Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 890: Falling into the water

The three of them besieged Xu Wuzhou, and Xu Wuzhou from time to time called for cooperation to suppress the other party.

However, the two women ignored Xu Wuzhou at all.

The three of them fought on the surface of the lake, that is, the water below, or they would have been battered.

The two women are very strong, with countless combat skills and numerous secret methods, many of which are weird and powerful. Several times Xu Wuzhou almost spoke.

But Xu Wuzhou is not weak, although his practice time is short. But there is a black bowl, so you can practice everything fast.

I won’t talk about the secret skills and magical powers and combat skills obtained by chance. After he becomes the true biography of Dao Sect, he can also learn the secrets of Dao Zong’s combat skills.

That is to say, there has been no time, otherwise he can go to the secret realm of Dao Sect, and the secret techniques of Dao Sect remain in the various sects and religions, and he may be able to learn some.

But even if he didn't learn, Xu Wuzhou's accumulation at this moment would not be much worse than that of Dai Yaoyao.

The fierce battle of the three, the warriors who watched are also dazzled.

"Xuannv is so strong. Between shots, it seems like heaven and earth follow each other. There is really a blessing from heaven."

"The witch is also terrifying, and every time she is shocked, it makes people feel heart palpitations when they look at it."

"But the strongest is Xu Wuzhou. Under the siege of the two, he hasn't shown defeat yet."


Looking at the three people who were blocked by the water curtain again, Yu Feng couldn't help but look at Song Yun and said, "What do you think of this battle?"

"The three of them have not yet done their best. The battle looks fierce, but they all have reservations."

"This is also normal. Xu Wuzhou is so insidious as soon as he comes up. Who dares to use all his strength, the Profound Girl and the Witch. If you don't leave a bit of effort, you can be overcast by accident."

"You don't know what I mean. The Xuanyi and the Witch didn't give their full strength, but why didn't Xu Wuzhou do their best? If he really wants to defeat the two girls, he should take this opportunity to have a better chance of winning."

"What is incomprehensible, Xu Wuzhou is strong. But can he really suppress the two women? These two are both ruthless characters."

"Then why is he participating in this battle?"

Yu Feng thought I knew a fart. It’s unreasonable for this guy to participate in this battle: "Maybe, for the power of Dao Zong? If you can suppress these two women, Xu Wuzhou can surpass your Nine Moments. The reputation of Dao Zong has naturally risen. Will flock to it."

This explanation is in the past. It's just that Xu Wuzhou cuts the bookworm, has been called the first person in the Taoist school, and doing this is just icing on the cake.

In this way, Xu Wuzhou's prestige and fame are of little significance to engrave Daozong's momentum. The most important thing is that he is likely to be suppressed, then the gain is not worth the loss.

"Why guess. Just look at it. The purpose of everything must be revealed in the end, otherwise, what's the point?"

Song Yun glanced at Yu Feng. Although this guy is a scum, his words often make sense.

"However, scumbags just like to mislead others. You may not be able to tell."

Song Yun's eyes were full of contempt: You think everyone is like you, scumbags, it's unreasonable to commit death.

Xu Wuzhou is a young teacher in the world and a Taoist master. Can he behave like you scumbag? His identity is destined to have profound meaning in his actions.



With another blow, Xu Wuzhou displayed a vague and rapid escape. Sure enough, it was cut in the position where he was just standing.

Zhou Si and Dai Yaoyao trapped Xu Wuzhou from the left and the other, both pairs of beautiful eyes with coldness.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Zhou Si's belly, thinking that although she is a major practitioner and cannot be treated with common sense, will such a high-intensity battle be fetal gas?

And these two women are indeed strong. If they continue to fight normally, it is absolutely delusional to suppress them.

It's worthy of being the top class of people in the world, it's too strong.

Thinking of this, Xu Wuzhou had no idea of ​​fighting with them.

"Get out now, I don't care about you." Dai Yaoyao stared at Xu Wuzhou. This guy is growing up too fast, just now she kept on making big moves, and she was actually blocked by him. He once taught himself in Lin'an.

"This is just warming up. What are you going to do. Besides, as a young teacher in the world, I will feed you and teach you that you should be grateful."

Dai Yaoyao laughed at this time, "Don't forget, I was your master in Lin'an."

"It doesn't matter. From now on you will call me Master, and I will call you Master, all of them are different. Children of the arena, don't stick to the trivial."

"Oh, isn't it when the night is quiet when we are two of us? It's irritating to think about it." Dai Yaoyao blinked at Xu Wuzhou, and her infatuation swayed, which made Xu Wuzhou quickly stabilize her mind, this woman The charming technique made her almost uttered several times.

Zhou Si stood aside, listening to the flirting and cursing words of the two, her face was a little blue, and she spoke to Dai Yaoyao, "Are you still going to join forces, or will you continue to flirt and curse here?"

Xu Wuzhou's eyes swept towards Zhou Si, and he said with an indifferent expression: "We exchanged feelings. Where did you interrupt you? Believe it or not, we directly suppressed you by joining forces."

Although Zhou Si knew that Xu Wuzhou did this on purpose, her tone and attitude still made her very uncomfortable.

"Kill you scumbag!"

Zhou Si cursed fiercely in her heart, directly driving the Taoist Xuanzhong, the world blessed her body, and the jade hand pressed against Xu Wuzhou, like the same goddess, and the sky was collapsed by her.

"Hey, you made my sister jealous and angry. I hate men who make women angry and beat you to death."

While Dai Yaoyao spoke, the same burst out, energy billowing, and the runes evolved into immeasurable killings.

"Hey! I'm on your side." Xu Wuzhou shouted to Dai Yaoyao.

"I will believe you if you hold your hands now."

The two arrived at Xu Wuzhou's side in no time. He let out a sigh of relief and said, "I won't play with you anymore. I will suppress you now."


The two women yelled in unison, and the killing air grew a bit more.

"Look at me, I will pay the price."

While Xu Wuzhou was talking, he suddenly shouted: "Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Punish the Immortal Slaughter Fist."

With words, the Taoist patterns on Xu Wuzhou's body spurted out in great quantities.

This is, the two women both looked down. Xu Wuzhou is going to make a bigger move? They are not afraid, but they don't dare to underestimate them, so their movements are half a beat slower.

But at this time, he saw Xu Wuzhou rushing directly in front of them fearlessly.

"See how I suppress you."

Then, the two women saw that the Dao pattern on Xu Wuzhou's body disappeared completely, and the aura on his body disappeared completely.

In the same way, their aura and energy disappeared, and they were all cut off.

"All are mortals."

At this time, the two women heard the words shouted by Xu Wuzhou.


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