Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 873: Jump window

"Don't you understand? You can imagine someone who sent indecent gifts everywhere, and in so many quantities. I don't know where you learned that I have an affair with Saint Ning Yao. But you ask. People of Chaoge, what is the nature of Xu Wuzhou.

Okay, even if you don't believe me, Xu Wuzhou is a human being. But you can't mess around like this. My reputation for Xu Wuzhou doesn’t matter, but don’t you think about Ning Yao at all?

She is a clear and jealous woman. What will others think of you if you are making trouble for me like this? We, who are nothing, have not been babbled yet.

For girls, fame is the most important thing. Are you worthy of Saint Ning Yao? "

Qi Xuantian was taken aback and couldn't help feeling guilty, fearing that it would really affect the saint's reputation.

But at this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "I was forced to become the young master of the human world and the Dao Sect's supreme master. Although I don't want to sit in this position, but since I sit, I don't dare to have a vegetarian meal. The human race is uneven, why should I dare? Talk about children's personal affairs.

If you want to inquire, you should be able to find out that Qin Qingmu and I were separated and slept.

Qin Qingmou was my wife who got married under the arrangement of my elders when I was young and never changed. She is also the woman I have liked since I was a child. Do you know why I split rooms with her.

Because time doesn't wait for me, the human race is difficult. All the time, I want to put it above practice, and I don't care about it.

Beauty's arms are also a hero's grave. I am afraid that once I relax, I will be completely abolished.

The world is in danger, Dao Sect Sect Master has the responsibility to set things right. "

When Xu Wuzhou said these words, he looked worried about the country and the people.

Sherwin glanced at his mouth, and he admired Xu Wuzhou's ability to open his mouth and talk nonsense, and he was able to raise nonsense to the righteousness of a human race every time! Awesome! Convinced!

Qi Xuantian looked at Xu Wuzhou with a solemn expression. He felt guilty. Did he really make a mistake?

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Ma Jinqiao. Can Ma Jinqiao lie to himself?

Ma Jinqiao shrank his neck, not daring to say anything at this time. He was afraid that Xu Wuzhou and Qi Xuantian had already been beaten to death by Ning Yao.

"The Saint Ning Yao and I really have a friendship with each other, because we have common ideals, and we all want peace and prosperity in the human race. But she and I stop at courtesy, stop at heart, be upright and conservative, and behave appropriately.

I don't know the rumors you heard from there, but your actions like this not only insult me, but also insult Saint Ning Yao.

Saint Son, you are sincere in nature, and I will not blame you. But you also ask you not to think too small of my pattern.

Being jealous is a game played by children, and neither I nor Saint Ning Yao would do these things naively.

Today you came to challenge me and I took it. It's not that I really want to fight with you, but I don't want you to be harassed anymore. "

Qi Xuantian looked at Xu Wuzhou, his face was blue and white.

Sherwin looked at Qi Xuantian sympathetically. Xu Wuzhou's words immediately brought him down to the moral commanding heights, but Qi Xuantian became a jealous kid.

Ugh! Is there any chance for you to be a rival in love with Xu Wuzhou? This is Yu Feng's good brother!

Xu Wuzhou did not wait for Qi Xuantian to answer after saying these words. Put away the long knife, turn around and leave.

After only a few steps, Xu Wuzhou stopped again and looked at Qi Xuantian: "I shouldn't have said more. But when two people are together, they should have common ideals, common pursuits, and values. I'm good. Although I don't have much contact with the Saint Ning Yao, based on what I know about her, her dream lover should not be a man who can only fight for the wind and jealous. The man she likes should be a hero who has a heart for the world.

Pursue someone, if you don't even know what she likes or what she wants. Just to please her blindly and drive away the men next to her, this can only be reduced to dog licking and annoying. "

After speaking, Xu Wuzhou did not stay anymore, and left step by step.

Standing there, Qi Xuantian's face was blue and white. After a long time, he looked at Ma Jinqiao and said, "It is true that you said that Ning Yao and him are unclear. You have seen everything with your own eyes?"

Ma Jinqiao said nonchalantly: "How can I see them with my own eyes, but I saw the heart-shaped jade with my own eyes."

What can Ma Jinqiao say? Xu Wuzhou's combination of punches came down. Without iron proof, could he go to the senior sister for verification? It's strange that the elder sister didn't kill him.

However, Ma Jinqiao thought of Xu Wuzhou's heart-shaped jade, and wondered if he really guessed wrong. Senior sister and Xu Wuzhou are really innocent?

In the past, whenever she said about Senior Sister and Xu Wuzhou, Senior Sister beat him viciously, reminding her that it had nothing to do with Xu Wuzhou. Isn't this the anger of the senior sister, is it really all right?

Thinking of this, Ma Jinqiao shuddered. If it’s really okay, the senior sister’s reputation was not damaged by him, but also let the senior...

Seeing Ma Jinqiao's guilty conscience, Qi Xuantian frowned. He knew that his junior brother was not reliable, but he didn't expect to talk nonsense about everything. Didn't you just pat your chest to make sure, what is your guilty conscience at this time?

