Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 906: Painted skin

"He stayed here in this palace for a while, chatted for a while and then left, he should be home." Mo Ji said.

Back to Thirty Thousand State?

Xu Wuzhou couldn't help thinking of the position of Taoist master. I thought that if Mo Daoxian went back, he would be very upset and suppress himself.

Fortunately, I had already thought about what Mo Daoxian would do when he returned.

The Dao Sect nowadays, he just says one thing is not two. Especially those who are new to Dao Sect, they only know themselves, who knows who Mo Daoxian is.

Who said that at that time, in order to cut first and then play, but also to set up people, so a pronoun was added in front of the suzerain. But under his guidance, everyone now regards him as the suzerain. Mo Daoxian is the yellow flower of tomorrow.

So in this case, what can Mo Daoxian do? Could it be that he could blow up his hair and forcibly destroy himself. If so, he couldn't ask for it. Acting in a play will definitely let other people directly add to his yellow robe, and then let Mo Daoxian support him for a thousand years.

In view of this, Xu Wuzhou had already arranged a later move.

Mo Daoxian had only one choice when he went back. That is to recognize and praise what he has done, and then slowly play with the means to control Taoism.

If you are there, you must find an awe-inspiring opportunity to distract yourself.

Now that he is absent, it is just right for him to start his business slowly.

Xu Wuzhou didn't dare to underestimate Mo Daoxian's big yin goods.

So he had prepared the means long ago, and waited for Mo Daoxian to play the means.


I have taken the seat of Sect Master, you still want to take it back, you are dreaming!

Xu Wuzhou thought about this, and another voice came in his ear: "I'm a guest from afar, how about coming in for a cup of tea?"

Xu Wuzhou said casually: "Sorry, I only drink but not tea."

Seeing Xu Wuzhou's refusal, the five people instantly became angry and yelled at Xu Wuzhou: "I can't help but you don't agree with the order from the mother."

Looking at the five people who were about to tie him in, Xu Wuzhou thought for a while and said: "Well, you are so kindly invited, if I don't go, it will seem like I am too demeaned."

Xu Wuzhou looked at the house, especially at the plaque above the gate. The plaque was empty and there was nothing.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou walking into the house, the five men bowed and guarded the door.

As soon as Xu Wuzhou stepped in, he felt a chill. This chill caused him to get goose bumps.

This shocked Xu Wuzhou's heart, knowing that his qi and blood had surpassed the blazing sun. If it is said that entering the land of the great cold, he would accept it.

But looking at his Yin-Yang medical tactics, although it is a little shady here, it is not a place of great coldness.

But because of this, Xu Wuzhou felt more and more difficult.

After calming down his inner emotions, Xu Wuzhou continued to walk forward. There was a courtyard in front of him, but clothes rods were everywhere in the courtyard, and the clothes rods were covered with sheets of human skin.

Human skins of various colors, no wind, automatically, gently swaying, like a person, with a sense of horror.

"I'm here, since you don't drink tea, the palace will not prepare it. The wine is on the table, you can take it yourself!" The voice came from a room next to the yard, sweet and soft with sweetness. , Just listening to the words makes the bones crisp.

Xu Wuzhou walked into this room and saw a huge dressing table. A woman in a tight dress like a cheongsam was sitting in front. Only one back could be seen, with soft skin like snow and a curvy figure. Long legs and slender waist, breast augmentation and buttocks, stretch the long skirt into a beautiful arc.

This is a thrilling beauty, just moving away from her flawless figure, and seeing the huge mirror on the dressing table, Xu Wuzhou's pupils suddenly contracted, and his heartbeat accelerated.

I saw a goose face on the mirror, but there was nothing on the goose face, no nose, no mouth, no eyes, and it was smooth, just like a delicate piece of white paper.

Faceless Girl!

"Oh, I haven't put on makeup yet!" The Meigu Tiancheng's voice sounded again, and then the woman Qianqian picked up an eyebrow pencil with her fingers, and began to draw on her smooth face in front of the mirror.

Soon, an exquisite and beautiful face appeared, with a straight nose, bright eyes and cherry lips, eyebrows and eyebrows, beautiful and thrilling, such a beautiful face, Xu Wuzhou has seen countless beauties, but no one can compare it. The delicate beauty of this face.

It's just that Xu Wuzhou didn't want to appreciate it at this moment, and looked back at the human skin outside the window, only to feel full of horror.

I couldn't help but think of some stories from previous lives in my mind.

Paint the skin!

Xu Wuzhou looked at the woman and stood still.

The woman turned her head, picked up her hair casually, and hooked it up with a hairpin.

Xu Wuzhou was standing, she was sitting, looking down, from the slender and elegant jade neck all the way to see the white to dazzling gully.

As if noticing Xu Wuzhou's eyes, the woman pressed her neckline slightly and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect someone to come today. It was a bit late."

Speaking of this, slender fingers pointed at the chair again and said, "Sit down."

In every move, the woman is naturally charming.

Xu Wuzhou looked at her head-on, and only felt that the woman in front of him had a thousand styles.

At first glance, he felt like a gentle and virtuous sister next door. But when I look at it in the next moment, I feel like a pure and innocent school girl. When I took a closer look, I felt that she was a plump and charming aunt.

Looking at it again, I think it’s the iceberg saint, the holy fairy, the glamorous demon...

But no matter what kind of feeling it is, it is so touching, and people can't help but feel the heat.

Xu Wuzhou felt that the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world could not be compared.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou felt that he was going to be lost in it, and greedily looked at the beauty in front of him.

This kind of blur made Xu Wuzhou very vigilant, but he knew it was so. But I was still immersed in it, I only felt that the whole person was very hot, staring at her with blood red eyes, and there were tens of thousands of postures in my mind when I was watching the art of neighboring countries late at night.

Seeing that I couldn't control it anymore, a sword blasted in my mind.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou felt a refreshing sword intent sweeping his body. Although looking at the woman in front of her still has a variety of styles, she also woke up from that kind of confusion.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou watched the woman's expression change drastically. It was a terrifying method, but just sitting there and almost enslaved herself.

When Mo Ji saw Xu Wuzhou stepping back and looking at her warily, she was a little surprised.

A small realm from the other side, can actually come out of her beauty.

What an extraordinary boy!

She originally thought that the problem could be solved easily. It seems that I have to think about it a little bit now.

What a trouble!

Sure enough, Dao Sect people are very annoying.

However, this boy is not very old and it is easy to deal with. When you come here, you still have to do what you want in the end.


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