Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 942: Eagle King

Fang Quankun made a decision to hold the Eagle King's thigh. He changed his previous look and looked forward and his eyes were full of slaughter. Together with the two true kings around him, he was full of breath and locked Xu Wuzhou and Xin Yunhu.

"Xin Yunhu, for the sake of Venerable Yu, at this moment you draw a clear line with him, and the city lord will let you go."

Xin Yunhu said with contempt: "Fang Quankun, I advise you to think twice. Don't regret it when it is too late."

"If you are stubborn, then the city lord can only take you down."

As Fang Quankun spoke, he brought the two true kings to the two of them.

But at this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou sigh and say: "It's really meaningless to rely on too many people to bully others."

Fang Quankun sneered. At this time, you still want to use the radical method to retreat? Think of yourself as an idiot. It's interesting for you to solve it!

Fang Quankun just wanted to ridicule a few words, but he saw Xu Wuzhou shouting, "Brother Xiong, let's have more people than them."

Fang Quankun disdain, even if Xiong Yibing participates, what can he do? The strength of the three of them is much stronger than that of Xiong Yibing and others.

But when Xiong Yibing rushed in, their eyes widened. Because behind Xiong Yibing, dozens of people followed.

Everyone was majestic, dozens of people broke out together, this momentum went straight to the sky and stirred the sky.

The aura moved toward the three of them to suppress them, just like the monstrous sea pouring down. Fang Quankun and the three felt a great pressure. They only felt that their breathing was unsatisfactory. Their bodies were burdened by mountains and rivers, and they almost fell directly to the ground.

The three of them looked at Xu Wuzhou with pale expressions in horror, their eyes full of disbelief.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou ridiculed: "Since there are more than people, then it is better than more people."

Fang Quankun and the three of them were under the aura and coercion of dozens of true kings, forcibly supporting their bodies, and muttered to themselves: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. Did you decide on your own, or did I help you?"

Fang Quankun clenched his fist, naturally he didn't want to die.

"Oh! I'll help you, Brother Xiong, in trouble."

Xiong Yibing nodded, and dozens of true kings shot directly. Although the three are powerful, they can face dozens of true kings together, how can they be opponents. Under the tyrannical strength of many true kings, he was hit hard without any suspense, and was directly suppressed on the spot.

Xu Wuzhou ignored these three people and pressed Fang Quankun's subordinate Ning Yao and the others. When he learned that it was in the inner temple, he brought a group of people out.

Ning Yao, Shi Xiong and others were taken away by Fang Quankun, and they felt that they were more ill-fortuned. Especially, after Fang Quankun attacked them and destroyed Painted Skin, even Xu Wuzhou would be in a disaster.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for them to be arrested in the City Lord's Mansion. I saw Xu Wuzhou came to rescue them and brought dozens of true kings.

This made Ning Yao and the others stunned, and Shi Xiong muttered to himself: "This is the charisma of a leader. Wherever you go, you will follow you like a cloud."

Although Ning Yao is very familiar with Xu Wuzhou, the demons who see him in the world are all mixed up like this, with beautiful eyes burning, he really has unknown charm.

Seeing Ning Yao with long legs and high waist, staring at him scorchingly, Xu Wuzhou stopped her waist and looked at Fang Quankun with a wild look and sneered: "Dare to ruin my good deeds, and today I will send you a bitch. die."

While talking, a long sword appeared in Xu Wuzhou's hand, and he was about to slash towards Fang Quankun.

This scene shocked Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing, and quickly stopped Xu Wuzhou from saying, "After all, it is Venerable Feng's subordinate, Brother Wei is cautious."

Xu Wuzhou said at this time: "My saints have a distinct hierarchy. How can one let a pariah shout and scream at me and other aristocrats. If we kill him today, I don't know how many pariahs think they can blaspheme me and other aristocrats."

Many true kings nodded secretly. The saints have always used blood and race theory. This is deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone in the saints, and Xu Wuzhou's words are very popular among them.

Xin Yunhu naturally wanted Fang Quankun to die, but after all, they belonged to Venerable Feng, and the two true kings were also the people of King Eagle.

Although the Eagle King had a bad background, his strength was enough to make people forget his origin.

"Brother Wei, a pariah can naturally be killed. But the faces of Venerable Yu and King Eagle will also be preserved."

Xu Wuzhou hummed at this time: "It was he who picked up the matter and opened his mouth to kill me. In that case, it is only natural for me to kill him. Brother Xin can rest assured that Venerable Yu will let Venerable Feng talk to him. Say. As for the Eagle King, my saint is still ruled by my nobles. Although he is strong, he can't do whatever he wants.

What does he want to do? Overthrow the noble blood of my holy race, let the mud legs turn over and become the master?

Humph, he is just doing it, to see if my nobleman has the most powerful person to kill him! "

While speaking, Xu Wuzhou slashed directly towards Fang Quankun. Fang Quankun wanted to escape in horror, but he was seriously injured and suppressed, how did he escape.

Seeing a knife slashed directly on him.

"No!" Fang Quankun snarled ferociously. He changed from a pariah to a true king. He had gone through many hardships along the way, and how difficult it was. But today everything is going to be empty, how unwilling!

But Longdao didn't care about his unwillingness, and directly killed Fang Quankun with a single knife. His head rolled on the ground, his eyes were still huge, blood spurted out, and the collapsed city lord's mansion was dyed red.

After Xu Wuzhou killed Fang Quankun, the long sword did not stop at all, and once again slashed towards the other two true kings.

"We are from the Eagle King, you dare to kill us."

The two roared, but Xu Wuzhou hadn't heard of it, and the long sword still slashed over.

Fang Quankun watched him, and had already shot Ning Yao, Shi Xiong and others, then he was a time bomb. Shi Xiong and others are easily dismantled. If the painted skin is punctured, Xu Wuzhou will face countless powerful men in this saint race.

Who wants to live such a day?

So although killing him is a bit troublesome, it can only send Fang Quankun to death. This will not only solve the time bomb, but also show his strong character to the outside world, making people afraid to provoke him easily.

Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing looked at each other, and they didn't expect Xu Wuzhou to be such a decisive person.

The three true kings are all big shots.

The two of Xin Xiong were a little worried, where did Venerable Yu explain?

At this time, I saw Xu Wuzhou holding Ning Yao's waist and laughing at them: "You and my brother, you can still make it difficult for you to do it. I killed them today, and you all stopped me, but it was never stopped. That's it. You just report to Venerable Yu.

There are other brothers, don't worry about the Eagle King, everything will be pushed on me. I want to see if he really wants to change the dynasty and want to destroy my noble lineage. "

Xu Wuzhou's big hat was directly buttoned on.


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