Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 904: Can't beat me

Mo Daoxian didn't do anything recklessly anymore.

Mo Daoxian is not a fool! He was furious and frustrated before, and felt that everything was under control. What is Xu Wuzhou, what can he do in a few months?

Now he also saw the situation, Xu Wuzhou absolutely did something big. It might be beyond his control. Otherwise, people like Wu Yao wouldn't have become **** supporters, and even felt that it would be no problem to abolish this suzerain.

Therefore, Mo Daoxian no longer talked about the true teachings of Abandoned Daozong, but stretched his waist: "I am a little tired when I come back. By the way, I brought back some things. I took back the things that were left there in the past."

This sentence made everyone present round their eyes and looked at Mo Daoxian in disbelief.

He was actually able to come back after going to the magic capital, and brought the thing back. Is Mo Daoxian so good?

Seeing that these people were shocked, Mo Daoxian sneered. First use this news to stabilize you, and I will find out what happened.

Xu Wuzhou, you want to fight for my dominance, you dream!

Nothing, wishful thinking!

Mo Daoxian turned his head to look at Wu Yao and other senior brothers, and said, "Let's observe that thing together?"

Speaking of this, Mo Daoxian took the lead to walk towards the inner courtyard. Of course, looking at Sherwin-William who was about to run away, he lifted him up.

He is not in a hurry anymore, he has to understand the situation clearly before he can prescribe the right medicine.

"Let's talk about it, what did Xu Wuzhou do to make you do this one by one?" Mo Daoxian looked at Wu Yao and the others and said.

Wu Yao and the others looked at each other, and finally turned their gazes on Xuan Wei. They are not good at words, let Sherwin-William say the most appropriate.

Sherwin felt that the pot was buckling on him, but he didn't dare not say anything.

So he started talking about the battle with the fairy pavilion and the arrival of one hundred thousand foreign races.

When Mo Daoxian listened at first, he heard the emperor marry Xu Wuzhou from the saint of the fairy pavilion and still cursed the emperor in his heart.

He also heard that Xu Wuzhou took this opportunity to molest the Saintess of Xiange and attack the prestige of the Xiange faction.

This was Xu Wuzhou's shameless method. With his ability to make troubles, it was nothing but normal operation to cause such disturbances.

Mo Daoxian knew that Xu Wuzhou must have done something else.

Listening all the way, then I heard about one hundred thousand foreign races. Only then did Mo Daoxian know that Xu Wuzhou's soldiers would capture 100,000 foreign races without a **** sword.

Thinking of the demons coolies seen in front of the mountain gate, Mo Daoxian suddenly understood.

"So that's the case. It's been a long time since Thirty Thousand Prefectures. He has made such outstanding contributions to the Human Race, and he is naturally so prestigious."

He himself is the true biography of Taoism, coupled with such monstrous feats, coupled with that kid's despicable means, it is not impossible that he is respected by the people of the world as the Taoist master.

But fortunately, this is a bit troublesome. But I still have a way to solve this problem.

It's just that Mo Daoxian's breath hasn't let go, he heard Sherwin continue to say.

What is the design to kill the principal and deputy pavilion master of the fairy pavilion?

What ringing the Taoist bell to hold a grand event.

What is to be inclusive of all rivers and rivers is to recruit the martial artists of the world to enter Dao Sect.

The ancient religion of the Five Elements does not abide by the rules, and becomes a Dao Sect thug in a rage.


Mo Daoxian was dumbfounded by the news one after another.

His whole head was dumbfounded, so this was all Xu Wuzhou did? None of this is worse than packing up 100,000 aliens, and some things are more shocking.

For example, the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, such a great master, can he also suppress them and force them to become thugs?

Mo Daoxian finally understood why Dao Sect had changed so much.

In other words, this kid has been in these months. Taking advantage of his absence, he directly brought Dao Zong to the position of a veritable leader.

It's no wonder everyone reacted like that.

Especially others will think: You see, Mo Daoxian is not in Dao Sect, and without him restricting the true teachings of Dao Zong, the talents of the true teachings of Dao Zong are fully displayed. In the past, the true biography of Taoism was suppressed, which led to the weakness of Taoism. Mo Daoxian should have given way long ago, so as not to drag Daozong.

