Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 930: Land of decay

The days are still good for you!

Xin Yunhu found metal for him, and he either practiced spiritually or drank alcohol.

With his help these days, Shi Xiong and others have been able to cultivate their foundations by leaps and bounds.

Until one day, a warrior found him and gave him an order.

"Master Danger Ran, Master Feng asks you to go and support him as soon as possible."

And those who were also ordered were Xin Yunhuxiong and Fang Quankun, and Venerable Yu gave them the same order.

Of course Xu Wuzhou didn't want to go, but received a message that made him dispel the idea of ​​not going.

"A large amount of sacred gold was found in a declining place, and there may even be Dao gold that contains great roads!"

Therefore, in front of Xin Yunhu and others, Xu Wuzhou suppressed Ning Yao forcefully, and let Shi Xiong and others wait for him in Bangye City, and he and Xin Yunhu and others rushed to the land of decline.

Ning Yao was indeed suppressed by him, but Xu Wuzhou used small means. The law of the suppressed mountain tower incorporates the law of the Five Qi Dynasties.

And these days, Xu Wuzhou also passed Ning Yao's Five Qi Dynasties Yuan Fa.

Ning Yao asked him why he understood, but Xu Wuzhou just said, "Call Dad."

Ning Yao blushed and never asked Xu Wuzhou again.

Xin Yunhu saw Xu Wuzhou suppressing Ning Yao, and sent Shi Xiong and others to guard Ning Yao, but they didn't think much.

Together with Xu Wuzhou, they rushed to the land of decline.

On the way, Xu Wuzhou chatted with them about the land of decline. A lot of information came out from Xin Yunhu and others.

"Sometimes there are some special spatial cracks in the Wandao Grottoes. When these spatial cracks enter it, they will lead to some special lands. In these lands, because they have never set foot in them. Therefore, the resources in them are extremely rich, such as the treasure medicine. It’s for hundreds of thousands of years, and it’s easy to get even if it’s tens of thousands of years."

"Such a treasure, why is it called the Land of Decline."

Xiong Yibing explained at this time: "Because of the blood! The continent that enters through the cracks in the Wandao Cave can more or less see the blood. You can imagine the blood that can survive countless years. How much to stay. And, generally on such a continent, you can find traces of the survival of some races.

So everyone guessed that it was only later that these races were wiped out on this continent. This left this empty continent. Therefore it is called the Declining Continent. "

Xu Wuzhou thoughtfully.

Coming to the magic cave again, under the guidance of people, the group quickly found the space crack.

The crack in the space lay across the magic cave like a gorgeous aurora, and Xin Yunhu and the others couldn't wait to enter it when they saw it.

Every time the Land of Decline appears, it represents a great opportunity. Venerable Yu and the others, because they had gotten a chance in the Fallen Land, they entered the ranks of the Venerable.

"Brother Wei, the declining place is weird and unpredictable, you have to keep watch and help each other."


When Fang Quankun saw the three of them isolate him, he snorted and ignored them. The Venerable commanded him not to dare to obey, otherwise he would really not want to walk with these three people.

Through the space cracks, into the land of decline. Stepping on the ground, looking into the eyes, everything is lush, like a primeval forest.

"The Land of Decline, there are no people, everything is undeveloped. So he also has a name called the Wild Land. Rumor has it that the strength is strong enough to incorporate the Land of Decline into the world of my holy race. Back then, the ancestors of the holy race The emperor, that's what happened before. Many of the Saint Race Continents were once declining places."

"I don't know where the venerable is." Xu Wuzhou asked Xin Yunhu and others.

"When you enter through the cracks in space, the area where you enter the Fallen Land is different from wherever you go. Where is the Venerable, you have to look for it. Didn't Venerable Wind give you a place?"

Xu Wuzhou thought of the position said by the person who brought the news, and wondered how he could find it if he was a road idiot. Besides, he didn't want to go to Venerable Feng.

After all, it is the existence of great power, Xu Wuzhou is still a little afraid that the other party will see him through.

"Since the Venerable is for the divine gold, we can find the location of the divine gold. Presumably, the sires will also look for it."

Xin Yunhu nodded, and looked solemnly: "This place of decline, I heard that there are many warriors who have come in. Among them are the two venerable opponents, we must be careful. Moreover, although the place of decline is not populated, the wild beasts are not. Little, the accumulation of years makes these existences very powerful. Some are even comparable to the venerable. Everyone must be careful."

Xin Yunhu was talking, and suddenly in the distance, a giant python opened its blood basin and rushed directly towards them.

The body of this giant python was three buckets big, but such a huge body was not clumsy, and it came to them in no time.

Xin Yunhu reacted extremely quickly, and his power burst out and shook towards it.

The power of the true king horrified himself, and the surrounding vegetation was directly flattened. But it was such a force that hit the giant python, and although the giant python was stopped, it never killed it.

A giant python comparable to a true king!

Xin Yunhu's face changed, and he just wanted to make another shot. Xu Wuzhou dragged him, and said to Xin Yunhu: "Brother, there is no need to care about a beast. Avoid him!"

As soon as Xin Yunhu thought about it, he and Xu Wuzhou Xiong were a group of three soldiers, jumping around, avoiding the python extremely fast.

On the way, the three also encountered other wild beasts. There were strong and weak, but none of the three shot.

There are a lot of previous materials on these wild beasts, but in comparison, the treasures that happened on the way are more valuable.

The time to kill the materials they got is better than finding a few more treasured medicines.

The treasures of the Fallen Lands lasted as short as a few hundred years.

Running wildly all the way, Xu Wuzhou saw the broken walls in some deep mountains and old forests. On these broken walls, the breath of the years, of course, has dark red blood stains, even if the years have not erased them.

Seeing these broken walls, Xin Yunhu and others' eyes turned red. Towards this one, he galloped away.

The same goes for Xiong Yibing!

The years have not completely returned the dust to the dust here, so it means that this place was a very important place in the year, and it is very likely to be one of the centers of this fallen place.

In such a place, chances are the easiest to get.

Soon, Xin Yunhu found the entrances of these broken walls and entered through them.

Compared with the wild and old forest outside, this looked desolate and tragic.

On the way, many weapons can be seen, rusty.

There were white bones on the ground, and the white bones followed them in, and all of a sudden turned into fly ash.


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