Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 932: I keep it temporarily

Everyone was originally concerned about the fight between Xu Wuzhou and Chen Wei, and they only regarded it as watching the excitement. But when they heard Xu Wuzhou yelling, and seeing Chen Wei flying in the direction of Jinbo, their expressions changed.

Some people on the scene knew Wei Ran's strength. He has been defeated by Chen Wei many times, and it is reasonable to say that he is not so strong. At this moment, Chen Wei is weaker than the position where he was hit by the golden bowl.

It seems that he is really calculating the golden bowl.


Several true kings immediately became angry, and they shot together in an instant, and their tyrannical force burst out with combat skills, directly attacking Chen Wei.

One true king is enough to make Chen Wei take it seriously, and now several true kings take action together. How Chen Wei resisted, even though he burst out with all his strength, the law surged and traversed in front of him.

But the bursting power of several true kings instantly wiped out his laws, and the tyrannical force impacted on him.

He screamed, spurted blood from his mouth, left a deep wound on his body, and smashed his body horizontally.

In an instant, he was hit hard.

But at this time, before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a mountain tower smashed down.

The mountain tower was so powerful that it smashed down and carried Gu Yue's divine might.

"Danger Ran, dare you!"

Chen Wei roared, but Xu Wuzhou didn't respond to him at all, and the tower still fell. Chen Wei's horrified explosive force resisted, but he was wounded at this time, how is Xu Wuzhou's opponent to charge a blow.

The tower smashed down, Chen Wei screamed, his bones shattered, and blood spilled from all over his body.

Chen Wei's pain was about to dizzy, and his whole body was smashed into pieces of mud. He was about to waste. But watching Xu Wuzhou walk towards him, he forced himself to stay awake, and threatened in horror: "Danger, you dare to kill me, my father must I won't let you go!"

Xu Wuzhou didn't bother to listen to him, a knife appeared in his hand, and the knife slashed directly on his head.

His head rolled to the ground, and a **** figure rushed out of his body. But as soon as he rushed into the air, he was completely strangled by Xu Wuzhou's power.

"I said you don't deserve to be remembered, who remembers a dead person!"

When Xin Yunhu Xiong watched Xu Wuzhou beheading Chen Wei so cleanly, their hearts were chilled.

Wei Ran is really arrogant and cruel.

Similarly, Chen Wei died too aggrieved. This isn't just an honest death in Wei Ran's hands, it's completely caused by him.

Some people who understand Chen Wei and Wei Ran's grievances are even more weird. Wei Ran's play is too despicable and shameless.

Of course, some people also looked at the real kings who had just shot. Some people, with expressions of gloat.

Chen Wei, but the son of a venerable.

Several real kings who shot, their faces were a bit ugly at this moment. They were afraid that Jin Bo would be robbed, so they would have thought that Xu Wuzhou would kill him directly because of this.

They were also afraid of the anger of the Venerable.

"It's not a pity that this person died. I killed him today because he was inferior to others. I hope everyone will make a name for me."

With this sentence, smiles appeared on the faces of the few true kings who shot, and Xu Wuzhou was also full of affection.

Wei Ran is bearing all the guilt on himself, and Chen Wei's death has nothing to do with them, and the anger of the Venerable will not reach them.

But at this time, Xu Wuzhou heard again: "Everyone, there is one sentence that I don't know when it's inappropriate to say it."

Several real kings accepted Xu Wuzhou’s feelings, and cooperated: "Please speak!"

Xu Wuzhou looked at the dozens of true kings present, then pointed to the golden bowl and said, "There is only one golden bowl, but there are dozens of people here. It must be a **** storm to **** it. I think this No one will deny it."

The dozens of true kings present nodded, and no one dared to take the lead just now. Because everyone knows that a bird will definitely die in the early days.

Chen Wei is an example. Although everyone could see at this time, Chen Wei shouldn't have been calculating the golden bowl just now.

But deserve it! Who made him use his strength to get closer.

A real king asked Xu Wuzhou, "Brother Wei, do you have any good suggestions?"

"I don't dare to say a good suggestion. I just think: The secrets here are vast and there are still many opportunities waiting for you, but everyone is guarding this golden bowl at this time. This is not worth the gain."

"We are naturally aware of these, but this golden bowl is extraordinary. Although it is a treasure of Buddhism, it has restraint on the people of my holy race. But it also uses this to sharpen itself, if it can be refined into a controllable treasure, it is enough for us to face All the sages can fight. Such a treasure, who wants to miss it."

Xu Wuzhou nodded and said: "I know this naturally. All things grow and restrain each other. Buddhism has two sides to my holy gate. To be honest, I want this treasure too. But... Stare."

Xin Yunhu said at this time: "Brother Wei, if you have something to say directly, if it is appropriate, we can't discuss it."

The others also nodded and looked at Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou looked at them and said, "My suggestion is: I will take the golden bowl."

In a word, dozens of true kings burst out with violent killing intent, and each aura locked in Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou said: "Everyone, don't be so excited. I'm not a death seeker. How about listening to me?"

A true king said coldly: "Huh! If you can't tell a single reason, you will follow Chen Wei's footsteps."

Only then did Xu Wuzhou know that the man he killed just now was called Chen Wei.

"Oh! How do I compare with everyone?"

A true king replied: "Weiran you and I understand the law of the mountain tower. This law can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. It is not surprising in the true king, and it does not go very far. Don't talk about the combined force, even a single competition. The number present. Most of the ten people are not worse than you, and most of them are better than you."

Xu Wuzhou said: "Your Excellency said that, I am not happy. I admit that there are people who are better than me, but if you say that most of them are better than me, I don't approve it. Humph!"

Seeing that Xu Wuzhou still cares about this, Xin Yunhu smiled bitterly: "Brother Wei, you should explain what you just said. It is meaningless to discuss how many people are better than you at this time."

"I just don't want to weaken my prestige." Xu Wuzhou sneered again, "I mean it is very simple. Since everyone is much stronger than me, it is easy to kill me. Then I will keep the golden bowl temporarily. After the fall of this place, everyone will compete again."

Someone frowned and said, "You temporarily keep it, and then compete with each other?"

"Yes! Now fighting in groups, it must be a **** storm, I don't know how many people are going to die. I don't want to see the true king of my holy race fall like this, and I must die just right."

"Are you so kind?" someone sneered.

Xu Wuzhou did not answer him, but said, "Everyone has heard the Sanskrit sound of Jinbo. If you hold it in your hands, how much strength do you have to resist the erosion of the Sanskrit sound? When that happens, someone else will grab you and you will die. Is the probability high or the probability high? Everyone think about it, life is not important!"

In a word, everyone was silent. This is also the reason why they dare not take a shot. Otherwise, even if there are dozens of true kings present, some people still have the confidence to succeed and flee away.

But Jinbo restrained them, and the Sanskrit sound eroded the confidence that he did not break through and escape.

However, Wei Ran said that Jin Bo let him take it away, where is such a good thing.

Xu Wuzhou sneered in his heart as he watched them change their eyes one by one. His bottom line is the three statues of Buddha, of course it is best to get a golden bowl.

No, let you keep it temporarily!

Anyway, it will be mine sooner or later.

After all, the golden bowl is also metal.


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