Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 872: you are wrong

"Since you don't speak, let's fight. If you are not even as strong as me, what qualifications do you have to like junior sisters, and how can you match them to like them."

Xu Wuzhou looked at the opponent, thought for a while and said, "How do you want to fight?"

Qi Xuantian said: "Of course it's their own ability."

Xu Wuzhou was silent for a while and said, "What is your realm?"

"The pinnacle of the other side. I heard that you have just arrived in the other side, but you are a young teacher on earth and you have defeated the bookworm. If the same level is the first battle, I should not be your opponent. I will fight you at the peak of the other side, as you are. The record, I'm not a bully."

Xu Wuzhou nodded, looked at Qi Xuantian and said, "Not counting!"

"Okay! Then please do it." Qi Xuantian said to Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou sighed, "As a human teacher, I can't let the youth of the world convince me that it is my failure. Well, since you hate me, you have to fight."

Sherwin looked at Xu Wuzhou, although Xu Wuzhou was strong. But Qiantian Gujiao Shengzi is not weak either. Although he is not as good as Jiu Chi, he is also the top group of people in the world. And to reach the other side, many secret techniques of Qiantian Ancient Sect can be used.

Xu Wuzhou fights him with the strength of just entering the other shore? Can this be defeated?

Of course, Sherwin had no idea that Xu Wuzhou was seriously injured. He hasn't fully recovered the black bowl old man's backlash. At this time, his state can't even show 70% of his strength.

If you want to know, Sherwin felt that Xu Wuzhou was looking for death.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou's promise, Ma Jinqiao was full of grief. When it's over, no matter who wins this battle, one side will definitely be hit hard, and then the senior sister will definitely trouble him!

However, while Ma Jinqiao is worried, he is also thinking about who can win this battle.

Brother is certainly strong, before he met Xu Wuzhou. He has seen the strongest younger generation brother, and feels that the brother is the strongest of this generation, even the Jiuzhi can match.

He had seen Xu Wuzhou and the bookworm fight, and he felt that the brothers of the same rank would lose. But there is a realm advantage, Xu Wuzhou may not be able to beat the brother.

Of course, Xu Wuzhou cannot be treated according to common sense.

So this battle is 50-50.

"If you want to try Sky Splitting, then let you see Sky Splitting Slash." Xu Wuzhou said to Xuantian, "I cut out nine swords, but I don't know if you can move on."

Qi Xuantian said: "I once wished to be in the same era as the man of Lin'an, and to see his sword skills, I can't ask for it. Please!"

Xu Wuzhou nodded, holding a long knife, and slashed towards Qi Xuantian fiercely.

Qi Xuantian's expression was solemn, who would dare to look down upon that Splitting Sky Slasher? Therefore, he showed his unique skills in teaching, the sword technique of doing heavenly swords.

The Qiantian Sword Technique vibrated, and the Dao lines were outlined, spreading across the entire blade like several. He wanted to use this set of combat skills to fight Sky Splitting.

The two were not far apart, and Xu Wuzhoudao soon cut in front of Qi Xuantian. The overbearing and terror of Sky Splitting is undoubtedly revealed.

Qi Xuantian's momentum also skyrocketed, and his speed increased and he faced Xu Wuzhou.

If he wanted to prove himself, he would not retreat, but just defeat Xu Wuzhou.

No matter what Ning Yao likes Xu Wuzhou because of what, he has to prove that his strength is no worse than Xu Wuzhou, even if this may not be what Ning Yao cares about.

Qi Xuantian had many methods to fight Sky Splitting, but he still stubbornly chose to go head-to-head.

But at this moment, Xu Wuzhou's figure turned around and avoided him.

At the same time, Xu Wuzhou yelled out a sentence: "Everyone in the avenue is mortal."

In an instant, Qi Xuantian felt that all his Dao deeds were cut, and the blade light and Dao pattern of the long sword completely disappeared. The mighty power, like a rainbow, was also obliterated at this moment.

In an instant, he felt like an ordinary person, an ordinary person holding a knife and cutting forward.

And there is no one in front.

The figure avoided sideways, and a long knife held in his hand fell on his neck, cold and biting.

Both Ma Jinqiao and Sherwin looked at this scene in a daze.

Xu Wuzhou won!

It's just the despicable victory!

Xu Wuzhou kept saying that he is more than swordsmanship with others, and Qi Xuan Tiantang is upright with him. But he secretly avoided, and used his magical powers to turn everyone into ordinary people.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, Qi Xuantian was defeated like this.

"Despicable!" Qi Xuantian's eyes were blood red, staring at Xu Wuzhou, "You pretend to be a young teacher in the world!"

Xu Wuzhou is well-known for having the magical powers of ‘all mortals’. If Xu Wuzhou doesn’t pretend that he wants to perform Sky Splitting and compare him with him, he will definitely be very careful, and he will never overturn the boat in the gutter.

But... I think of him as a gentleman, but he is such a villain.

When Qi Xuantian was still scolding, he saw Xu Wuzhou's knife on his neck move away: "Oh! I finally understand why you were deceived. You are too honest and straightforward. There are some things, Always listen to it and believe it. Just like this battle, since we are rivals in love, how can you believe me?"

Qi Xuantian was stunned, what is this? Can a rival in love violate morality and integrity?

But Xu Wuzhou didn't give him a chance to think more, and continued: "However, such a character is a taboo against enemies, but I appreciate it. Human race lacks such a straight, innocent and honest man, so they have their own minds."

Qi Xuantian frowned, looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to tell you that I am a young teacher in the world."

"Are you trying to suppress me with your identity?"

Xu Wuzhou shook his head and said, "You still don't understand. You have misunderstood something."

"What's the misunderstanding?"

Xu Wuzhou took out a handful of heart-shaped jade from his arms, as many as seven or eight. As the sea king of fish farming, Xu Wuzhou prepared a lot from the beginning. But I didn't expect it to be useful at this time.

"These jade stones have the effect of warming the soul. That's right, I gave the one from Ning Yao. But I didn't just give it to Ning Yao, I also gave it to my maid Shi Mei, Senior Sister Qianshui, and Qin Qingmou. I'll give it all. With so much in my hand, you wouldn't think it was a token of love from me."

Qi Xuantian looked at Xu Wuzhou blankly and said, "What do you mean?"

Sherwin patted his forehead when he saw this scene, saying: That's it, one of them is going to be cheated to death.


Yesterday, I wrote Qiantian Ancient Religion as Xuantian Ancient Religion, and I was wrong, so please change it. Sorry.

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