Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 859: armistice

"Dao Zong is Tao Zong after all, even if it is a military formation, it can still be the world's best." The commander of the Nine Lights Army opened his mouth, and his voice looked hoarse and unreal through his helmet.

"Huh! The Fallen Sect, seek a dead end!"

The blood of the army of ten thousand erupted, and the situation became more and more terrifying, suppressing the Quartet, the world seemed to be left with the fighting spirit of the army of ten thousand, the blood covering everything, and the other energies in it were all smiled.

But even so, the Nine Lights Army was still not afraid, and they started to run in unison.

The pace is the same, uniform, without the slightest difference, even if they run extremely fast, they can still do so.

As they ran, the blood qi in their bodies also rushed into the night. For the same blood, the suppression of the situation on them seems weak.


Seeing rushing in front of the tens of thousands of troops, the Jiuyao Army once again raised the speed, roared, each holding a long spear, and slammed in.

Many warriors watched this scene, admiring the Jiuyao Army in their hearts.

Eight hundred people dared to take the initiative in the face of an army of ten thousand people. The Nine Lights Army is really extraordinary.

It's just that if you get in like this, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the crowd.

"Change formation, sleepy!"

The army of tens of thousands of people changed into battle in an instant, encircling 800 people.

One of the thousand-man team slammed into the Nine Lights Army.

The golden body watched this scene in the car, he said to Xu Wuzhou: "Ten thousand people are trapped and killed, they are dangerous."

Xu Wuzhou did not speak. The Nine Lights Army was left by Mo Daoxian when he left, although I don't know what the relationship between the Nine Lights Army and Mo Daoxian was. But he used the Nine Lights Army as a trump card left to protect the Dao Sect disciples, and that was definitely extraordinary.

In Daozong, Xu Wuzhou trusted and felt the most capable was Mo Daoxian. Although his strength has been scolded by the peak masters, he can still support Dao Sect under such circumstances, and under the power of Xian Pavilion, Dao Sect's righteous reputation has never been lacking. His ability is evident.

Although the outside world believed that Taoism was not born in the past, there was no conflict with the outside world, and there was no major crisis.

But Xu Wuzhou absolutely didn't believe this, and it was impossible for Xiange not to secretly make a move. But Daozong is still the same, this is the ability of Mo Daoxian.

With such a person, the Nine Lights Army left will be simple? Xu Wuzhou believed that the Nine Lights Army he saw was definitely not all of them.

If the Nine Lights Army dares to take the initiative to call for battle, then it should have confidence.

Sure enough, Xu Wuzhou saw the Nine Lights Army enter the army of ten thousand people. Eight hundred people are like the same sharp knife, and the spears in their hands are like the same gods and dragons, carrying the power of the vast and majestic vitality, living and killing, every spear pierces the rock and breaks the mountain.


As they roared, the spear shot and killed the disciples of the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, blood splashed and spilled on the ground. These eight hundred people were also stained with scarlet blood.

The spear was still the same, and the warrior's head was like a watermelon, which was directly penetrated, and then the spear suddenly burst and exploded.

In a wave of shock, hundreds of warriors were directly prosecuted and killed.

At this time, there was a flow of cyan among the eight hundred people. At the same time, this cyan trembling slowly turned into blood red.

There is no one in ten for this kind of transformation.

But even so, the warrior of the ancient teachings of the Five Elements was born in horror when he saw that: "Aura turned into blood."

The people present were shocked, all staring at the Nine Lights Army with round eyes.

The tens of thousands of troops formed a military formation, turning blood into a battlefield. In this situation, there can only be the power of blood.

Even if it is as powerful as might, under such a situation. Both the spiritual energy and the Taoism will be blasted, leaving not too much.

Maybe he is still a fierce tiger, but these ten thousand people can fight to the death and kill the mighty power.

This is also the terror of the princes. Many princes did not even have major practitioners, but Da Meng did not dare to provoke them easily.

Even the great energy has to be melted away from the aura, but the Nine Lights Army in front of him has not been ablated, and it can be transformed into a blood aura. What a power against the sky.

The blood qi of the army of ten thousand has evolved into a situation, so in this situation, the qi is the mainstream force. Although the origin of the non-military formations will be suppressed, the suppression is limited.

Originally a warrior, even if his blood is stronger than others, where can he be stronger? The existence of the blazing sun will also be beheaded under the sea of ​​people.

But now, there are people who can evolve aura into blood.

The transformation of ten in one, seemingly terrifying attenuation. How powerful is a practitioner? The spiritual energy contained is so majestic, it is definitely far more terrifying than a person's physical energy.

Even if it’s one of ten, it’s scary.

"How is it possible?" They stared at this scene blankly, unable to believe what they saw before them.

But some strong people quickly discovered the clues.

"It's the reason for the military position."

They found that these eight hundred people formed a scene. This is the military position, this position turns them into a special field, in this field, they can use the secret technique to transform the spiritual energy into the blood energy.

They found the reason, but they were still shocked and unbelievable.

It is not surprising that the army is facing the battlefield, and it is not surprising that the army can evolve the situation with the help of each other. But these two trends often suppress each other.

For example, one side is an army composed of aura warriors, and one side is an army composed of blood warriors. These two fields suppress each other, and the aura of the aura will melt crazily, and the blood of the aura will melt crazily.

But I haven't heard that the situation is not affected, just blessing themselves and sheltering themselves so that their spiritual energy can be transformed into blood energy.

No one figured it out.

At this time, I heard a sentence from the golden chariot: "The light of the rice grains dare to compete with Haoyue for glory. The sect of the world's co-lord, its background is also what you can imagine?"

When everyone heard Xu Wuzhou's words, they were slightly taken aback. Immediately frowned: The Nine Lights Army is not Dao Sect, right? What does this have to do with your Dao Sect's background? Could it be that the Nine Lights Army was secretly created by Dao Sect?

This is impossible, Dao Sect has this kind of ability. Forging an army of tens of thousands of people, even the most powerful can be killed, how could Dao Zong not be completed like this?


There was a fight in the field, and the Nine Lights Army in the field was like a sharp knife, slaying and rushing through the army, and every time they charged, they would kill hundreds of people.

They were picked and killed one by one, their blood exploded, and their aura became more and more like a rainbow, and their spears turned scarlet.

Everyone was palpitating, and they found that they all underestimated the Nine Lights Army. Eight hundred of them are in the army, just like eight hundred fierce generals.

How powerful is the army formed by eight hundred fierce generals?

In the field, fight together. Everyone looked at this scene with horror in their hearts. These 10,000 people really may not be able to win the eight hundred people of the Nine Lights Army.

Xu Wuzhou looked at the field, watching the Jiu Yao army's momentum grow stronger and stronger, the killing intent was vast, and the spear kept picking blood.

At this time, he looked at the ancient leader of the Five Elements and said: "How about the armistice?"

This sentence, everyone was astonished.

At this time the truce? Victory is in sight!


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