they are strong, can't make waves.

It's just a pity that the existence of the Nine Lights Army actually went blind to seek refuge in Dao Sect.

So far, many forces in the world cannot understand why the Nine Lights Army made such a choice.


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