Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 874: Playing big

Chaoge Jingui!

I don't know when, as long as Chaoge is metal, there will be countless people vying for it.

In a city, people often fight for a few pieces of broken copper and iron.

In Chaoge, the kitchen knives of ordinary people can sometimes sell for sky-high prices.

All this is because Dao Sect has come up with countless top-grade pill that can nourish the soul and increase the cultivation base, and requires that this kind of pill can only be exchanged for metal.

For a time, the whole city was crazy. Only core disciples are qualified to get this kind of precious medicine in those great teachers.

Countless people are eager to exchange piles of metal for the medicine.

This also makes Chaoge precious, and many people already use stone knives for cutting vegetables.

"Is Xu Wuzhou doing personnel affairs? Look, now the door of my mansion has changed the handle ten times and has been deducted ten times!"

"It's not for the son of man! There have been tens of thousands of thefts in Chaoge. In the past, they were stealing valuables. Now they are stealing kitchen knives and iron urinals."

"My house is so difficult. My latrine used to be a squat seat made of copper for luxury. But last night I found out that even the dung pit was dug clean and clean. I didn't notice that I smashed my feet., It's disgusting to me."

"What is Xu Wuzhou doing? Now the whole Chaoge, broken copper and broken iron are worth a treasure."

"A city has been harmed by Xu Wuzhou alone. Who can still see some metal now? The prodigal of my family has to demolish even the beams of the house."

"I don't have any cooking pots in my house now. They all use stone to make kitchenware, Maade, how do you feel that you are back to the primitive times?"


Chaoge, countless people want to cry without tears, no one thought that one day Chaoge would be golden.

Of course, compared to everyone's dumbfounding complaints. More is the praise from ordinary people of Chaoge to Xu Wuzhou.

"The young masters and Taoists in the world care about us ordinary people, knowing that we ordinary people have no resources, so we come up with the best pill and restrict only metal to exchange. This is a chance for us."

"He has a kind heart. He is truly a human race. He has no distinction between noble and inferior, and treats human races equally."

"I changed to a top-grade pill. With this top-grade pill, my son has no suspense on the road to practice."

"He gave us a chance to cross classes."

"I heard that he was also doing this to rob the rich and help the poor. Hearing about the hardships of our poor people, so he used this method. It is because he wants those big people to bleed and subsidize us poor people."

"How to say?"

"Look at the old Li's house, even eating is a problem. But he still has a few kitchen knives and a few metal tools in his house. The housekeeper of Liu's house directly took a thousand catties of grain for him. Old Li's house , At least one or two years, don’t worry about starving to death."

"Yes! Everyone has some metal objects. If you can't live, you can get a big price. This is the purpose of being a little teacher in the world."

"Yeah! I also heard about it. The reason is that the people in the white-clothed army in the holy building told the young masters that there are also many people's difficulties in life, so the young masters thought of this method to rob the rich and help the poor."

"Hey, he is really a compassionate and compassionate Taoist. This is the true leader of my human race."


The exchange of metal for the best medicine is constantly fermenting, and piles of metal are constantly being moved to the holy building and Taoist palace.

Of course, Xu Wuzhou's reputation for being compassionate and compassionate to the poor has once again started.

In the whole Chaoge, as long as it is in the teahouse, you can hear words that praise Xu Wuzhou everywhere.

And Xu Wuzhou, who was the center, was at the Chu Palace at this time.

Xu Wuzhou was drinking tea leisurely while Qin Yunjie trembled beside him. He was very afraid that Xu Wuzhou would want to teach him martial arts again.

It's just weird. I don't know if Xu Wuzhou is a modifier or taking the wrong medicine these days, but he is actually very friendly to him, unlike before when I saw him and beat him.

"Sister...Brother-in-law. What's the situation with my sister? Why did she suddenly retreat?"

"Your sister has a sense of practice. It's not normal to retreat. Don't disturb her if you're okay. I won't bother if you see."

Qin Yunjie became more and more puzzled. In the past, Xu Wuzhou stuck to his sister when he came.

Xu Wuzhou looked at Qin Yunjie suspiciously, and he was a little guilty. I wonder if I can tell you that your sister's window is not closed tightly, but when I want to see your sister, I turn over the window?

"Looking at what I'm doing, do you want me to give pointers on your combat skills?"

In a word, Qin Yunjie's face changed drastically, and he left here like running away.

When Xu Wuzhou was thinking about what time to turn the window at night, the servants of the Chu Palace informed that Luo Qi had come to look for him.

Xu Wuzhou was taken aback for a moment. Luo Qi and others were asked by him to use Dao Sect resources to increase their strength regardless of consumption. What did she do here without retreating?

When Xu Wuzhou saw Luo Qi, he sensed her strength, reached the peak of the Chaoyuan Realm, and was expected to impact the Divine Sea Realm.

"In fact, there is still Dao Sect's background, that is, those old guys are hiding and wanting to keep, otherwise the overall strength of Dao Sect's disciples would have skyrocketed."

Xu Wuzhou muttered, Luo Qi's talent is naturally not bad. But in a short period of time, it has been promoted to the point of breaking through to the Divine Sea Realm, which also represents the foundation of Taoism.

"With the examples of Dao Sect disciples, the lies I told are even more true."

Xu Wuzhou looked at Luo Qi and asked, "Why did you come to me?"

Luo Qi took a deep breath and said, "The Lord of the Mountain Temple is about to beat the old man with yellow teeth to death."

After Xu Wuzhou heard it, his face stayed in place?

No way!

Playing so big?


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