Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 864: Drop or die

"The fall of Tianjiao in the past dynasties of Taoism is a fake? Do you think the world will believe it?" The Five Elements leader sneered.

Xu Wuzhou looked at the leader of the Five Elements and said: "I didn't explain anything to you, I told you a long time ago. You are up to you whether you believe it or not. But this battle has attracted the attention of the world. Do you think I will talk nonsense here?"

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou paused and continued, "I Xu Wuzhou is not a fool, even if I want to lie, I will never say it at this time. Because at this moment, it represents Dao Sect, and every word of mine represents the majesty of Dao Sect. What's more, I know how Xu Wuzhou is, and I have always lived upright, disdainful of hypocrisy."

Everyone became more and more silent.

Yes! What Xu Wuzhou said makes sense. The world has watched this battle. How dare he say anything indiscriminately? Besides, Xu Wuzhou's status as a young teacher in the world also represents his character.

Is Tianjiao not dead? how could it be possible! Everyone knows many things.

"It's useless to say more. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. One day you will see my Dao Sect's "fallen" Tianjiao. At that time, you know that what I said is true or false.

At this moment, I would like to ask the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, do you stubbornly resist to the end, or just surrender? "

It was quiet all around, and they all looked at the leader of the Five Elements.

The Five Elements Ring was taken away by Xu Wuzhou. Will this battle still be fought?

Many people hope that the ancient teachings of the Five Elements will continue to fight because they want to see how strong Taoism is. Want to let the ancient teachings of the Five Elements force the true foundation of Taoism.

Xu Wuzhou's words are too scary. If everything that is said is true, then Dao Sect will be powerful even if it is down.

Many forces are unwilling to believe, so they want a true testimony.

The ancient teachings of the Five Elements tried to test its strength.

The leader of the five elements stared at the golden chariot, and the hand at this time had already been taken in, so naturally the five elements ring was no longer visible.

His pupils shook slightly, and in the next instant, the whole person shot and killed the golden chariot. His speed was extremely fast, and he was about to smash the void into pieces. He has no reservations, the air pressure on his body covers the sky, as if the sun and the moon have become dull because of this.

The Dao Yun circling beside him was surging and boiling.

The whole world is trembling!

The leader of the Five Elements, the strength of the half-step absolute great power has completely exploded, and this explosion has exceeded the limit.

All the warriors were throbbing at this moment, and felt a sense of fear.

And this is not all dead, when the leader of the five elements rushed out, in another place of the ancient religion of the five elements. A strong man also burst out.

This warrior was like a black light, the black light turned into a long spear, and this spear was shot out. The galaxy faded and the mountains trembled.

The place he stepped on was directly turned into powder, and the murderous intent broke out all over his body, not weakening the leader of the five elements.

Everyone was extremely horrified, watching this scene in amazement.

The ancient religion of the Five Elements has been hidden in one place.

The two half-step absolute powers shot in vain, even if they are true absolute powers, they will have a headache.

The two of them dazzled with dazzling light, their auras were blazing to the extreme, their combat skills broke out completely, suppressing the golden chariot.

Everyone held their breath, the golden body was indeed strong. But facing such a burst of fire from two people, even if he can block it, can he still protect Xu Wuzhou?

Xu Wuzhou just became Taoist, and was killed the next moment. Daozong's conquest is also a joke.

Seeing the void collapse, the two of them were about to blast on the golden chariot together, and an angry shout rang out from the golden chariot: "Bold!"

This is the voice of the golden body, in his voice angrily. In the golden chariot, two huge palms, one black and one white, appeared.

These two palms are like a yin and a yang, like two galaxy mountains, and they are pressed against them.

Everyone thinks that the golden body is too big, even if he is superb. Is it possible to suppress the two half-steps without being out of the chariot? He can't do it!

But as a result, everyone was shocked, only to see these two palms pressed down.

The two extremely powerful bodies were cracked like porcelain, and blood flowed out of the cracked bodies.

The two palms, like the galaxy mountains and mountains, contain unimaginable heavy power, directly pressing them on the ground, like two octopus, lying on the ground can not move.

They were screaming and struggling, but they couldn't move a bit no matter how hard they struggled. On the contrary, they were struggling to the extreme. The veins of the blood vessels were surging and the blood vessels burst.

Looking at the two dead dogs, who were held down by two palm mountains, one black and one white, all parties in the world took in cold air. The hairs on their bodies stood up, and a cool air rushed into their foreheads from the soles of their feet. The body couldn't help but shiver.

The two half-steps were suppressed like this?

The ancient sects of the Five Elements are also in despair. Needless to say, the leader has been attacking the ultimate power. And the other one is the previous leader. Everyone thought he had fallen, but in fact he had been proclaiming himself and was conquered by Dao Zong this time. In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, the leader awakened him.

But the two shots were easily suppressed.

How strong is the gold body?

"Which step did you take?" The Five Elements Leader looked at the golden body in horror and disbelief.

"I didn't want to do it, but don't blame me for doing it."

The golden body did not answer him, but said another sentence. After saying this, five swords of energy flew out of the golden chariot in vain.

The Wudao Sword Qi turned into a mountain of swords, vigorously slashed towards the strong people of the Five Elements Ancient Religion.

Upon seeing the four great powers of the Five Elements Ancient Sect, their expressions changed drastically, and they wanted to avoid them. But how could this sword aura be avoided and slashed directly in front of them.

Did not kill them! But every sword is like a mountain, pressing on them, and they are also cracking.

The four powers were suppressed by the four swords, and the remaining sword suppressed the true king of the ancient religion of the five elements.

One sword suppressed many true kings of the Five Elements Ancient Sect.

In an instant, the top combat power of the Five Elements Ancient Sect, from the leader to the true king, was crushed on the ground like a dead dog.

The two shots directly destroyed the top combat power of the Five Elements Ancient Religion.

This is not considered a saint, and it has surpassed the ultimate power.

Everyone's face changed. Before that, they heard that the golden body had killed two superpowers. They thought that although the golden body was powerful, it was still in the category of super power. Perhaps it was because of some special methods that it was lucky to have mental arithmetic and unintentional. Beheaded.

But now I will tell you everything. The golden body may have taken a big step forward before being extremely capable.

Everyone is in awe of the golden body.

Even those great abilities of Dao Sect were trembling at this moment. Although they originally respected the golden body, they weren't afraid, but now they were afraid of it.

And the golden body that was awed by everyone at this moment was also full of awe and awe. He was also afraid, extinguishing between the five elements leader raised his hand, and then extinguishing him is also between the raising of his hand.

What kind of means did Xiansheng leave Xu Wuzhou? This method is almost comparable to a half-step saint.

Xu Wuzhou, invincible in the world!

Of course, this also comes at a price. At this moment, the golden body saw Xu Wuzhou's body cracking, and blood beads were constantly splashing out of his body.

Obviously, he paid the price for such a powerful force.

Xu Wuzhou really paid the price, relying on the strength of the black bowl old man. In order to shock the world, he did not hesitate to let the black bowl old man do his best, which also caused his body to almost break apart.

However, Xu Wuzhou did not care about these. The tyrannical aura swept away.

This momentum swept out, the world changed color, and there was an invisible spiritual storm oppressed. The ancient teachings of the Five Elements felt that the soul was carrying the world, and it was difficult to breathe under pressure.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou looked at the golden body.

Huang Jinzhi sneered and said: "Should I drop or I will send you to die?"


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