Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 944: Strong

Holy capital!

Eagle King Mansion.

A man with eagle nose and harrier eyes sits high in the main seat, with more than a dozen warriors below. The weakest among them also has the breath of a true king.

"Who is Wei Ran? Does he know that those two are the king's people?"

"I heard that it was someone who knew that he was an adult, and he started to kill. According to the information received, Wei Ran is a hard-core pedigree, and has always emphasized that noble descent cannot be tarnished. City Lord Minye can also be regarded as a first-class noble. , But he scolded one by one, and in the end he slashed it. It can be seen how conservative this person is in his heart."

When the Eagle King heard this, his face was green and white. He is the leader of the new aristocracy, and he has always wanted to lead everyone to become aristocrats, so that all the saints can recognize their blood.

But the theory of saint descent is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is extremely difficult to do.

After a while, the Eagle King asked, "Where is he now?"

"I am coming to the Holy Capital."

This sentence made the warriors present were all astonished, wondering if this guy was stupid, and he came to die at this time.

Sure enough, they heard King Eagle speak: "Although this king has a hard time, it is not a small true king that can be insulted. Don't think that the king doesn't know what he thinks. He thinks that the saint is the concern of all parties. The point is, I think this king will not attack him, thinking that the most dangerous place is the safest place. It is ridiculous! Shangguanhong, you take someone to bring him, this king wants him to kneel and beg me for mercy."

Shangguanhong said, "Okay. But what if he doesn't come?"

The Eagle King sneered: "Don't come? Then you will catch him! Hmph, a little true king. He thinks that he will be scrupulous about his identity and not attack him, but he doesn't know that a noble with a hard-core pedigree brought him to his surrender. Meaning."

"Yes!" Shangguan Hongying promised and left soon with someone.

When the Eagle King saw him leave, he said to a martial artist on his left: "Venerable Wood, go and press the battle. If Shangguanhong can't bring the kid back, then you will kill him."

Venerable Mu was taken aback for a moment, he was a mighty power. Is it necessary to come forward to deal with a little real king?

The Eagle King said: "This king just wants to tell him that there is no end to being smart. This king is not the kind of person who follows the rules, and the sage can't protect him."

Venerable Mu saw the Eagle King's killing intent and stopped talking, and went out after Shang Guanhong.


A group of people came to the holy capital mightily.

The sacred capital is magnificent, even more spectacular than the human race songs, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

Shi Xiong and others stood outside the city gate of the holy capital, sighing in their hearts, they never thought that one day they would be able to enter the magic city. It's just a pity, it wasn't Human Race who made it into the Holy Capital.

Xu Wuzhou and Xin Yunhu and the others talked, laughed, and went into the holy capital together. It's just that I haven't walked a few steps yet, but I saw one person blocking everyone's path.

The person stared at Xu Wuzhou with scorching eyes, and said coldly: "Danger Ran, Ying Wang would like to please."

This sentence made many true kings look solemn, and their eyes suddenly looked at Xu Wuzhou. They didn't expect the Eagle King's revenge to come so quickly, and they didn't want to wait for a moment.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at the opponent, then calmly said: "Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

While talking, Xu Wuzhou led the crowd to move forward.

Shangguanhong glanced at the crowd and said, "This is just a matter of danger. If you want to be an enemy of Lord Eagle King, you can join in."

This sentence gave Xin Yunhu and others a glimpse of each other. The Eagle King is so powerful that even Venerable Rain and others dare not provoke him.

This is the absolute strong, one of the strongest of the saints.

Shangguan Hong saw these people shocked and looked at Xu Wuzhou with a sneer: "Please, Lord Eagle, please."

Xu Wuzhou did not stop, dragged a jade box in his hand, and walked forward: "You are in the way."

Shangguan Hong was taken aback for a moment, whether this kid hadn't heard what he said clearly.

"Dangerous, Lord Eagle King wants you..."

It's just that before Shangguanhong finished speaking, he saw a machete slashed directly at his head. This machete was swift and domineering, opened and closed, and went straight to his head.

Everyone was stunned. No one had thought that Xu Wuzhou would just do it. This meant that King Eagle would not be considered.

Dangerous, too domineering and arrogant!

Shangguanhong didn't expect it to be such a situation. As the confidant of the Eagle King, he wouldn't dare to take it lightly even if he was able to meet him. But the person in front of him cut his head at a disagreement.

He reacted quickly, running power, and the whole person's energy spewed out, turning into a rainbow light, and the runes spewed out, forming a huge shield in front of him, and the rainbow light and the long knife collided together.

He is very powerful, and is considered a first-rate powerhouse among true kings. But in any case, I never imagined that the other party would directly kill people, and I couldn't burst out 10% combat power in a hurry.

Although the long sword was blocked by him and removed most of its combat power, there was still more power to slash at him.

His face changed, and he turned his head to avoid it. The long knife had never been cut on his head, but on his chest, it made a deep blood mark.

The blood fell on the street little by little, the sound of falling was clearly audible, and there was deathly silence all around.

Xin Yunhu and others all worshipped Xu Wuzhou. They thought Xu Wuzhou was arrogant enough in Bangye City, and now they know that he suppressed his nature at that time.

"You are so bold." Shangguanhong blocked the blood dripping with aura, fire spurted out of his eyes, staring at Xu Wuzhou firmly.

"Who is I Dangerous? A descendant of the royal family! Where are you Shangguanhong? Ten generations of ancestors are untouchables. You are such a lowly thing, you are worthy to yell at me? This knife did not kill you, you are lucky. Say it again. , Get out of me."

Shangguanhong's scolded face was green and white, and he glared at Xu Wuzhou: "You don't want to die?"

"Looking for death? You mean the Eagle King? Ha ha. You look up to the Eagle King, the Holy Capital is not yet his turn to call the shots. Yes, he is very powerful. The most powerful person, you can kill me with your fingers. But. So what? Although his strength is strong, his ancestors are also untouchable in the eighteenth generation. Now that he is crowned king by strength, can I bow my head because of this?

Within the saints, nobles are nobles. I am in danger of having the backbone of a nobleman. The head can be broken, and the dignity cannot be lost.

What is he? Can also be called to the descendants of my royal family, come and go? "

Xin Yunhu and others listened to Xu Wuzhou's scolding, but felt a rush of blood rushing into their minds.

Yes, they have been ridiculed by Fang Quankun these new aristocrats over the years, scolding them for the wine and rice bags lying on the tomb of their ancestors. Being insulted by a group of untouchables is simply a shame. Xu Wuzhou's scolding uttered their hearts.

Of course, I also admire Xu Wuzhou more and more.

Not everyone has the courage to scold the King Eagle, the supreme powerhouse.

"Say it again, get out of here!"

Xu Wuzhou stared at Shangguanhong with murderous intent.

For a time, the warriors who followed Shangguanhong doubted life.

They are here to clean up Xu Wuzhou. It stands to reason that they are the strong side. How do you feel now that they are the weak being bullied.


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