Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 907: Of course it helped

"When you are young, there are not many people who dare to look directly at this palace. The appearance of all beings, the ecology of all beings, and the desires of all beings, no one in the world can escape."

While Mo Ji Li Chang was talking, she gently picked up a tabby cat nesting under her feet with a soft hand, and then with a wave of her hand, a swaying human skin flew into her hand from the yard.

She skillfully puts human skin on the cat, and sews the human skin with needles on the dressing table at will.

In an instant, a graceful woman stood in front of Xu Wuzhou.

Mo Ji said: "Go and make tea."

The woman respectfully saluted the Enchantress, walked to the coffee table and started to make tea.

Xu Wuzhou stood there and looked at the woman blankly. She was naked, her graceful figure was very tempting, but he had no evil thoughts in his heart at the moment, only shock and horror.

What is this method? Flower cat becomes human!

Xu Wuzhou wanted to see through her, staring hard at the woman. The woman's movements were gentle, making water and making tea. Had it not been for the previous scene, Xu Wuzhou would never think that this was a cat, and would treat her as a real person.

What is the difference between it and humans at this time, at least Xu Wuzhou feels no difference at this time.

"It's just a few small tricks, don't be surprised." Li Chang's voice still rippled in such a flattering manner, causing Xu Wuzhou's blood to churn.

Xu Wuzhou calmed down his emotions: "Niang Niang's little trick has opened my eyes."

Li Chang walked to the coffee table, took a cup of tea, took a sip, and put it back on the table. Catwoman gently added another cup for her.

"If you want to learn, this palace can teach you." Li Chang smiled, her eyes filled with charm and affection.

"If that's the case, then thank you Niangniang." Xu Wuzhou thanked him.

"It's okay! It just so happens that this palace also has a favor and needs your help."

"Manny, this is to exchange with me."

Li Chang said: "It's not an exchange, I just want to ask you for a favor."

Xu Wuzhou said: "Since it's not an exchange, Niang Niang first teaches me this method of painting skin. Then I won't feel that Niang Niang is a gesture of gratitude."

Li Chang: "Also!"

While speaking, I saw her wave of her arm. Dozens of human skins hanging on the clothes rail fell into her hands.

"A creature has spirits and spirits. It is a good piece of clothing to lock its spirits on the skin and peel it off. How to lock the spirits and peel off the skin is the main difficulty of this magical power."

Peel the skin to make clothes!

What a **** and cruel word!

Li Chang seemed to know what Xu Wuzhou was thinking, and Meiyin continued: "If the technique is good, Linghua is locked on the skin, and the flesh and blood under the skin will naturally dry and fall off, and the skin will not be **** if you peel it off. Of course, if you don't dislike the skin. The quality. You can also intercept the spirit and spirit from the opponent and use other skins to carry them, and paint his appearance, which is also a good dress that can be faked.

However, the fake is fake, and the quality and the peeling of its own skin are still quite different. "

Li Chang was talking, with eyebrow pencils, needles, and scissors in front of him. His movements were gentle and beautiful, and he really taught Xu Wuzhou to make clothes.

Xu Wuzhou sat there, watching the movements in her hands intently.

This is actually a magical power, even though Xu Wuzhou feels cruel, he still has the same heart.

Since he teaches, he learns naturally.

Li Chang taught very seriously, explaining while doing it.

In the room!

A catwoman is making tea, a charming woman is teaching people to make clothes, and a teenager is quietly watching and listening next to her.

The tea air is curling up, a very quiet and harmonious picture.

"It's done, do you want to wear it."

Li Chang made a piece of clothing from human skin, which was exactly the same as Mo Daoxian.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou not wearing it, Li Chang grabbed a lazy tabby cat from a corner and helped the tabby cat pass it on.

This tabby cat instantly turned into Mo Daoxian, and Xu Wuzhou looked at it and couldn't see the difference at all. It seems that Mo Daoxian is standing in front of him!

It's just that Xu Wuzhou and Mo Daoxian are too familiar with each other, and they can still detect their true and false by perceiving them with their spirits.

"It's made of other people's skin, and it can only paint his breath, plus I don't know him well. The quality of the clothes should be poor, so let's burn it."

Xu Wuzhou is silent, this is him. If I change to someone else, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the flaws.

What a terrifying art of painting skin.

"Teach, my palace teaches, you can only learn as much as you can."

Li Chang's beautiful eyes fell on Xu Wuzhou, and she was really serious about teaching. But how much can this boy learn? Can learn some fur!

Teaching is only to express one's friendliness. You should be courteous first and then be a soldier. It is the courtesy that one should be able to walk out of one's own sentient beings.

"Thank you, Niang Niang!" Xu Wuzhou handed over to Li Chang, his soul was still consuming the black bowl of liquid crazily.

"If you are interested in anything else, this palace can consider satisfying you." Li Chang still has a gentle expression.

Looking at the charm of Li Chang, she exudes temptation all the time. With a bewildered figure, Xu Wuzhou almost blurted out: "You can make me unsatisfied."

But Jianming shook his soul, and he held it back, so he opened his mouth and said, "How can I be too greedy when I have a relationship with my mother."

Li Chang saw Xu Wuzhou smiling brilliantly, her eyes were full of water and she was watching Xu Wuzhou. This is a normal behavior for her, but it seems to others that she winks like silk.

"This house in this palace has lived for a long time, but I never knew how to name it, so the plaque outside the door has been empty. I heard that you are a young teacher in the human race. I don't know if you can name one for this palace."

Xu Wuzhou laughed and looked at Li Chang and said, "The mother arrested me with a hundred thousand people, just for such a small matter?"

"It's a big deal for this palace!"

"I wonder if the empress can tell me how to name it?"

Li Chang smiled and said, "It's very simple, just write the words on it with the Taoist command."

Xu Wuzhou nodded and said, "I understand what Niangniang means. Actually, it doesn't matter what words are written. The important thing is that the Taoist orders are written correctly, right."

"Then would you like to help this?" Li Chang asked Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou answered the wrong question: "Now I understand why the empress wants to arrest me. Those who can understand the main order are too elders, Mo Daoxian and me. Of course, too elders are more difficult to deal with. I am a soft persimmon, and I can also catch me. Save effort."

"That's what I mean." Li Chang said, "It's easiest to catch your price/performance ratio."

"Isn't the mother afraid of the Taoist orders that I haven't learned yet?" Xu Wuzhou replied.

"For the news from your human race, you have taken the Dao Palace back. You are not curious why this Palace didn't do anything before, and when Dao Palace returned to your hands, sent someone to catch the Taoist truth?"

"Understood! Do you have to use the Taoist Order to practice? Before, you felt that no one should have learned it. Now that the Taoist Palace is back in the hands of Taozong, we naturally feel that we will not miss this opportunity and will definitely learn the Taoist Order. NS."

Li Chang said: "Then what choice do you make? Do you write for this palace?"

"Help! Of course help! I am a lustful person, and I will fall under your beauty when I see a lady."


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