Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 905: See the magic girl

Mo Daoxian came back, and brought the two ceremonial lanterns of Taozong's supreme Treasure Cuiguang. This treasure is not only infinitely powerful, it is enough to teach forever. The most important thing is that this treasure can refine spiritual energy, and the martial artist enters it very quickly.

As soon as the news came out, countless people in the world were in an uproar.

For a long time, everyone felt that Dao Zong did not have the ultimate treasure to suppress air luck, and the foundation was still not enough. But when this treasure came out, this shortcoming was completely made up for.

The deceased former suzerain came back alive suddenly, which was unexpected by Daozong. They were also worried that the sect master would command blindly when he came back, destroying the great situation that Xu Wuzhou had created.

Everyone wanted him to abdicate, but he brought back Liangyi and other treasures, and Xu Wuzhou was indeed only the acting sect master, so no one would be able to speak about it.

However, everyone was determined that if he dared to mess around, he would be forced to abdicate even if he was forced to do so. The lord only agreed to Wuzhou.

But what made them breathe a sigh of relief was that Mo Daoxian didn't know his identity when he came back. Everything still followed Xu Wuzhou's previously established policy, and occasionally showed that he wanted to abdicate and let Xu Wuzhou come back. At this moment, he was just waiting for Xu Wuzhou to return safely.

"It seems that he recognizes himself clearly, knowing that he is not as capable as Sect Master Xu, and it is good to be a clay sculpture. When Sect Master Xu comes back safely, everyone will propose to let him out of the position of Sect Master."

"Well! Mo Daoxian has no abilities, of course Xu Wuzhou is more suitable to be the Sect Master."

"That's natural. It's just to worry that the Sect Master will be caught by a foreign race.

"Don't worry, both Master Wu Yaofeng and Golden Body said that he must be safe, and Golden Body vowed to promise that it will definitely be fine."

"Hope. Dao Sect is thriving now, but I don't want to have any problems. If something happens to him, the Sect Master will let Mo Daoxian, an incompetent person do it, and Dao Sect will be downcast again in the future."


Mo Daoxian naturally heard these comments, and his angry face turned blue. What is my incompetence? How incompetent I am, if it weren't for me... Dao Sect would be gone!

Xu Wuzhou, wait and see, play with me? Who plays who!


At this time, Xu Wuzhou had already entered the territory of a foreign race.

He is being threatened by a few strong aliens to follow them. These alien races don't know what secret method they use, and the essence of one hundred thousand alien races can be completely controlled by them in their bodies. This also leads to every tyrannical one, not worse than a mighty one.

A total of five people coerced Xu Wuzhou to the destination.

Xu Wuzhou did not resist, and followed them obediently. This surprised several people, wondering if the Taoist master of the human race was so spineless? After being captured, he was so obedient!

They originally thought that they had to give up their hands and feet. At least you have to fight for a while before you obey. Even this is not obedient, forcing them to faint and take them directly to their destination.

But since this kid was captured, what they said and did, sometimes they even took the initiative to be bright, can they go faster?

People who didn't know thought that the five of them were guards, and he was here to travel.

Although a group of people were frustrated, they didn't think much about it. I thought that this kid was a cartilage, so I asked for performance to avoid suffering. After all, what can I say in front of them? You can slap to death with one slap!

The most important thing now is to complete the task ordered by the empress, his cooperation is a good thing.

"Hey! If you get through the channel, you can't have a little bit of technology. It's so good to directly transmit to the destination, and it's a waste of time and tiring to go so far."

Seeing that Xu Wuzhou had been away for so long, he couldn't help but complain.

As for being afraid of these people? What are you afraid of? The liquid produced by searching Chaoge's metal swallowing has not been used up yet. With the massive energy of these liquids, one can still draw on the power of the old man in the black bowl.

Although these people are strong, they can be cut at the highest level. Can they do nothing about themselves?

Therefore, Xu Wuzhou did not worry about his safety. Instead, I want to see what the purpose of these people is.

Using one hundred thousand foreign races as bait to catch him, this is majestic. Xu Wuzhou wanted to see who was behind this.

The five powerful aliens ignored Xu Wuzhou and walked into a canyon with Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou walked along the gorge and found that the gorge was very weird. However, his research on the formation method is not enough to see through.

Following these people, these people knew everything about the battle and walked in directly.

Then Xu Wuzhou saw a waterfall. There was a huge water pool under the waterfall and an antique house under the water pool.

Xu Wuzhou looked at it, and found that everything here is really harmonious and perfect. Looking at it, it feels like a world, and the world should look like this.

"Niangniang, the person has already been brought, he is the true biography of Taoism in this generation."

Xu Wuzhou dissatisfied with them and said: "Did you make a mistake in your introduction? I am the master of the Dao Sect of this generation. Can the true teachings of the Dao Zong be the same as the Dao Master? I don't understand at all!"

The corners of the five people's mouth twitched, and they all wanted to twitch Xu Wuzhou. But when they thought that this was in front of the empress, they crawled on the ground respectfully, and did not answer Xu Wuzhou's words.

At this time, a voice came from the ancient house. The voice was very good, like a soft cry of a kingfisher, and a cat screaming in Chunmei. This reminded Xu Wuzhou of the dubbing of some voice actors when he watched love action movies before, and he couldn't help but give birth to an evil fire.

"You are doing a good job. What happened to Saint Canvas and the others?"

Even though the voice became angry, the five people still knelt on the ground with respect, and then said the story again.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou was sure that the essence of one hundred thousand foreign races had indeed been deprived of them. And they have a secret technique that can be integrated into the earth, as long as they don't dig the ground three feet, the warrior can't find them at all.

It was by virtue of this method that they avoided the Daozong martial artist's search.

The woman in the room listened to the process without speaking or interrupting. It wasn't until they finished speaking, that they said, "I didn't expect that, hello, I will be captured by you easily by 100,000 people."

Xu Wuzhou laughed and said: "In the land of my human race, everyone shouts and beats the mouse. What kind of waves can the mouse turn up? My human race can deal with it with any means. I am not a proud method. "

The woman didn't take the topic, but asked: "Are you the Dao Sect's suzerain?"

"That's natural!"

"Um! Really, not long ago. There was a man who claimed to be Mo Daoxian, who also said he was the Sect Master of this generation. Then who are you?"

Xu Wuzhou suppressed the fire rising from her voice, but was astonished in his heart: Mo Daoxian had actually been here.

"That's our former suzerain, the current elder. Have you met him, where is he now?"


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