Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 893: Yaoyao Rage

Xu Wuzhou stood on the sky, underneath him, a sword pinned Dai Yaoyao, and a virtual image crushed Zhou Si.

The surroundings are deadly quiet, this scene is beyond everyone's cognition.

Everyone stared at the field with round eyes. At this time, Dai Yaoyao's body was gloomy and gloomy, and although the flames were overwhelming, they couldn't break through that sword.

Zhou Si was the same. The Nine Heavens was terrifying, but the imaginary image was sitting there, as if the heavens were sitting under him.

Yu Feng looked at the scene on the court and sighed slightly, still feeling a little unbelievable: "This battle is over like this?"

Song Yun looked at the court and shook her head: "Xu Wuzhou is too strong, but neither Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si are weak. If you want to be alone, you can't do it with two people."

I glanced at the alcoholic, the alcoholic is bright and plump, especially the blurry laziness after drinking is even more thrilling: "You said I was blind before?"

"Huh?" Song Yun looked at Yu Feng without understanding.

"Leave you alone, don't hurt or scumbag, scumbag others, what am I not blind?"

Song Yun glanced at Yu Feng and said, "Are you going to die again today?"

Yu Feng smiled: "What do you mean to die? I just talked more directly, never concealing myself."

Song Yun didn't bother to care about such a small expert, and said bluntly: "Okay! I will tell her that you are pursuing me."

Yu Feng's face was gloomy, and he looked at Song Yun and said, "It's boring for you to chat like this."

Song Yun looked at Yu Feng sarcastically and said, "You are a very boring person."

Yu Feng snorted coldly: "Now I finally understand why I didn't act on you. It's not that I am blind, but that you are so boring. No wonder I don't like being with your beautiful girls these days, and indeed you will be beaten one by one. The **** is good."

Song Yun looked at the middle of the field and said, "Xu Wuzhou's Tao is indeed very strong. Whether it is the sword or the imaginary image, the Tao shown is beyond imagination. This is not something that can be shown in the other side. But he wants to suppress Xuan Nu and He Witch, it’s not good to be afraid."

"That's not necessarily!" Yu Feng said.


Song Yun surprised Yu Feng's confidence. Xu Wuzhou is strong, with the help of all mortals taking the initiative, and the latter is like suppressing two women with a sword.

But these are all your big tricks, and it's hard for ordinary people to use one of them. And Xu Wuzhou casts it three times in a row, even if he is strong, he must be drained.

Although he suppressed the two women at this time, they were not ordinary people. Whether it is Dai Yaoyao's dark fire or Zhou Si's Nine Heavens Profound Girl Seal, they are all masterpieces.

When the resistance continued, Xu Wuzhou was absolutely unable to hold on.

As long as the two women get rid of the repression, Xu Wuzhou will be the one who is at risk.

Yu Feng did not explain to Song Yun, he was confident in Xu Wuzhou. As a scumbag, there is still this trust. The scumbag never let himself overturn the car easily.

Song Yun's idea is the idea of ​​many people, including Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si.

"How long can you suppress us?" Dai Yaoyao was even still provoking.

Xu Wuzhou laughed: "Suppress until you are powerless."

Seeing that the two women hadn't conceded yet, Xu Wuzhou was not in a hurry. The display of the three kinds of faculties really made him consume a lot. But so what?

The heavens and stars are all lit, and this is his divine form. On the other side, he absolutely believes that he is invincible. Even the true king does not have his own strength.

It took the metal of the city of Chaoge to create a successful Shenhaigod shape.

The two women are indeed extraordinary, and the Nirvana Sword and the Self-Void cannot directly suppress them. They can also use the secret technique to hold them hard, although they are absolutely disadvantaged, it is also horrible.

For example, Dai Yaoyao, what he resisted was the Black Bowl Old Man's Sword of Extinction. When the old man in the black bowl was on the other side, he would definitely not be able to explode the power of the Nirvana Sword at this moment. Because his imprint in the depths of Xu Wuzhou is the meaning of his current realm. It's just that Xu Wuzhou can only show the power of the other shore realm at this time, but his intention is definitely stronger than the black bowl old man of the other shore realm.

In other words, Dai Yaoyao resisted the black bowl old man from the other side.

The old man in the black bowl didn't know how strong Wuzhou was, but he was definitely above the saint level.

As for Zhou Si, if it weren't for the integration of the heavens and stars, it would be impossible to suppress her. But even so, she can also protect herself with difficulty.

Worthy of being the two most enchanting women in the world.

However, no evildoer will be suppressed today.

The two women waited for Xu Wuzhou to be exhausted, so they both struggled to explode their strength and force themselves to contend with Xu Wuzhou's avenue.

As long as you persist, Xu Wuzhou must be the one who can't persist in the end.

I just waited for a long time, but I never saw Xu Wuzhou's exhaustion. Instead, I heard Xu Wuzhou laughed loudly: "Do you think that I have repeatedly used mystery skills, and that one person can't hold on to the two? You are wrong!"

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou's aura suddenly exploded, the Dao Yun of the whole person gushing again, and the Jian Qi and Dao Yi skyrocketed again by a few points.

"Do you think it was my full strength just now?" Xu Wuzhou said to the two women.

In an instant, the Netherworld Yinhuo and the Nine Heavens Profound Girl Yin were crushed and wiped out, and a sword and a like directly suppressed them above their heads.

The crowd was in an uproar, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe that Xu Wuzhou actually hid his strength.

"How do you know?" Song Yun couldn't help looking at Yu Feng at this moment. This guy's eyesight was really amazing.

Yu Feng rolled his eyes and didn't bother to talk to Song Yun. Xu Wuzhou is not a good person, can he suffer?

However, this kid is also really strong.

Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si also changed their expressions, never expecting Xu Wuzhou to do so.

"You're afraid that you won't be able to hold it for long, how about it? Do you want to persist?" Xu Wuzhou looked at the two women. He was on the other side of the pinnacle, but their realm was not stable. This was his advantage.

Feeling that the pressure is getting stronger and stronger, their secret skills are constantly eroding. They know that if this continues, they are afraid that they will really be suppressed.

Xuan Nu and the Witch were suppressed by one person, how could this be acceptable?

In this world, no one can do this.

Thinking of this, the two women glanced at each other, both of them looking fierce.

Xu Wuzhou, if you want to play for real, then play for real.

Song Yun looked at the two women like this, shook her head and said, "Xu Wuzhou still underestimated them. They are all major practitioners at the moment. There is a difference between major practitioners and warriors in the Divine Sea Realm.

If the bookworm is put now, he will not be defeated or killed. "

Yu Feng looked at the two women and sighed for Xu Wuzhou.

Brother Xu is too much, forcing these two women to run away. Brother Xu, it's really going to be troublesome.

It should be done just now.

Xu Wuzhou was trying to suppress the two women in a rush, but his expression suddenly changed.

Dai Yaoyao roared: "Xu Wuzhou, you want to suppress us, delusional."


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