Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 943: Have you played with me

"Are you going to the magic city?"

Ning Yao was stunned when she heard Xu Wuzhou's decision. She was terrified in Bangyecheng, Xu Wuzhou was so bold as to go straight into the heart of others, he was really crazy.

The magic capital is equivalent to the land of Chaoge in the human race. Chaoge is the center of the human race, among which there are countless strong ones. There are countless hidden bosses, as powerful as the **** goddess, he is reluctant to set foot in the Chaoge, because one is easy to fall into the Chaoge if he is not careful.

The power of death in Chaoge is not one or two. Therefore, the more distinguished person, the less willing to go to Chaoge.

Human Race Chaoge is like this, the Demon Capital is naturally the same, I don't know how many Demon Powers occupies.

It would be fine if Xu Wuzhou was a member of the Demon Race, but he was a Human Race. This is like walking on thin ice in the magic city, if one is not careful, it will be dismantled. There is only one result of being dismantled, and that is death!

What's more, you who just killed the Eagle King, the Eagle King is in the Devil's Capital, and going there is even more dangerous at this time.

Shi Xiong couldn't help but persuade at this time: "Tao master, demons are all in Dragon Lake and Tiger's Lair, so I can't go there."

Of course Xu Wuzhou knew the danger, but Xin Yunhu and others suggested going there to hold a golden bowl feast. In addition, Venerable Feng also gave an order to let him go to the magic capital.

These are not problems, he can find an excuse to push it off, which is nothing to him.

It's just that Xu Wuzhou thinks the most dangerous place is the safest place. If he hides it, he will put himself in danger instead.

A character like the Eagle King, on the contrary, would not kill him in the public court. But if Xu Wuzhou looks forward and hides behind him, the other party will push the boat along the water and kill him.

He was not afraid of the Eagle King, he just used the strength of the old black bowl to use it once and once less. He was really unwilling to use it as a last resort.

Going to the song is dangerous, but on the bright side, there is no need to face those dark arrows. In contrast, Xu Wuzhou felt it was safer.

"Do you have a purpose when you go to demons?"

Ning Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou. She believed that with his ability, it is not impossible to return to the human race at this moment, but he has to go to Hushan, which is definitely purposeful.

"I found an opportunity to break through the real king, but I lack resources."

Shi Xiong asked suspiciously: "What does this have to do with the demon?"

"Of course Qumodu took some resources to help me become a true king."

Shi Xiong was speechless for a while!


What else does this make me say!

We regard Demon Capital as a Dragon Lake and Tiger Den, but you as your own resource bank, so it's so natural to say that. How do you feel that you are not the leader of my human race, but the demon king of the demon race.

"Madu will definitely be of great benefit to your practice, and you just use this to achieve the God Realm." Xu Wuzhou said to Shi Xiong.

Shi Xiong really didn't want to go to the magic city, but he looked at Ning Yao, then at Xu Wuzhou, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Xu Wuzhou smiled and said: "Don't worry, after you go to the magic capital, it won't take long for me to have someone **** you back to the human race."

Everyone didn't take this seriously. Escort them back to the human race? Xu Wuzhou can do it when he becomes the Demon King!



Dao Gong has just finished the second Daozong event.

With the foundation for the first time, there is naturally no difficulty in holding the second time. Therefore, at the request of Dao Sect, the Dao Sect forces in the world's 30,000 prefectures once again gathered in Dao Palace.

This grand event mainly affirmed Xu Wuzhou's achievements. He gave a high degree of recognition to Xu Wuzhou's purging the Dao Sect, and on this basis, he continued to persist and engage in special tricks.

Secondly, it is to inform the world. Xu Wuzhou was taken to the crypt by the demons, and he was fierce.

As the true biography of Dao Zong, Xu Wuzhou served as the acting suzerain for a period of time. How could anyone in the Dao Sect sit back and watch when he encountered such an unpredictable experience? How can Terran sit and watch?

Therefore, he will discuss with the emperor as the Taoist master, and the princes and all parties of the Taoist sect will rescue Xu Wuzhou together.

This matter is the most important thing for Human Race.

Mo Daoxian swears at the Daomen event on the spot that he will not give up unless Xu Wuzhou is rescued.

After finishing these things, Mo Daoxian went to the Human Palace on the same day. Discuss with the emperor to fight the demons together.

I heard that because he was too worried about Xu Wuzhou, his words were fierce, and the emperor was furious and wanted to drive him out of the palace.

For this reason, Mo Daoxian and Renren had a battle in the palace.

The three old servants in the palace are all senior real kings. They shot together, and Mo Daoxian was able to block it, and finally drew with the three servants.

This result left everyone stunned and unbelievable.

In their memory, Mo Daoxian's cultivation level has always been poor. Many people think that he may be the Transcendent God Realm, and at best, the other side realm.

But what he didn't expect was that he actually fought against the three old true kings.

People can't look good, Mo Daoxian is so powerful?

This kind of strength, he should not be the weakest among Dao Zong old nine peak peak masters. He, the original talent for cultivation is equally evil.

Wu Yao and others were also taken aback, Mo Daoxian's strength exceeded their cognition.

"Junior brother! Have you reached the true king?"

"Went to the Demon Cave and the Demon Race Continent. You also know that there is the most benefit to the human race's cultivation. Coupled with the help of some treasures, there is nothing strange about becoming a true king."

The peak masters thought of the treasures brought back by the junior brother, thought of the help of the magic lamp, and Daozong's special reasons, he could understand it even though he was surprised.

"Wu Yao, you take people down to the devil's cave, and you must bring Xu Wuzhou back. He is my Dao Sect's hope, and there is no room for loss."

This **** Wu Yao has actually become Xu Wuzhou's **** confidant. What are the iron rods of Xu Wuzhou? This time, in order to save Xu Wuzhou, they had to go to the devil's cave.

First distract your people, and then slowly seize power. It's just that the kid is too despicable, and many people are very secretive, and he doesn't know who his people are. These days he recruited and convinced many Taoist martial artists to stand on his side, and he did.

But later discovered that most of them were arranged by Xu Wuzhou. They had been ordered long ago, and as long as he came to solicit, he would agree.

Made! Shameless!

Mo Daoxian felt that to secure the position of Taoist master, some methods were needed. Not in a hurry, he went to see Mo Ji's place, and the kid left Mo Ji's place.

I want to come to him in the cave, with his strength and means, I don't have to worry too much about security. But being trapped in the cave is normal.

During this period of time, he could control Dao Sect by various means.

For example, this grand event is completely praising Wuzhou and saving Xu Wuzhou, and no one can fault it. This is what Xu Wuzhou's influence is doing for himself.

When Xu Wuzhou came back, he said that practice was important, and asked him to concentrate on practice and put him in confinement.

Dare to grab my position as Taoist master, boy, have you ever played with me?


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