Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 871: Crying without tears

When Dai Yaoyao left, Xu Wuzhou was bored. I thought that Daozong didn't care about it, so I took advantage of the time now to find out how it was going.

Leaving from the holy building, head to Dao Palace. Ask about Sherwin's condition on the way.

Knowing that everything is advancing steadily according to plan, although there are some problems, but they are all within the controllable range, Xu Wuzhou is also relieved a lot.

"If someone is uninterested, let the ancient teachings of the Five Elements go to conquer. Since you are a thug, you have to sacrifice this knife for use."

Xuanwei said: "Many Daoist forces should have guessed this idea, and they are afraid of being killed by the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, so no one has come forward."

Xu Wuzhou nodded. Taking down the Five Elements Ancient Religion basically didn't hurt its roots. It just asked them to use standing knives as a deterrent.

"However, many sects close to Xian Pavilion have frequent exchanges."

Xu Wuzhou sneered: "They can't get over any waves. Just stare at them. If they violate the established rules, let the Five Elements Ancient Religion and the Temple of Words go for a while."

Without a leader, what is the use of them in series? Xiange is now struggling.

To prevent the world from knowing that both the principal and deputy pavilion of the fairy pavilion have fallen, it is to buy time to boil the frog in warm water and slowly differentiate his influence and influence in the Taoist sect.

"What's the attitude of the top ten holy places?" Xu Wuzhou asked Xuanwei. The Ten Great Sacred Lands are different from other Taoist forces, and they are also very influential among Taoists.

"On the surface, the top ten sacred sites have also implemented the policy of mutual supervision. However, after all, they are the top ten sacred sites. I can detect their perfunctory."

"Let them go for the time being." Xu Wuzhou sighed lightly, Dao Zong still couldn't solve the Holy Land. Even with the help of the power of the black bowl old man, it won't work.

Otherwise, Xu Wuzhou would not choose the ancient teachings of the Five Elements to kill chickens and monkeys. Choosing a holy place would be even more shocking.

Sherwin nodded, and Daozong couldn't be done overnight. Slowly manage, Dao Zong can always be strong enough to become a true leader.

"In addition, did you do what I arranged for you to do?" Xu Wuzhou asked.

Sherwin nodded, but still said, "Isn't it inappropriate for you to sell so many superb elixir medicines and only exchange them for metals such as gold, silver, copper, and iron."

The best pill that can nourish the soul, this kind of thing is simply not available for gold and silver. But Xu Wuzhou took out a lot, demanding that only metal can be exchanged.

Many disciples up and down Dao Sect were heartbroken, saying that they could exchange for treasure medicine, Xuan Jing, etc. Some disciples were even dissatisfied.

It’s just that Xu Wuzhou is shameless enough, and directly explained: "Oh! Do you think I’m willing? It’s not for Daozong. Metals such as gold, silver, copper and iron can also be taken out by ordinary people. Common items can be the best medicine, which is equivalent to giving. This is the opportunity for ordinary people to practice. People in the world must not praise my Dao Sect's kindness? This is all for the Dao Sect's reputation!"

The warrior who was originally dissatisfied immediately felt ashamed and didn't say anything again.

But afterwards, Xu Wuzhou took out a large number of top-grade pill to Dao Zong disciples in exchange. Speaking of the last sentence: "No matter what, I won't lose Daozongmen."

The Taoist clans were even more respectful, and Xu Wuzhou had another wave of prestige.

Of course, the pill in exchange. Xu Wuzhou soaked a black bowl of liquid and threw it on the market to continue the circulation.


Daozong is right in front of him, seeing that the time is about to come. But a knife was thrown in front of him, and Xu Wuzhou heard an indifferent voice: "I heard that the young master in the world has the inheritance of splitting the sky, and the sword is overbearing. Today, I want to ask Qi Xuantian."

A tall and handsome man stood in front of Xu Wuzhou. He was holding a long knife, sharp and sharp, and pointed directly at Xu Wuzhou.

