Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 947: Absolutely shot

Venerable Mu was also dumbfounded, he had never thought that one day a true king would yell at him and stay behind.

He didn’t have time to say anything in the future, but he heard Xu Wuzhou say to Xin Yunhu and his party: "My brothers, I was not sure if this was a battle between the old and the new aristocracy, so I dare not let everyone participate. I’m afraid it’s just my own. The incident left the brothers in a dangerous situation. Now that I see that the Eagle King has sent out even great power for my little true king, it is obvious that this is a battle between the old and the new nobles. If you think about our bloodlines, I hope to follow suit. I shot together and took him down."

This sentence gave dozens of true kings a glimpse of each other. Although these dozens of people belong to different camps, they all belong to the same line of old nobles.

In fact, most of the powerhouses of the saints are of noble blood. After all, practice consumes resources, so it is so difficult for ordinary people to become strong.

If the old nobles were not for serious internal strife, the new nobles would not be opponents at all in front of them.

Most of the old aristocrats also have the racial lineage theory of the saints in their bones. I was extremely unhappy with the new nobles, and felt that they had tainted their blood.

In the past, no one would stand up because of fear of getting into trouble. But now that someone has stepped up, with the help of two venerables, what are they afraid of?

Not every time in life has a chance to deal with His Holiness.

Dozens of true kings have experience in dealing with great power in the land of decline, so after Xu Wuzhou's words fell, dozens of people instantly changed and cooperated, the laws blended, and the momentum was overwhelming, which was a bit stronger than Venerable Mu.

"Two Venerables, we will join hands to take him down."

While talking, Xu Wuzhou brought dozens of true kings and took the lead in attacking Venerable Xiangmu. Dozens of people shook their power together, and in an instant the energy shook and rolled out, each blooming with tyrannical killing power, like a picture drawn between the heaven and the earth, the void was distorted and shattered, and the scene was terrifying.

Venerable Mu’s face changed. He didn’t dare to look down upon it. The power of Dao Yun was bursting out. The Daoist realm was terror. The power of the Dao moved the world. At this moment, his whole person and the world resonated. Fang Tiandi respects his Tao.

Although the attack by dozens of people was strong, he was still blocked by him under the suppression of this kind of power of heaven and earth, and he was never helped.

But Venerable Wood blocked these dozens of true kings. He was not in love with fighting, but his figure was leaping rapidly, wanting to retreat from one side.

It's just that his way of retreat was blocked by the wind blade that broke through the air, and Venerable Feng blocked there.

Venerable Mu wanted to escape from the other side, but saw Venerable Yun standing there.

In an instant, he was in the middle of the three parties.

The two Venerable Fengyun stared at Venerable Mu and said coldly: "Are you going to get caught with nothing, or we will suppress you."

The two Venerables had never thought of leaving Venerable Wood, but even the true king had shot against Venerable Wood. If they didn't do anything, what would others think of them. Would think that they are not as courageous as the true king.

Venerable Mu's face was so gloomy, he thought it was a trivial task, but he didn't expect to get himself here.

Two true kings cooperate with dozens of true kings, and it is very likely that he will stay here.

Xu Wuzhou was afraid that the delay would cause changes, so he didn't want to waste time, and shouted to the two venerable Fengyun: "Two venerables, please make a quick decision."

While talking, Xu Wuzhou's law of the mountain and tower was the first to smash towards Venerable Mu.

Venerable Mu was furious, his eyes locked on Xu Wuzhou. I thought that even if I died today, I would kill you first.

Unable to escape, he slaughtered towards Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou didn't panic when he saw it. He quickly joined hands with Xin Yunhu and the others, and everyone's laws were intertwined, and they rushed towards Venerable Mu together.

They couldn't kill the Venerable together, but they had experience in jointly defending the Venerable. Dozens of people cooperated in an orderly manner, and the gathered tyrannical force collided with Venerable Mu.

There was a loud bang, and the four directions trembled, like an earth dragon turning over.

With such a tyrannical force, Venerable Wood Zhenzhen flew out. That is to say, he is in the realm of Ming Dao and has the advantage of Dao. Otherwise, the power of this kind is enough to cause him to suffer. The power of dozens of people can be much stronger than his energy.

The two Venerable Fengyun naturally seized the opportunity to attack Venerable Wood.

Fighting broke out in the four parties, and they all tried their best to shoot, the runes bloomed, and the energy exploded.

In this world, the energy swept across, and the brilliance exploded continuously.

Venerable Mu is very strong, but neither Venerable Fengyun is weaker than him. In addition, Xu Wuzhou took a group of true kings to beat him from time to time.

How he resisted the three parties alone, he was beaten constantly.

But he is powerful, even in such a situation, he is constantly fighting back and constantly trying to break out.

Even the two Venerable Fengyun were injured because of his ruthlessness, bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

But this also angered the two venerables, making their moves more and more fiercely.

The true kings of Xu Wuzhou, did they cut across with the law? Venerable Mu's injuries became more and more serious, and his aura continued to weaken.

Finally, the two Venerables in Fengyun joined forces and used the avenue to drive combat skills, turning them into two wind dragons and Yunlong's monstrous power to kill them.

Venerable Mu is inevitable, he can only force his combat skills to force, and the desperate burst of energy wants to resist.

But how he could withstand it, the three forces collided, and his combat skills exploded directly, the void cracked, and crystal fragments continued to fall and disappear.

And he was also hit, his chest exploded, blood splashed, and his body was thrown in the direction of Xu Wuzhou and the others.

Seeing this, Xu Wuzhou would naturally not miss it. Yishan Tower suddenly smashed over, trying to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Xin Yunhu and others who had the same idea as him, they also made a sudden move. The law of all bursts wants to hit a smash, and the opportunity to hit the Venerable is not always there.

The two Venerable Fengyun, of course they also chase after victory. Venerable Wood who was about to fight in one fell swoop had no backhand power, so they all broke out combat skills and suppressed him together.

Seeing that the power of the three parties was about to fall on Venerable Wood, a giant grab suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth. This grab fell sharply, and the three-room combat technique was instantly crushed.

This scene made the two Venerable Fengyun look disgusted, and they exclaimed: "The most powerful one will take action."

This sentence made dozens of true kings all discolored.

They are in danger when they are absolutely shot.

Sure enough, I saw the claws that crushed their combat skills turned into palms, and then patted everyone with a palm, like the sky falling.

This scene caused the two Venerable Fengyun's expressions to change drastically, and they retreated in horror. They couldn't resist a blow from the most powerful.

Dozens of true kings are even more pale. With such a palm, they couldn't even resist the heart.

This is the absolute powerhouse, crushing to the martial artist, standing on the pinnacle of the world.


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