Mo Daoxian didn't know what to say for a while.

The world only knows Xu Wuzhou, who else remembers who Mo Daoxian is?

Oh, there is also a title, called the late former master!

The fairy peak master comforted: "You were not there at the time, so you can only make up your accident for the sake of the Daomen event. It's all expedient, don't be angry."

If Wu Yao and others came up with this method, he would think it was a stopgap measure. But would Xu Wuzhou's cunning boy have no other way to solve such a small problem? He didn't believe it if he was killed!

"Are you trying to force me to give way?" Mo Daoxian looked at Wu Yao and said.

"Where can I say, Junior Brother, it's not that we forced you to give way. But... even if you become the Sect Master, you will be recognized by others?"

"What's the meaning?"

Wu Yao said: "The great cultivators, such as the great powers and true kings who are new to Taoism, are not the only ones who listen to Xu Wuzhou.

They are fine, after all, they still have to obey my Dao Zong order. However, people like Golden Body and Mountain Temple are all Xu Wuzhou's iron rods.

Moreover, the Dao Zong elder disciple also recognized Xu Wuzhou very much. If you are working against Xu Wuzhou, Junior Brother, think about what you think will be the result. "

Mo Dao Xian Qi's blood surged upwards, that is to say the entire Dao Sect. Now it is the fundamentals of Xu Wuzhou.

Even if he occupies the position of Taoist master, it is still an empty frame.

Mo Daoxian has always had nothing to do with others, and he has never lost. Even if Xu Wuzhou placed a position where he occupied the true biography of Dao Zong, he didn't think it was necessary to really bully Xu Wuzhou and push the boat along the way. Anyway, everything is under his control.

But never thought that one day, his Taoist position could be robbed by him.

Made! Does this mean...I was suppressed? And it was directly suppressed to the depths of the earth!

Mo Daoxian was angry and wanted to laugh.

I have never played a teenager before!

But Mo Daoxian had to admit that Xu Wuzhou was so capable, he actually brought Daozong directly to this point. In his plan, it will take a long time to bring Dao Zong to this point.

"Huh! Things are doing well. But, do you want to take my place?"

Mo Daoxian gritted his teeth with hatred, thinking about the current situation in his heart.

But what came to mind, he said: "The disciple said that the master was taken away by the foreign race, and Xu Wuzhou was taken away by the foreign race?"

Wu Yao nodded and said, "Yes! But don't worry, he can come back."

Mo Daoxian looked at Wu Yao suspiciously, because he had been to Mo Ji's place, he knew that it was her who did it. He didn't worry about Xu Wuzhou's life, but it was hard to come back. But why is Wu Yao so confident? It stands to reason that Xu Wuzhou is only on the other shore, and his current status as Taoist master is definitely not good enough to be taken away.

"Go to know Zong Xia first, I came back alive, and just follow Xu Wuzhou's rhetoric. Then I told Dao Zong that I brought Dao Zong's treasure back."

Mo Daoxian muttered in his heart, who is not a despicable person. My righteous status is still there. Although it means to be empty now, I still haven't the means to turn the situation around?

Follow these people first, and then tell everyone what I have done to brush up on the sense of existence, and then slowly take control of Dao Sect.

Um! It's a pity that Xu Wuzhou is not there, or else give him some advice on martial arts. Said that he was busy with Dao sect affairs and delayed his cultivation, and then put him in the Dao sect secret realm retreat.

Say the last sentence, ‘I’m not the lord of Lianzhan, but I’m worried that you don’t have enough strength to protect yourself. Practice is your first element. I will help you manage the trivial matters first. Anyway, my practice will not work all the way. You have to practice hard and pass it to you when you are able to beat it. ’

With Xu Wuzhou's talent, it won't take long to cultivate to the point of surpassing him. Everyone didn't think much about it, but felt that he was really inspiring Xu Wuzhou.

Can Xu Wuzhou beat himself? It should be a long time before he realized that the law has entered the real king.

Dragging, your own means are not enough to control Dao Sect?


Still want to fight with me?

You only have the life to be suppressed by me!


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