Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 862: Come down

The five-element ring, hanging in the sky between the sky, keeps getting bigger, and the whole body exudes five colors of brilliance. Each brilliance contains terrifying energy and Taoist rhyme.

The five colors of green, red, yellow, white and black represent the five elements surging and circulating in the sky and the earth.

The world is transformed into a five-element cage, and the five elements are the only one, so everything is ringed in it.

Below, the disciples of the Five Elements Ancient Sect were standing on the five sides, each of them exploded with their own Taoist rhyme, and continuously submerged into the Five Elements Ring. The Five Elements Ring was aroused and became more and more terrifying.

The power of the five elements hangs down like a avenue, like a whip, invisibly binding everyone. Even though it is as powerful as might, it feels that the whole body is extremely heavy, and it is not easy to break it.

This is the power of the Five Elements Ring, so powerful that Dao Sect people are terrified, and their power has given birth to the heart of retreat.

The warriors hiding in the dark, watching this scene were shocked, they were extremely shocked.

Worthy of being a top-notch ancient religion, who can contend once this thing comes out? Unless a treasure like Tao Shu can be shaken.

But does Dao Zong have such a treasure? Daozong definitely doesn't have it. What's more, even if there is, does Dao Zong have the ability to drive this treasure? The five-element ring can be driven by the power of teaching. How to break?

"Oh! Although Dao Sect recruits many powerful people, he still has no choice but to face such a top ancient religion!"

"Xu Wuzhou is still too young, I don't know how terrifying these top ancient religions are."

"Yeah! After this time without success, this Daozong grand meeting became a joke."

"Well! No one will take the mutual supervision policy proposed by Dao Zong seriously."


Wu Yao also looked at Xu Wuzhou at this time, and he persuaded Xu Wuzhou. I have told Xu Wuzhou of the horror of the Five Elements Ring of the Five Elements Ancient Religion. But Xu Wuzhou insisted on doing it, saying that it was not a concern.

But at this moment, he felt that he was under the five-element circle, and he felt that the entire avenue was cut. The five-element ring is an inhuman tool.

The leader of the five elements stood under the ring of five elements and looked at the golden chariot. Everyone's heart condensed: Dao Zong is dangerous, and the golden body is dangerous.

The leader of the Five Elements looked at Xu Wuzhou and said: "Although Dao Sect is the leader of the world, he who implements evil government can do it by himself. You Dao Sect conquered the ancient religion of the Five Elements because of this. I respect that you were once leaders. Ancient religion does not care about you."

Xu Wuzhou laughed: "The former leader? It means that I don't recognize Dao Sect as the leader now? What? Who in the world drove Dao Sect from the position of leader? I don't even know about this."

The leader of the Five Elements hummed: "Without virtue and incompetence, how can we stay the leader of the Taoist school for a long time."

Xu Wuzhou laughed when he heard this sentence: "Wu De, don't say anything about Dao Zong's virtue. Incompetence? Do you think that a five-element ring can make Dao Zong bow my head?"

The leader of the Five Elements said: "If you insist on harming my disciples of the Five Elements Ancient Religion, then don’t blame me on the Five Elements Ancient Religion."

"It seems that the Five Elements Ring really gives you a lot of confidence."

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou stared at the five elements and paused and said, "But you have miscalculated Dao Sect. You have never understood Dao Sect."

The leader of the Five Elements frowned, his heart tensed, and he looked at Xu Wuzhou and said coldly: "Could it be that your Dao Sect can still come up with the treasure that suppresses the Five Elements Ring that I teach you."

"You don't need to test, my Dao Sect does not have such a treasure."

In a word, let the Five Elements leader breathe a sigh of relief. Although knowing that Daozong didn't have it, it was more at ease since he was sure that he didn't.

"Huh! What if your Dao Sect has the treasure that suppresses the Five Elements Ring? Does your Dao Sect still have the ability to drive this treasure?"

The leader of the Five Elements ridiculed that he wanted to tear off the mask of Dao Sect and let the world know that even if Dao Sect recruited many powerful people, it was a sect that no longer had any background, and there was nothing terrible.

The name of a leader is disrespectful.

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou laugh.

"Sometimes people always take it for granted. Who told you that Dao Sect needs to rely on the treasure to deal with your Five Elements Ring?"

The five-element leader sneered and said: "Then, don't you still have a saint in Dao Sect? What if there are saints? I can't break the five-element ring of ancient religion."

"A small five-element ring needs a saint to act?" Xu Wuzhou sighed, "There are always so many arrogant people in this world, and they always despise others and overestimate themselves."

Everyone looked at Xu Wuzhou and wondered why Xu Wuzhou said such things. There is no treasure and no saint, do you want to rely on Dao Sect disciples to break the Five Elements Ring?

How to break the Five Elements Ring inspired by Jujiao? Dozens of great powers can't break it together.

While everyone was puzzled, they heard Xu Wuzhou say: "I yelled three times, and the five-element ring fell by itself, do you believe it or not?"

The Lord of the Five Elements thinks he heard a shocking joke? Say a few words, the five-element ring will fall by itself! What is your five-element ring? Even the ancestors who refined the five-element ring back then can't be called the five-element ring.

The powerful people who watched by the gates also looked strange. Is Xu Wuzhou joking in an active atmosphere? It's inappropriate to make such a joke on this occasion.

When everyone was sneering at Xu Wuzhou's words, they heard Xu Wuzhou in the golden chariot and really shouted: "Come down! Come down!"

Xu Wuzhou shouted three times in a row, but his voice was not loud, and his usual speech was no different.

Everyone felt that Xu Wuzhou had a brain twitch, wouldn't it feel naive to do such a thing in such a tit-for-tat occasion?

Even Daozong martial artists frowned.

And only with the golden body in the chariot, he was sitting awkwardly, looking at Xu Wuzhou with awe. He was very close to Xu Wuzhou, and when Xu Wuzhou shouted these three sentences, he felt the breath of the day.

Similarly, Xu Wuzhou did not utter a word. There were Taoist rhymes in his mouth, and the golden body was close to each other, so he faintly felt the Taoist rhymes of the five elements. Only then did I know how terrifying this rune that sank into the world is.

Seeing that Xu Wuzhou really shouted, he sneered: "This is how children play the house. Go back and play slowly. My Five Elements Ancient Religion is not allowed. Say it again, don’t blame Wuxing Ancient if you don’t retreat. You are welcome to teach."

Xu Wuzhou ignored him and continued to shout: "Come down!"

"Humph! If you are stubborn, then teach you to grow up."

When the five-element leader speaks, the rhyme of Taoism flows, and it must be integrated with the five-element ring, and use its power to suppress the strong Taoist and capture Xu Wuzhou.

But after three sentences, six words are finished.

The huge five-element ring across the sky suddenly became dim and suddenly fell downward. The originally huge five-element ring gradually shrinks as it falls.

In the next moment, everyone's eyes widened.

The five-element ring fell toward the golden chariot, and when it fell on the golden chariot, it became only the size of a bracelet.

It just so happened that a hand stretched out from the golden chariot, and the five-element ring was just placed on his wrist, really like a beautiful multicolored bracelet.

All around!

Deathly silence!


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