Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 894: Suppress

Bidao, Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si are not as good as Xu Wuzhou, they are indeed suppressed. Under the sword and the image, their way is suppressed.

But they are the most enchanting group of people in the world, so naturally it is not just this trick.

The bells tied to Dai Yaoyao's feet began to ring lingeringly. The white and delicate jade feet became radiant.

Dai Yaoyao's spirit was climbing, and the void she stepped on under her feet shuddered as if she was about to break.

The great cultivator can already drive to the sacred weapon of the divine weapon.

Yes, Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si were defeated. He turned weakly suppressed by Xu Wuzhou's Dao. If they simply compare Dao Fa and combat power, they should have given up.

But external force is also a kind of strength.

When the bell rang, Dai Yaoyao smeared a layer of light, and she became more charming and charming. The pair of jade feet burned out a strange green fire, which made her feel a little more evil and charming.

Similarly, Xu Wuzhou felt that the sword that suppressed Dai Yaoyao began to tremble, faintly about to be broken through.

Upon seeing this, Xu Wuzhou yelled: "What kind of hero is borrowing the sacred weapon of the gods, you don't talk about martial ethics."

Dai Yaoyao was anxious, thinking that you are going to suppress us, what kind of martial ethics are you still telling you?

Zhou Si obviously didn't want to be suppressed by Xu Wuzhou either, her brows were filled with divine beauty, and her whole body was filled with a layer of holiness, and her whole body was soaring, and the phantom suppressed her, but at this moment, there was also a tendency to be overthrown.

There is something on the center of her eyebrows, which is pushing her to a higher level.

Depend on!

Xu Wuzhou wanted to scold his mother, so how to play without martial arts.

"Hey, it won't be. It's just a discussion. As for the use of such a treasure. It is not easy for you to drive this treasure. Such a price is not worth it." Xu Wuzhou transmitted voice to Dai Yaoyao.

Dai Yaoyao wanted to spit on Xu Wuzhou's face, and you were going to suppress us all, so you actually said it was a discussion with me?

Even if I, Daiyaoyao, is sleeping by you, it will never be suppressed by you! Driving the bell is really not easy, but you can also take this to clean up.

"Hey, we are partners, you are not so suitable."

Dai Yaoyao only transmitted a word to Xu Wuzhou: "Go!"

What kind of partner, you are a scumbag, and you can’t believe a word of a scumbag.

"I didn't want to tell you, I will tell you directly. This time I came here mainly to suppress Zhou Si. But after all, he is a mysterious girl, I am a member of the Taoist sect, and I can't tell you outside. Xu Wuzhou explained to Dai Yaoyao again.

I believe you a ghost!

Dai Yaoyao still drove the bell, and the sword that suppressed her trembled more and more.

"How about you cooperate with me today, and I will cooperate with you the other day, and let you suppress me and make you famous?" Xu Wuzhou transmitted the sound to Dai Yaoyao.

Finally, the current situation can't be overturned because of this. If you don't suppress Zhou Si and talk to her, what if she beat her child?

When Dai Yaoyao heard these words, the shaking bell stopped, and the voice was transmitted to Xu Wuzhou: "You cooperate with me and let me suppress you once?"

"Yes!" Xu Wuzhou replied, "If you still don't agree, then we will try again. You have a treasure, don't I have it? It's just that these treasures are not easy to drive, and I don't want to waste opportunities in such a fight. "

Dai Yaoyao asked again: "What did you do to suppress Zhou Si?"

"When you suppress her, you will know it naturally."

Dai Yaoyao turned her beautiful eyes, and the bell in her feet could naturally break Xu Wuzhou's suppression. It's just that there is no need to waste this opportunity on Xu Wuzhou.

She giggled: "You have to tell me that this battle is to covet the beauty of sister Zhou Si, then I have already helped you to suppress it and also give you medicine. Why is it so troublesome."

After Dai Yaoyao finished speaking, she actually gave up the resistance and let the sword suppress her directly.

"Hey! If you want to use suppressing me as a guise, then just give you a guise. I am such a good woman."

Dai Yaoyao's words let everyone see each other, what's the situation? Why did the witch suddenly refuse to resist and be reluctant to be suppressed?

And what does she mean? Xu Wuzhou is under the guise of suppressing the two women. Actually, the target is only Zhou Si alone?

Is the witch planted? After all, the words of the witch are not very credible.

But in the same way, some people think it may not be unbelievable.

Zhou Si originally wanted to break through the suppression with Dai Yaoyao, but Dai Yaoyao suddenly gave up. And also spit out such a sentence.

She had a ghost in her heart, but she panicked at this time. In addition, she was also hesitating. If Dai Yaoyao didn't use the bell, then she would lose the battle with her trump card.

So she also stopped. When this stopped, Xu Wuzhou naturally seized the opportunity and suppressed her.

The sudden change caused Song Yun and others to be astonished: How could they be so proud of being suppressed in this way?

What's happening here? What exactly did Xu Wuzhou transmit to Daiyaoyao?

Many people looked at Xu Wuzhou, Dai Yaoyao's words may not be feasible. But Xu Wuzhou’s voice transmission to Daiyaoyao is absolutely yours, otherwise, how could Daiyaoyao get caught?

Some warriors couldn't help frowning.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Dai Yaoyao, she was indeed a witch. Others may not believe her words, but as the Taoist master, he and Witch Transmitting had discussed pitting Xuannv, and others would definitely have opinions on him.

At this time, if the crime is to be washed away, he has to find an excuse. If you want to get rid of yourself, then you have to drag Zhou Si into the water, which is tantamount to hitting Xuannv.

Dai Yaoyao stared at Xu Wuzhou with a smile in her beautiful eyes, waiting for how Xu Wuzhou talked nonsense to prove the gentleman's demeanor again.

But to Dai Yaoyao's surprise, Xu Wuzhou didn't say anything. Direct force wrapped them up, and then fell on the flat boat.

Doing this made Dai Yaoyao gritted her teeth with anger. In order to protect Zhou Si, this **** would even be willing to bear the sewage he spilled?

asshole! Where did this lady lose to Zhou Si?

Dai Yaoyao regretted a little, she should just shake the bell to clean up Xu Wuzhou.

The two women fell into Xu Wuzhou's hands, and their guardians' expressions changed drastically. The two jumped into the void. They just wanted to say something, but Xu Wuzhou said bluntly: "Senior Tuoba, you help me stop them, don't let them disturb us. "

Seeing that the two were about to take a shot at the golden body, Dai Yaoyao and Zhou Si shouted at the same time: "It's okay! Wait for us!"

Xu Wuzhou glanced at them and said, "Don't worry. I just want them to discuss martial arts. It won't hurt them."

Pooh! This is how your family discusses martial arts. Is it possible to lie a little bit more heartily?

However, Xu Wuzhou promised not to hurt them, and they were only slightly relieved.

Xu Wuzhou's force drove Bianzhou away from here. Looking at Zhou Si: Hmph, I want to see you, did you avoid it?

Zhou Si was staring at Xu Wuzhou, feeling a little flustered.

She didn't know what this guy was going to do with such a big fanfare.


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