"Huh! I'll clean up you later." Qi Xuantian glared at Ma Jinqiao.

Thinking of what Xu Wuzhou said, he let out a sigh of relief. He really wanted to ask what Xu Wuzhou was. But he also felt that Xu Wuzhou's last words made sense.


Xuanwei followed Xu Wuzhou, and suddenly heard you Xu Wuzhou say to him: "You find some unfair things in the world and reveal them to Qi Xuantian without leaving a trace, preferably in front of Ning Yao. Remember to find some within Qi Xuantian's ability. Difficult injustice."


Sherwin became more sympathetic to Qi Xuantian. Hearing the injustice in front of the woman you like, can you not do your best to solve it? This is equivalent to another contribution to Dao Sect.

Xu Wuzhou sighed: "Oh, I really broke my heart for this world. I don't forget to use any force to eliminate evil and promote good."

"..." Xuan Wei slandered in his heart: There is no shameless and despicable person in this world.

Xu Wuzhou didn't take Qi Xuantian to heart. He had a lot of battles against his jealous rivals. This was all a small problem.

So after entering the Dao Palace, he quickly forgot about this matter, and dealt with some Daozong matters rarely.

Leisurely, it soon became dark.

Xu Wuzhou was overjoyed when he watched the moon hung high outside.

At this time, you can almost go home.


Outside the Dao Palace, Qi Xuantian was outside. He listened to the late-night call, and looked at Xu Wuzhou's hurried steps with a complicated expression.

After the battle with Xu Wuzhou, he went to inquire about Xu Wuzhou's personality. Chaoge's reputation for Xu Wuzhou is a piece of cake. They all say that he is a real gentleman, who is dedicated to the human race. Worthy of being a young teacher in the world, worthy of being a Taoist master.

At this moment, watching Xu Wuzhou being busy in Dao Zong until late at night, he didn't go home until late at night, and he was afraid of wasting time to go so fast when he went home. He really wanted to waste every minute of his time.

Qi Xuantian sighed lightly, at this moment he felt that his situation was really small.

"Fortunately, his quick resolution of today's battle stopped, otherwise the junior sister must know. If she knew, I would be disappointed in my heart. Alas."

This is the importance of Xu Wuzhou's design. Had it not been for Xu Wuzhou had always been a brilliant personality, he believed all the deceitful Chaoge, and everyone thought he was a gentleman.

It is impossible for Qi Xuantian to be deceived by Xu Wuzhou, let alone sigh of self-blame.

Compared to Ma Jinqiao alone, everyone in the world is obviously more trustworthy.


But Xu Wuzhou, who Qi Xuantian regarded as a gentleman, secretly returned to the Chu Palace at this moment. He sneaked into Qin Qingmou's room and pressed the door of the room with his hand.

Um? locked!

It shouldn't be, today I used a big move. Doesn't this work? It doesn't make sense that he has been attacking in an orderly manner for a long time, and it is his wife again.

Xu Wuzhou thought for a while and pressed the next window with his hand.

The windows are not locked and can be easily pushed open.

Xu Wuzhou is overjoyed. It became clear in an instant, this is Qin Qingmu's reservedness.

But Xu Wuzhou didn't care whether the window was a door or not, so he turned over and went in through the window.

Inside the window, it was pitch black.

But this couldn't stop Xu Wuzhou's gaze. He saw a curvy and fuzzy figure inside the quilt.

Xu Wuzhou took off his clothes and got into the bed like a loach.

The graceful body did not move, as if asleep. But Xu Wuzhou snickered and laughed, who was still stiff when he fell asleep.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou would not hide his ears and steal the bell. Therefore, he straightened Qin Qingmu's body directly. Qin Qing closed his eyes, but his eyelashes trembled slightly.

Since she pretended to sleep, Xu Wuzhou didn't say anything. His hands restlessly tore off some cloth strips.

Qin Qingmu still closed his eyes tightly, pretending not to know.

Xu Wuzhou smiled, and pulled some cloth strips.

Qin Qingmu still fell asleep.

Xu Wuzhou's movements were even more unscrupulous.

Hey, why the more she pretends to sleep, the more excited I get.

Seeing that it was about to be finished, Qin Qing finally couldn't put it down anymore, opening his eyes just wanted to say something. At this time, where would Xu Wuzhou give her a chance to speak, and just block her mouth.


"Xu Wuzhou, are you afraid of the army of crabs?"

"Fear! But I have a secret method, such as Fanwai."

"Do you have any extras? Shi Mei's, Zhou Si's, and Qin Qing's all?"

"That's natural."

"Where is it?"

"Add the Hedgehog, search directly for Brother Innocent Sharp, or add three sixes to the initials of Brother Innocent Sharp, you can find me, and I will be out of it, shame!"

"I heard that the author is still giving out red envelopes, really or not?"

"Last year I received a lot. And he likes to give out red envelopes in two places. There is also a skirt, and a little wine, Wu Jiu, and his wife."

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