Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 931: Chen Wei

The broken wall is very vast, which was obviously a city back then.

Fang Quankun and Xu Wuzhou were not right. After he entered it, he left by himself.

The three of them walked together, walking on this devastated land, surrounded by deathly silence, which made people feel depressing.

But the three of them felt weird. Even if it was the ruins of a city, it would not be so quiet. There would be more or less worms and birds.

But Xu Wuzhou and the three people soon understood something, because they were walking, suddenly there was a burst of Sanskrit sounds from the heavens and the earth, these Sanskrit sounds with strange spiritual fluctuations invaded people's spirits and made people believe in their hearts. They had to sit cross-legged with them. Recite the scriptures with the Sanskrit.

It's just that the three people present are extraordinary characters. Although Sanskrit has the ability to erode the soul, how can it help them.

"It's Buddhism Sanskrit!"

Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing looked at each other. The saints do not like Buddhism. The saints are born with strong spiritual power. This is the racial advantage of the saints. But this advantage has become a disadvantage in front of Buddhism. Because of the strong mental power, as long as the group of bald donkeys chant the scriptures, they are extremely sensitive and very uncomfortable. Moreover, many of the secret techniques of those bald donkeys are extremely lethal to the saints.

This also led to the fact that as long as Buddhism members appeared in the saint race, they would be killed directly.

So when they heard the Sanskrit sound, both Xin Xiong looked unhappy, but their expressions were even more wary.

Xu Wuzhou was also a little surprised when he heard the Sanskrit sound.

There are Buddhism in Thirty Thousand Prefectures, and Buddhism is extremely powerful. From Wu Yao and other populations, we know that the West of Thirty Thousand Prefectures has basically become a Buddhist country, and the princes and kings have become their affiliated believers. In this regard, they are even more than the emperor. Powerful.

However, Buddhism has always been quiet. Especially the chaos of the human race, they chose the seclusion. This is not obvious in 30,000 states, and the attention is not high.

The Sanskrit chanting, listening to it, you can feel calm, and even help practice. But the three people present, who were brainwashed along the Sanskrit sound, all resisted.

But this resistance made me feel upset.

"Buddhist bald donkeys are the best at brainwashing." Xin Yunhu yelled angrily. Following the direction of the Sanskrit sound, his speed increased again.

Xu Wuzhou also wanted to know where the Sanskrit sound came from, and Xiong Yibing quickly caught up.

The real king's speed is very fast, they rushed along the sound, and finally reached a place.

This is a Daxiong Hall. Compared with the broken walls elsewhere, this Daxiong Hall is extremely well-preserved and extremely magnificent.

Sanskrit sounds are coming out from inside. Because of the short distance, the power of Sanskrit sounds has skyrocketed. Even though the three of them suppressed the erosion of Sanskrit sounds, the feeling of distraction still grew stronger.

The three looked at each other, moved closer to each other, and then walked side by side.

As soon as I entered the Daxiong Hall, I saw three golden Buddha statues.

Xu Wuzhou's eyes straightened suddenly, because these three golden Buddha statues were all made of gold, and each Buddha statue was as high as two stories. Such three statues are so heavy. How much black liquid do I have to spit out?

In an instant, Xu Wuzhou thought of a lot, and his affection for Buddhism skyrocketed. He felt that he would have time to visit Buddhism in the west of Thirty Thousand States, especially to worship Buddhism devoutly.

It's just that this kind of good mood was interrupted, and someone only heard angrily shouting: "Danger Ran, you dare to come and die."

Only then did Xu Wuzhou discover that there were dozens of people standing mighty in this great hall. Each of these people is full of vigor, showing the fighting power of the true king.

They were alert to each other, but they all looked at the Buddha's hand in the middle of the Buddha statue, holding a golden bowl on top of the Buddha, and the Sanskrit sounds oscillated from the golden bowl.

This is a Buddhist sacred object, and everyone is staring greedily.

And the one who yelled at Xu Wuzhou was a middle-aged man on the left, his eyes glaring at Xu Wuzhou with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Who is this guy?

Xu Wuzhou was full of doubts, could it be that Danger Ran's enemy was not.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou staring at him calmly, Chen Wei was puzzled. The two of them were like fire and water, and Wei Ran's father was killed by his father. Usually Weiran sees him with fire in his eyes, what happened today? Why doesn't it seem to know me!

"Wei Ran, after a few days, you won't know me anymore."

Xu Wuzhou panicked, thinking that this person is very familiar with him, but he can't let him see any flaws.

"What are you? You deserve me to know you too!"

Chen Wei was anxious and hadn't seen him for a while. This **** was actually more arrogant than ever.

"After solving the matter here, I will solve you."

Chen Wei's eyes fell on the golden bowl, and Xu Wuzhou glanced back gloomily.

"Don't wait, I'll take care of you now."

Xu Wuzhou glanced around, and saw that dozens of true kings were all jealous of each other, and they didn't dare to take the initiative to make the first bird.

Xu Wuzhou naturally didn't dare, but it didn't prevent him from muddying the water. He didn't care about the golden bowl that everyone was staring at, but he was bound to win these three golden statues.

Therefore, Xu Wuzhou directly drove the mountain tower and smashed it towards Chen Wei.

Xu Wuzhou acted domineering, his tyrannical force spread, covering the mountain tower, and falling down extremely heavy.

Chen Wei didn't think of Xu Wuzhou saying that he would shoot, but he was not afraid of Xu Wuzhou, his figure jumped, avoiding Xu Wuzhou's smashing.

The mountain tower fell on where Chen Wei was standing, and it was directly smashed and collapsed there.

"Wei Ran, what kind of thing you are, you have always been my defeated general. In the past, if Venerable Feng was not protecting you, you would have been killed by me. Venerable Feng is not here today, I will send you to death."

While speaking, Chen Wei Shenhai rioted, and a terrifying mental force rushed into Xu Wuzhou's Shenhai.

Wei Ran is not a strange existence among the true kings. He has always suppressed each other. Especially his spirit attacking method, Danger Ran is simply hard to stop.

Wei Ran suffered a big loss every time under his spirit attack. Dangerous soul is weak among the true kings.

In Chen Wei's expectation, Wei Ran would suffer a loss this time, and then he was suppressed by him until he was killed.

The attack resulting from the evolution of spiritual power fell on Xu Wuzhou in an instant, and the picture of retreating from the imaginable danger did not appear.

In front of Xu Wuzhou, the spirit of God defended, and the mental power from the impact fell on it, causing ripples, without touching Xu Wuzhou at all.

Chen Wei was taken aback, never thought it would be so.

How could the dangerous soul suddenly become so powerful?

However, Chen Wei was too late to think about it. Because Xu Wuzhou's tower came again.

Chen Wei couldn't avoid it at this time, so he could only burst out his strength to face hard resistance.

The power of the mountain tower was heavy, and Chen Wei was shaken and flew out to relieve his strength.

But at this time, I heard Wei Ran yelling and cursing: "Despicable! Actually lied to me to fight with you in order to use my strength to get close to the golden bowl."


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