Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 891: Yijian Zhen Yaoyao

The magical powers of the ancestor of the magic way.

There are mortals in the avenue.

In an instant, three tyrannical and terrifying invincible Tianjiao suddenly turned into three useless people.

They stood in the sky, and fell from the sky at the same time in an instant.

"Pump!" The three plunged into the lake.

Xu Wuzhou took this opportunity to hold one hand to the waist of the other.

It's just that two cold rays of light slashed towards his palm before grabbing the slender waist.

Bastard, do you think we didn't know that you have such supernatural powers? As expected, your magical powers can't help us.

The two women, one on the left and the other on the right, approached Xu Wuzhou in the water, piercing the dagger fiercely in their hands.

Xu Wuzhou quickly withdrew his hand, but was not afraid because they were holding a dagger.

They are all mortal, but now they are in the water. If you have a dagger, it doesn't necessarily take advantage of it.

You know, back then, he was also the Xiaobailong in Langli who was able to cross the Ganjiang River.

Xu Wuzhou rolled around with a carp in the water, and instantly walked around Zhou Si's back, and directly hugged Zhou Si's waist from his hand.

The two were pressed together, Zhou Si's body suddenly stiffened, but he reacted very quickly, and the dagger in his hand suddenly turned around.

But Xu Wuzhou was already done well, grabbing her arm with one hand, and this bundle changed direction in an instant.

"Dare not to see me and spank you."

Xu Wuzhou wanted to say this, and slapped Zhou Si's **** with a slap. It's just that he choked a few mouthfuls before he finished speaking, and then he felt his stupidity and shut up quickly.

Zhou Si's **** was twitched, and her face was red and her ears were red, and she forgot to struggle for a while.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou saw Dai Yaoyao swimming from one side and stabbing him.

Xu Wuzhou hugged Zhou Si and turned around, not getting angry. I thought Zhou Si and I were communicating, what are you going to disturb?

When Zhou Si was released, a sneak dive came to Dai Yaoyao's feet, grabbed Dai Yaoyao's slender and white feet, and violently pulled it down, and she immediately stepped down. And taking this opportunity, Xu Wuzhou also slapped Dai Yaoyao's buttocks fiercely.

"Ah! I killed you!"

Had Dai Yaoyao ever received such a stimulus, so angrily, the dagger slashed towards Xu Wuzhou's hand.

It's just that she is now a mortal, and her speed and angle of cutting in the water are really not good, and Xu Wuzhou has already left.

Xu Wuzhou entangled the two women continuously under the water. Although the two women are holding daggers in their hands, they are not as good as Xu Wuzhou in the water, and they can only feel their hips constantly being pumped.

Hitting people in the water will naturally not hurt. But such parts are constantly being pumped, how can they calm down, even Dai Yaoyao is blushing, she is a little bit angry and cuts everywhere with a dagger.

Zhou Si was also furious, and it was enough to hit her **** alone. Why did she hit someone else? wrong! It's up to me if he hits others, and mine is not allowed to hit.

Regardless of this, Zhou Si also slammed Xu Wuzhou with the dagger in his hand.

And Xu Wuzhou, who had just bullied others through the water, suddenly frightened, kicked his feet fiercely, and swam toward the surface of the water at great speed.

The two women were stunned. How could this guy give up this opportunity because he was dominant in the water.

But soon they knew, because they sensed that the strength in their bodies was completely restored. Obviously, the time limit for him to perform this trick has come.

The strength returned to the body, and the two women were extremely angry, and they must beat the **** to death.


Everyone watching the battle on the lake looked at each other, what kind of situation is this? Why did it fall into the water?

Also, Xu Wuzhou cut all Daoxing, he would not be drowned if he fell into the water. It would be a joke if the great practitioners from the other side of the world were drowned.

After waiting for a while, when someone wanted to dive down to watch the battle, they saw Xu Wuzhou rushing out of the water first.

And shortly after Xu Wuzhou rushed out, the two women also rushed out one after the other.

When they rushed out of the water, their clothes were all wet and clinging to their bodies, and the graceful curves were completely exposed. It was really wonderful. Xu Wuzhou's eyes were straight when they looked at them, especially the water-drenched cloth strips, allowing you to see the skin inside. , Let the blood churning.

It's just that this picture is only a moment, and the two women burst out of energy directly to dry the wet clothes.

Although Xu Wuzhou admired their beauty and **** appeal, he did not forget what they were doing.

He laughed, and laughed, "Look at me suppressing you with one hand."

He had been prepared for a long time, his whole body was vast, and the endless sword intent flooded the world, and boundless energy spewed from Xu Wuzhou's body.

The energy of Jian Yi Jian Qi completely blended together, and a sword appeared in the void.

This is the sword of nirvana, Xu Wuzhou used the sword of nirvana to the extreme he could use.

At this moment, there is nothing else in the world, only the sword is left, and the sword will kill everything. Even the lake water was frozen at this moment, and the ripples they rushed out that stirred the lake water were also smoothed.


Even those who watched the battle from afar had a sword in their heads for the first time. Looking at Xu Wuzhou is like looking at a sword.

This sword lay across the void. Although the sword aura had never rippled, it had the potential to destroy the sea. This was a world of swords.

This sword assembles the pinnacle of Xu Wuzhou's Extinction Sword.

This sword astounded the world, and even the power of Yaochi Li Palace was discolored.

This sword is like the world has returned to chaos, and there is nothing else.

Top Tianjiao such as Song Yun and Yizhi suddenly stood up straight, staring at Xu Wuzhou with round eyes. This sword has infinite elegance, beyond imagination, and not just a clear way.

Such a stunning sword, even if Chen Jinghong used it, they would find it incredible, let alone Xu Wuzhou.

Everyone who watched the battle was shocked, unable to understand that Xu Wuzhou's ability to display such a sword that made the world pale in color was far beyond what he could display in his realm.

This sword moved towards Dai Yaoyao's suppression.

Dai Yaoyao's face also changed. This is a sword that covers the world, how she can underestimate it.

So she didn't dare to keep it, and she burst out her strongest law directly.

"Nether Fire!"

A flame rushed out from the center of Dai Yaoyao's eyebrows. This was a ghostly flame, her background, an existence beyond her realm.

This fire can burn the heaven and the earth into the nether, rushing out to coexist with blazing heat and yin and evil, the empty void is directly ignited, and the green and secluded flames are soaring and burning. At this time, the flame turns into a sea of ​​flames in the nether hell, with infinite terror, directly hard. Against the sword of Xu Wuzhou.

Dai Yaoyao exploded with all his strength, her arm and Nether Yinhuo completely merged, holding this sword, only felt that the endless sword intent and sword aura impacted her, which was heavier and more difficult than holding a world.

But she was not worried, but shouted at Zhou Si: "I can hold on, you take this opportunity to suppress him."

Xu Wuzhou's attack was very strong, but are they weak? This blow was because he took the upper hand and plunged himself into passive suppression. But she still has Zhou Si, what if Xu Wuzhou suppresses him temporarily? Zhou Si shot, can Xu Wuzhou's move still hold up?

Zhou Si nodded, she and Dai Yaoyao did not want to allow Wuzhou to intervene.

But at this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou laugh and say: "Suppress me? You have no chance!"


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