Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 863: How do you know it's not fake

Xu Wuzhou was still sitting in the golden chariot, and he did not show up.

On the outside is a white hand with a five-element ring on his wrist.

"I actually called it down."

Some people muttered to themselves, only feeling dry and dry, swallowing hard.

It's not a joke, this kind of childish behavior really called the peerless sacred artifact.

what is happening?

The countless sects of the Five Elements Ancient Sect were all lost at this moment, staring at the golden chariot in a daze, and some even wiped their eyes vigorously, but even if it was true in front of them, they still couldn't believe it.

This is the treasure of the ancient teachings of the Five Elements. It is precisely because of him that the ancient teachings of the Five Elements are well-known in 30,000 states, and they have achieved top-notch ancient teachings.

But this kind of treasure was actually called down to become someone's docile bracelet. How is this going?

It's not just that they are difficult to understand, even the Taoist sect people, including Wu Yao and Jin Ti, are equally shocked.

Wu Yao didn't say anything, the golden body inside the chariot, coupled with his powerful strength, could perceive part of the weirdness. But he was still unable to understand, Xu Wuzhou could call down the peerless Saint Soldier by just a few words.

The surroundings are unusually quiet, especially the gatekeepers of the ancient teachings of the Five Elements. At the moment, they all looked at the leader of the five elements.

Is this still fighting like this?

They are trying their best to drive the five-element ring, but the five-element ring is willing to become a bracelet. What a shit?

This feeling is like licking a dog. They tried their best to please the holy soldiers, but the holy soldiers liked the scumbag.


After the leader of the Five Elements was lost at this moment, he stared at Xu Wuzhou and said, "What kind of despicable means did you use."

"Despicable means? Haha! Under the eyes of everyone, what means I used is visible to the world. There are some things you don't take seriously, so naturally you can't think of why the five-element ring fell."

The leader of the Five Elements frowned, recalling what Xu Wuzhou had said. He didn't know that that sentence could explain the reason.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at them, and the five-element ring fell. Naturally, the black bowl old man shot.

The Yin-Yang Medical Jue, above the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, Xu Wuzhou couldn't know what level this secret technique reached at this moment.

The five-element ring is constructed with the five elements. The holy soldiers constructed by the five elements, the old man in the black bowl is naturally well aware of it. He can figure out the real five-element driving method.

So in this case? Who's listening to the Five Elements Ring! Xu Wuzhou dared to conquer the ancient teachings of the Five Elements. He just got a sentence from the old man in the black bowl: Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, I am the leader.

With this in mind, Xu Wuzhou told the five-element leader the answer: "Can't remember? Then I remind you one more sentence. I said long ago that Taoism is not the Taoism you imagined, and Taoism is not what you can imagine and contemplate. "

Everyone wondered, does this have anything to do with this sentence?

"If you don’t understand, then I’ll explain it to you. I think everyone knows why Dao Sect is the leader of Dao Sect. But, do you really know everything? Wanzong is looking for heirs. But do you know that Taozong also masters the driving method of Wanzong and Wanjiao's peerless sage soldiers? For example, the five-element ring of the ancient five-element religion, on the first day you taught the ancestor to build, intercepted it The origin is in our Dao Sect, and there is a real driving method."

"It's impossible!" The leader of the Five Elements glared at Xu Wuzhou, "The Five Elements Ring has been passed down from generation to generation. It is absolutely impossible to intercept the origin and store your Dao Sect, let alone other driving methods. There is only one driving method for the Five Elements Ring."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at him and said, "Believe it or not, the result proves everything, and I don't need to explain too much. Because not only your Five Elements Ancient Religion, other ancient Religions, but all the peerless saints that can serve as the human heritage, have intercepted their origins. There is orthodox driving method in our Taoism."

"Funny!" said the Five Elements leader coldly.

"Funny? Think about it. At that time, the human race was precarious, and all the strong worked together to be the human race. In order to worry about the loss of their own skills, they all backed up the existence of Dao Zong. Then the peerless Saint Soldier backed up a copy in Dao Zong, what is it difficult? Understandable.

There is a record in Taoist ancient books, and this is also one of the last details of the human race. When the human race is alive and dead, the human heritage is gathered and used to protect the human race and leave fire. "

Those who heard Xu Wuzhou's words, whether it was the Five Elements Ancient Sect or other warriors watching the battle, looked green and white.

Is what Xu Wuzhou said true or false?

Really, I have never heard of it, is there such a possibility? There should be none!

But is it fake? Just now Xu Wuzhou did control the Five Elements Ring easily. Moreover, what he said is not unreasonable. Back then, the saints were dedicated to human race, and the motivation for doing this kind of thing was not without.

Xu Wuzhou said again: "Actually, I really sympathize with the ancient teachings of the Five Elements. Why do you want to be such an early bird? I really think that Dao Zong is down? You have never seriously thought about why Dao Zong is a leader. Dao Zong is really down and down. Has the background? Doesn't threaten your abilities anymore?

Today, there is a sentence I repeat again: Dao Zong is Dao Zong, he is the Dao Zong whose depth you will never guess. "

"Do you think that Dao Zong really needs to be so powerful. Why do you still recruit the world's strongest?"

When everyone heard Xu Wuzhou say this, some nodded. They did think so.

"Think about it, if it weren't for this alien incident, Dao Sect would realize that Human Race might face a catastrophe, would Dao Sect recruit the strong?

Ever since history, when did Taoism recruit the strong? "

This sentence made everyone startled, they thought of Daozong. Even when Dao Sect was about to annihilate the sect during the great calamity that year, Dao Sect did not recruit outside disciples. If there must be, it is when the human race is facing unprecedented disasters, this is the way to recruit the strong from all sides to protect the human race.

"I thought of it? Haha! Some people are really naive. They regard Dao Sect's incompetence as the weakness of Dao Sect."

"Think about it, Daozong is really that weak. Will Mo Daoxian mess around? Will he have no scruples?"

"Mo Daoxian is so powerful, he only transforms into a god. Although he has the status of Dao Master, can Dao Master status really protect him?"

"He keeps on doing things like that. Others care about his identity and dare not move him on the face. But what about it behind the scenes? It's just a major practitioner, in a dark corner, it's normal to say that he is dead."

"You have never thought about why people like him are living well. Thinking about it this way, do you still think Dao Sect is as weak as you think? Do you really know Dao Sect?"

"Five Elements Leader, are you funny?"

Xu Wuzhou's words pierced the heart of the teacher of the Five Elements. Similarly, the crowd of onlookers is also thinking about these things.

These words are connected and thought together, and they really fit together. But is it true?

An ancient sect of the Five Elements said coldly: "Who are you lied to, Dao Sect is really so powerful, then the fall of your Tianjiao in the past is a falsehood? Even your own disciples can't guard it, the depth of Dao Sect can be imagined."

Xu Wuzhou looked at him at this time, but smiled strangely: "How do you know that the fall of Tianjiao in the past can't be faked?"

In a word, everyone was in an uproar.

Is it really a fraud? If so. What Xu Wuzhou said may not be unbelievable.

Many forces besieged and killed Dao Sect Tianjiao, just to prevent Dao Sect from rising. But this can deceive the world, and deceive those terrifying masters who have assassinated, so do you still need to doubt the hidden depth of Shuo Zong?


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