Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 895: I believe you

As the boat drew ashore, Xu Wuzhou found a thatched house.

Dai Yaoyao originally thought Xu Wuzhou would ask her to say something, but as soon as he got ashore, he took Zhou Si to the side, and deliberately avoided her.

This made Dai Yaoyao gritted her teeth with anger, and deliberately went to see what they were talking about, only to find that Xu Wuzhou had set up some formations to prevent her from approaching.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou was roasting sweet potatoes, and at the same time looking at Zhou Si. Her skin was as creamy and beautiful as an immortal. Her eyes, like Qingbo, did not dare to look at Xu Wuzhou.

When the sweet potatoes were cooked, Xu Wuzhou set aside one from the fire, handed it to Zhou Si, and said, "You like it."

Zhou Si opened her red lips slightly: "I don't like it now."

"Yes! Then I like it again."

Zhou Si glanced at Xu Wuzhou and said, "It's nothing, then I will leave."

Xu Wuzhou laughed suddenly and looked at Zhou Si and said, "Are you afraid of seeing me?"

Zhou Si was a little guilty, but she didn't show the slightest expression on her face. Instead, she found an excuse and said, "You are a married person."

Xu Wuzhou felt a headache instantly. As a scumbag, he has handled many Shura fields. But this is the first time it has caused a life.

The most important thing is the hardest thing for men to deal with. Hongqi is at home, and the bunting outside is pregnant.

" fact, our relationship has broken down."

The thoughts in Xu Wuzhou's mind had been turned a thousand times, and finally he chose one of the most conventional rhetoric. The cliché goes to the cliché, but many people have used it and say it is good.

"Oh! Qin Qingmou and I also know that we were forced to marry since we were little fingertips. You also know how I am. Since I am married, I don't want to let her down. I also want to try to start this marriage, but... No matter how hard I work, I still can’t grow up with each other. We’re already thinking about reunion, and now we’re mainly afraid that the elders in the family will be angry, so the elders are slow. You wait for a year, and then I will marry you.”

When Zhou Si heard Xu Wuzhou's words "I marry you", her heart trembled slightly. But thinking of her origin in the Xuannv Palace, she immediately suppressed her emotions.

"Forcing a divorce is not what I want."

"How can you force it, it's my emotional discord with her. What is meant to be has nothing to do with you."

Xu Wuzhou muttered in his heart, dragging for the first time, so he couldn't beat the child.

Thinking of the child, Xu Wuzhou thought that the fierce fighting just now wouldn't affect the fetal gas.

He looked at Zhou Si, wanting to check it out with Yin and Yang medical techniques. But even though Zhou Si was suppressed, there was Shenghua flowing from the center of his eyebrows to his abdomen, and Xu Wuzhou couldn't see through it for a while.

But seeing Shenghua covering his abdomen, Xu Wuzhou was also slightly relieved: This woman is also protecting the child all the time, and it seems that she is also entangled in her heart. That's right, Zhou Si is not a vicious woman, how can she have no feelings for her own children.

"I think it's better. Xuannv Palace is a bit troublesome, but I will take care of these things." Xu Wuzhou said to Zhou Si.

Zhou Si was stared at her abdomen by Xu Wuzhou, her conscience became even more guilty, and the flow of Sheng Hua between her eyebrows became thicker.

Fortunately, I knew that Xu Wuzhou was a doctor who had prepared for a long time, and he covered Sheng Hua's abdomen from the beginning of the fight so that he could not see through. Otherwise, isn't the lie she told has been exposed.

Zhou Si looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "I don't want it."

"Okay! Don't just don't." Xu Wuzhou looked at Zhou Si and said.

Zhou Si's face turned cold in an instant. What is this bastard? Is it true that he is really pregnant, and he really wants to let himself be defeated?


"By the way, I made a deal with your Xuan Nv Palace. The five elements exchanged your Dao Xin Xuan Zong. In order to prevent you from doing bad things and failing to fulfill your promise, I decided to suppress Xuan Nv's descendants as a deterrent. The suppression period, just wait. Dao Zong Tai elder learns Dao Xin Xuan Zong. Well, I think it takes one year for him to learn how to get it. This year, you live in Dao Zong.

If you don't, you don't want it in a year.

I don't think this will embarrass you very much. Just bear with it a little bit, it will last a year soon. quickly. "

Zhou Si has a new understanding of Xu Wuzhou's shamelessness.

Can you bear this kind of thing? After another year, the child can climb.

She was angry inside, but Zhou Si felt a joy again.

"I will never be suppressed by you." Xuannv said, looking at Xu Wuzhou. Suppression for a year? After one month of suppression, Xu Wuzhou would know that he was lying.

"Then I will tell you clearly, it’s impossible not to don’t. You know me, and tell you the truth, I made up the little teacher in the world, and I got the master of the Taoist. I don’t have a bottom line. , If you don’t want it, don’t blame me for messing around."


Zhou Si was anxious and glared at Xu Wuzhou and said, "You are not afraid that I will tell the world that you are actually a shameless villain."

"You want to tell the people of the world that my Young Master and Dao Master are all fools? It doesn't matter, you go and talk."

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou stood up and made a gesture of please.

"Just say, there are a lot of people watching right now. Go tell them and see if they believe me or you."


Zhou Si couldn't laugh or cry. Although Xuan Nv Palace is quite influential in the world. But no one believed this.

Made up by a young teacher in the world? The emperor of humanity has ordered the approval!

Taoist? Haha, this was pushed by Daozong.

She jumped out and said that there would be no impact on Xu Wuzhou, and it would only damage the credibility of the Xuannv Palace.


Xu Wuzhou smiled immediately: "I think you are complimenting me."


Facing such a person, Zhou Si really had no choice.

"It's good to know that I am a rascal. Anyway, if you can't say you don't, just don't."

Zhou Si looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "Unlock my seal!"

"You should go to Dao Sect to practice for a period of time, for a year."

Zhou Si was also a little panicked in her heart. He was really suppressed in Dao Sect, and trapped in Dao Sect, that would be really fun and troublesome.

Zhou Si was silent for a while and looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "I can ask for it. But you have to cooperate with me."

"Huh?" Xu Wuzhou looked at Zhou Si and didn't understand.

"Xuannv Palace has its own rules, this matter is spread out. No one can please, even if I want it, I won't be able to."

Xu Wuzhou looked at Zhou Si and said, "I am the Taoist now."

Zhou Si looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "Xuannv Palace does not respect the Taoist Master."

Xu Wuzhou was silent for a while, but he was not afraid of Xuan Nv Palace. It's just that the idea of ​​having to take care of Xuannv and the child is not.

So he said, "What do you want to say?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own arrangements."

Seeing Xu Wuzhou still frowning, Zhou Si said, "Since I promise you, then you can rest assured. I care more about some things than you. Because I am a woman."

This sentence convinced Xu Wuzhou.


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