When she saw this man, Xuan Wei smiled, a few steps away from Xu Wuzhou, this time there was a good show.

Xu Wuzhou was shocked, thinking that I don't know this person? I didn't offend him.

Uh! It might be a bit one-sided to say that he didn't offend him. He has done too many things, and it is normal to offend others without knowing it. After all, people with abilities are like this.

"Your Excellency?" Xu Wuzhou asked.

"Qi Xuantian, the ancient sage son of Xuantian." Qi Xuantian stared at Xu Wuzhou more and more indifferently.

Xu Wuzhou was puzzled, and wondered what Xuantian Ancient Sage Son made trouble for himself? He has a connection with Xuantian Ancient Sect, and it stands to reason that he is an enemy and not a friend.

Sherwin laughed beside him at this time: "Ning Yao is his childhood sweetheart, and he has always liked her."

Xu Wuzhou understood in an instant.

Xuanwei's words did not hide, Qi Xuantian naturally heard these words, and instantly he stopped irritating, the long knife in his hand burst into cold light, and pointed directly at Xu Wuzhou: "You and I will fight."

Xu Wuzhou frowned and looked at Qi Xuantian, "Why?"

"There is no why, I just want to hit you."

Xu Wuzhou said coldly: "Ill! Get out of your way, don't get in the way."

"If you force me to leave as the Dao Master, I will naturally leave. But again, you are a martial artist, and you dare not accept the challenge of the martial artist?"

Just as Qi Xuantian was violent, Ma Jinqiao rushed over. He saw Qi Xuantian pointing at Xu Wuzhou with a long knife in his hand, and he patted his forehead. I blamed myself for being silent, and explained why the senior sister was so indifferent to him.

Unexpectedly, the gentleman who has always been gentle and elegant, was burned with anger and came to challenge Xu Wuzhou.

He didn't want to care about Xu Wuzhou's fight with his senior, but just treated it as a theater. But if Senior Sister knew about this, he would be in trouble.

When Xu Wuzhou saw Ma Jinqiao, he looked at Ma Jinqiao and said angrily: "Your brother is frustrated and mad, come to trouble me somehow, and drag your brother back. I don't want to hurt the sect of the same door."

Qi Xuantian said angrily: "Xu Wuzhou, you don't even dare to fight with me, what right do you have to like Ning Yao."

Xu Wuzhou looked at Qi Xuantian dumbfounded, and said unbelievably, "What did you say? You said I like Ning Yao?"

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou laughed, "I know why you came to me to challenge, so you think I robbed your childhood sweetheart. Hehe, who did you listen to?"

Qi Xuantian was anxious: "I have a deep love for the younger sister, although I know that it is irrational to challenge you, but if I don't challenge you, I have no idea. Today, I must fight with you. Even if you are a Taoist master, I will do it today. You will never dare to see Junior Sister again."

Xu Wuzhou rolled his eyes and said, "Where did you hear the rumors."

Taking a look at Qi Xuantian, Xu Wuzhou naturally didn't want to fight him. It's too naive to be jealous and fight. Most importantly, he has not recovered from his injuries. The person in front of him has a very high realm. At this time, he will easily capsize when he fights.

He was beaten as soon as he became a Taoist master, so it would be really shameless. Xu Wuzhou thought, just find any reason to send him away.

But at this time, he heard that Qi Xuantian gave out the iron proof: "Rumor? I have seen the heart-shaped jade you gave to my junior."


Xu Wuzhou was speechless, thinking that Ning Yao wouldn't show it off. It shouldn't be, Ning Yao is not such a character. How did Qi Xuantian know?

Ma Jinqiao glanced at Xu Wuzhou with a guilty conscience, wailing in his heart. Brother, why are you telling me everything I told you? I'm really going to be beaten to death by my senior sister.

Ma Jinqiao didn't know because of his talkativeness. It is not the senior sister who is pitted, but the entire Xuantian Ancient Sect who wants to cry without tears.


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