Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 946: You just leave you

After Xu Wuzhou's words fell, a warrior walked out from the side of the street.

He was dressed in a green robe, his appearance was slightly old, and there was no ferocious aura on his body, but when he walked out, the expressions of Xin Yunhu and others in the room changed.

Venerable Wood! The power of the King Eagle!

There is great power, and it is a giant in any place, even in the Holy Capital.

No one thought that in order to deal with Wei Ran, a small real king, it would not be enough to send a first-class powerhouse like Shangguanhong, and he actually sent a great power. Eagle King, is this really shameless?

Venerable Mu came out and glanced at Shangguanhong. He really wanted to curse a word of trash. Even if he couldn't take any danger, he would let him take action. The Eagle King was about to be laughed at.

"Wei Ran, if you follow Shangguan Hong, you will still be alive. But when the deity appears, you must die."

Xu Wuzhou said: "The Eagle King really looks up to me. It's a great honor for me to even kill me personally by Da Neng."

Venerable Wood said: "The Lord Eagle knows what you plan to do. He thinks the Holy Capital is special and has many people. He will not attack you. But Lord Eagle is going to kill you and tell some people that they are nobles. You are not qualified to curse a pariah."

"Hahahaha!" Xu Wuzhou laughed, spitting, "Nobles? Are you worthy too?"

Xu Wuzhou was as arrogant as ever, not paying attention to Venerable Mu at all.

At this moment, Ning Yao and Shi Xiong were both secretly worried. Xu Wuzhou said before that the most dangerous place is the safest place. But the current situation was completely different from what he had expected. The Eagle King insisted on killing him regardless of his identity. Under this circumstance, how could Xu Wuzhou face the revenge of the most powerful.

Venerable Mu was reprimanded. He didn't get angry, but calmly said: "Give you two choices. Kneel down and beg for mercy to leave the whole body. If you are stubborn, then you will frustrate your bones and ashes."

After Xu Wuzhou heard this, he sneered and looked at Venerable Mu and said, "In my opinion, people who practice to the Mingdao realm are not too stupid. But now it seems that practice has nothing to do with a person's IQ. Otherwise, You would not say such naive words."

Venerable Mu walked towards Xu Wuzhou: "Coldness and sarcasm can't change your destiny."

Xu Wuzhou sighed and said: "You still don't understand! What you want to kill is actually not me, what you want to kill is actually the tradition of the holy race, the blood of the holy race. How can the Eagle King and you have the ability to do such a thing? ."

Venerable Mu frowned, Xu Wuzhou's words were too obscure. He understands a bit, but not very well. I just feel that since he has stepped forward, how difficult is it to kill a true king?

He didn't want to talk nonsense with Xu Wuzhou either. Since the Eagle King ordered him to kill Wei Ran, then just kill it. As for what he meant, there is no need to understand now.

Therefore, he continued to walk towards Xu Wuzhou, the avenues of laws on his body surged, and the world was bound by the avenues at this moment, and everyone present felt that their avenues were suppressed.

This is the power of great power, even if it is as powerful as a true king, it is like a child in front of him.

But Xu Wuzhou stood there, but didn't avoid it. He just looked at Venerable Mu with sarcasm, and didn't put him in his eyes at all.

His expression angered Venerable Mu. What qualifications does a weak person have to despise power?

Therefore, a strong breath burst out in his hand, and he suddenly grabbed Xu Wuzhou's throat, trying to crush Xu Wuzhou's throat in one fell swoop.

Xu Wuzhou still didn't move, he was waiting. After the layout was so long, he didn't react at all if he didn't believe it.

If there is no response, then you can only be a traitor, take refuge in the Eagle King, and be the first person to be a traitor to the nobles.

But in this case, he wouldn't be able to stay in this holy city for long, and he was about to start making arrangements to escape from the holy land.

However, Xu Wuzhou decided to take a gamble. The bet is right, then in this holy capital in the future, he will also be regarded as a character.

Xu Wuzhou tensed his body, ready to avoid it at any time.

But Venerable Mu's blow did not fall on Xu Wuzhou's body. On the left and right sides of Xu Wuzhou, two figures burst out, and the one who was born collided with Venerable Mu.

Venerable Mu was shaken out, and at this time Xu Wuzhou found two warriors standing in front of him.

One of them he knew was Venerable Feng. The other Xu Wuzhou did not know him, but he heard a warrior shouting in the middle of the journey: "I have seen the lord!"

Xu Wuzhou knew that this person was Ye Min, the warrior of Venerable Yun, which means that the other one is Venerable Yun.

A smile appeared on Xu Wuzhou's face, and he was right.

However, this is also as it should be. He portrayed himself as a pioneer in pedigree theory. And during this time, through dozens of true kings, he has been a firm supporter of his pedigree. These news naturally spread to those who are strong in blood lineage.

The Eagle King wants to kill him, is it really just for the two men to come forward? This is just a reason, more because he wants to solve his noble vanguard.

Since the Eagle King had such an idea, the old aristocrat would naturally protect him. Otherwise, hard-core pedigrees like myself would surrender to the Eagle King or be killed. How do people on the side of the old nobles think of their leaders? Wouldn't those who are firm supporters also feel chilly.

The reason why Xu Wuzhou entered the sacred city so powerful and domineering is to attract attention and to establish his own pedigree pioneer personality.

With his repeated operations, he believed that his status was on the side of the old nobleman, and his status would not be inferior to that of a nobleman.

Then, 80% of them took action to protect themselves.

And now, I also proved what I thought.

Of course, it is not enough to save one's life. You have to do several operations so that you can enjoy yourself in the sanctuary.

Venerable Wind blocked Venerable Wood, and he snorted: "If you want to kill the Venerable, you should also ask me whether I agree or not."

Venerable Mu looked at Venerable Feng and Venerable Yun at the same time protecting Xu Wuzhou, he frowned slightly.

These two were under Prince Geng, who was the leader in restoring the ancient system. What is ancient system? It is the respect of blood! These two shots meant that Prince Geng was on the verge of death.

In this way, he can't kill Wei Ran, at least today.

However, how could a true king fall into the eyes of Prince Geng.

Venerable Mu thought of what Xu Wuzhou had said before, and at this time he understood something.

Venerable Mu can't do anything when he sees things, snorted coldly, looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "You are lucky today, but you can't live."

After speaking, Venerable Mu decisively left.

Only the next moment, there was a person in front of him.

"This saint is not your Eagle King. Come and leave if you want. What do you think of us? Today, just stay."

This sentence caused both Venerable Feng and Venerable Yun to be slightly stunned. They didn't interrupt and leave a great power, they just came to protect them from danger.

What's the situation now? How come they are going to take down Venerable Wood. It's not easy to win a Venerable!


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